
When Mechanical Heart Beats (The Story of Angela’s Lover) #MLBB

The mad scientist from lab 1718 is a secret member of an evil organization, when angela escaped his plans of imitating Dr.Baker’s creation has vanished. After moths of research and many trials he created his own artificial life creation and named in Angelo-X, he is a perfect weapon atleast for the other people on Evil Agila Organization. death, hatred, and sorrow is what he want to bring in all the creatures at the land of dawn but Dr. josseff, the mad scientist, can’t see the perfection on his work. The whole organization is using Angelo-X on their evil jobs, his mechanical heart is having pleasure while killing innocents, and his artificial brain continued to learn different things everyday. Dr. Josseff is still researching to make the perfect warrior, he is informed about the strong warriors of Eruditio, the city of scholars, he know that angela will go there to seek for help. And because he is seeing Angelo-X as a trash and failure, he plans to destroy him by giving him a mission that will took his artificial life. “You can gain my trust if you bring me Angela’s body tied up on her own strings, Dead or Alive”. Angelo-X then accept the mission with happiness that he just learned that day. Angelo-X arrived at Eruditio, he saw angela, but his mechanical heart beats faster than it should be. He dont have idea that it is love he is feeling at that moment. What will happen next? Is it possible for Angelo-X to fall inlove when he is programmed to bring sorrow?

doughnuts · Video Games
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Dr. Josseff started his experiment, he wanted to make a soldier that can bring sadness and pain using Dr. Baker's ideas, First he make a Mechanical heart by following all the instructions and notes on the diary, next he romoved the dead kid's heart and other organs, Then he gather all the materials that he needs, he modified every part the kid's body, he installed different weapons and a Mechanical wings, all the things are flowing according to plan he is not having any problem, finally, he programmed his creation to be an evil killing machine.

The kid woke up, wondering who he is, he looked up in the mirror and he saw his face. He saw a kid with black hair, pointed nose, red lips, and brown skin, but his body feels weird, his hands are as hard as rock, his body is equipped with different weapons,and his memory was gone. Dr. Josseff entered the room and surprised when he saw that the kid is awake, and the kid asked him many questions

Kid: "who am i?, who are you?, what am i?"

He is confused

Dr. Josseff: " You are my latest creation, oh! I haven't given you a name yet, let's see... you can fly, you can explode a whole city with your power, you were made from a real human body, therefore you are EXCEPTIONAL, and you are the opposite version of angela, so i will name you

ANGELO-X, X for exceptional... hahahah, i really have a brilliant mind to come up with that name"

Beta: "but doctor, the word exceptional is starting with letter E... so his name must be ANGELO-E..."

Dr. Josseff: " it sounds like X so i will choose X coz X is cooler than E, by the way why are you here dumb robot, get out of my sight, just guard our prisoner before i order my new creation to destroy you"

Kid:" ANGELO-X... Thats my name, are you my father?"

Dr. Josseff: " NO! I'm not your father, i am your creator i made you to follow each and every command and request that i will demand, you will bring sadness and pain in the land of dawn"

ANGELO-X: "So im not a human, what am i?

Dr.Josseff: "you are a weapon, and you will follow everything that i will say"

Meanwhile Beta is on his way to guard their prisoner Dr. Baker, when he enters the cell he was shocked because he saw his twin brother Alpha giving Dr. Baker food to eat...

Beta: " What are you doing? Doctor told us that we shouldn't gave him water"

Alpha: "But Beta, he is starving, if we don't give him food he will die"

Beta: "but doctor will destroy us if he founds out that we are not obeying him"

Alpha: "i know, but he will never find out, you will not tell him, i cant afford to let an innocent die because of me, he already made us kill an innocent young boy, and i will never let that happen again..."

Dr.Baker: " is that what he told you? That you will be destroyed if you don't obey him? Did he also say that he is your creator?"

Beta: " yes! One morning we woke up and he was there saying that he made us."

Dr. Baker: " well i see... are you still feeling guilt when he is giving you evil and foolish commands?"

Alpha: " yes doctor! Everytime we destroy houses and get something from others, we can't help but feel guilty, but we can't disobey him because he has the remote that can trigger the bomb inside us, we dont want to be distroyed until we found who we really are"

Dr. Baker: if that's the case, then he didn't really removed your conscience, he just replaced your mimmory chips that are located in your arms, Alpha, you are right handed because your memory chip is located at your right hand, and it is also the reason why you are left handed Beta, if you can get your old memory chips, you can regain your memories, you will know who you really are."

Beta: " thank you for that information doctor, we will steal our memory chips from him, that evil monster has made us do what we don't want to do, I WILL KILL HIM."

Dr. Baker: " NO! Wait for the perfect time beta, for now do everything that he says or he will destroy you using the self destruct remote control, wait for the perfect timing, wait for angela and the reinforcements from Eruditio..."

Beta: " okay doctor, but promise that you will replace our memory chips after we take that from him"

Dr. Baker: " i will, my sons"

After that beta went to Dr. Josseff's laboratory, when he enters no one is in there, Dr. Josseff and other scientists are at the testing room to test everything that

ANGELO-X can make, he searched for their old memory chips, he looked everywhere, then he opened the cabinet where Dr. Josseff's research papers are hidden, there he found a jar with a label "memory chips of the twins". But when he was about to get the jar, he heared many footsteps that are approaching to his location, as he close the cabinet the door of the lab has opened...

Dr. Josseff: What are you doing here?

Beta: " i.... am looking for you doctor, i am thinking that you might want something, do you have any commands doctor?"

Dr. Josseff: " no I don't have, will you excuse us for a momment? Me and the other scientists have someghing important to discuss..."

Beta: "okay doctor as you wish"

Beta leaves the laboratory, the meeting is started. Dr. Josseff is doubting on angelo-x's abilities, he thinks that he cannot be a weapon beacause he is so weak, he want to destroy angelo-x because he was disappointed, but the other scientists has opposite opinions, they are amazed by angelo-x's power and abilities, one scientist has suggested that they should give angelo-x diffent missions to proove his excellence.

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