
When Mechanical Heart Beats (The Story of Angela’s Lover) #MLBB

The mad scientist from lab 1718 is a secret member of an evil organization, when angela escaped his plans of imitating Dr.Baker’s creation has vanished. After moths of research and many trials he created his own artificial life creation and named in Angelo-X, he is a perfect weapon atleast for the other people on Evil Agila Organization. death, hatred, and sorrow is what he want to bring in all the creatures at the land of dawn but Dr. josseff, the mad scientist, can’t see the perfection on his work. The whole organization is using Angelo-X on their evil jobs, his mechanical heart is having pleasure while killing innocents, and his artificial brain continued to learn different things everyday. Dr. Josseff is still researching to make the perfect warrior, he is informed about the strong warriors of Eruditio, the city of scholars, he know that angela will go there to seek for help. And because he is seeing Angelo-X as a trash and failure, he plans to destroy him by giving him a mission that will took his artificial life. “You can gain my trust if you bring me Angela’s body tied up on her own strings, Dead or Alive”. Angelo-X then accept the mission with happiness that he just learned that day. Angelo-X arrived at Eruditio, he saw angela, but his mechanical heart beats faster than it should be. He dont have idea that it is love he is feeling at that moment. What will happen next? Is it possible for Angelo-X to fall inlove when he is programmed to bring sorrow?

doughnuts · Video Games
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The three warriors has started to walk to the emerald lake, miya is leading them, the emerald lake is a wondrous place, it is very magical, many elves are saying that the lake has a magical treassure beneath it. golden artifacts, powerful weapons, and a scroll that contains ancient spell are said to be inside a cave undar the lake, legends has told that a war has happend a long time ago, it is a war between dark elves and moon elves, in the middle of the war, a moon elf has fallen inlove with a dark elf, these two elves from different races wanted to end the war, they seek for the solution and they found it in a witch with immense amount of magic power the witch gave them a scroll that has a spell written on it, they were so happy because they found the solution to the war but they didn't know that the witch has tricked them, its not a solution to the war, it is a spell that can make a huge explosion and they dont have idea about it, they quickly run to the battlefield and started to cast the spell, when they have finished to pronounce every word in the scroll, a huge explosion happened, it kills a lot of elves, moon elf or dark elf including the lovers, only few of them has survived, the explosion leaves a huge pit in the ground, the war has ended because of that explosion but the race of the dark elves and moon elves became endangered. The survivor of the explosion has found the scroll on the pit, they are afraid that someone could use that scroll again, because of that, the moon elves and dark elves helped each other to dug a cave on the huge pit, inside of that cave they hide the scroll, they also placed al their weapon inside the cave the war has ended and they dont need that weapons anymore, and lastly they also placed golden artifacts as a sign of respect for all elves that died at that night. But the leader of the two elf race are doubting that that action is enough they are worried because the scroll might be stolen, so they used their magic power to fill the pit with water, they also use their magic to restore the beauty of the place, the old battle ground has become green grassfield with a lake in the middle of it. But for all the elves, that action is still not enough, the lake must have a guardian, a guardian that no one can defeat, a powerful monster is their idea, again they use their magic power to make a magical beast, they focus their power on the middle of the lake, it shines very bright, when they stopped, the guardian of the lake has revealed. It is a giant serpent with green scales that as hard as emeralds, and eyed that as red as ruby, it is very beautiful yet, it is also very dangerous from that day they called it emerald serpent the guardian of the lake...

While Saber, Jawhead, and Miya are on their way to emerald lake, miya has told them about that legend,

"It is very amazing, i can't wait to fight that giant serpent" Saber was amazed by the sory

"How did it become amazing? It is very scary, imagine, a giant serpent with scales that as green and as hard as emerald? My god, I'm gonna lose the oil that are flowing in my metal body just thinking of it" Jawhead replied with fright

"Please, guys no mayter what happened, please do not kill the emerald serpent, it is guarding something important, and the Land of Dawn might be in danger if someone got that scroll" Miya warned them...