
When Mechanical Heart Beats (The Story of Angela’s Lover) #MLBB

The mad scientist from lab 1718 is a secret member of an evil organization, when angela escaped his plans of imitating Dr.Baker’s creation has vanished. After moths of research and many trials he created his own artificial life creation and named in Angelo-X, he is a perfect weapon atleast for the other people on Evil Agila Organization. death, hatred, and sorrow is what he want to bring in all the creatures at the land of dawn but Dr. josseff, the mad scientist, can’t see the perfection on his work. The whole organization is using Angelo-X on their evil jobs, his mechanical heart is having pleasure while killing innocents, and his artificial brain continued to learn different things everyday. Dr. Josseff is still researching to make the perfect warrior, he is informed about the strong warriors of Eruditio, the city of scholars, he know that angela will go there to seek for help. And because he is seeing Angelo-X as a trash and failure, he plans to destroy him by giving him a mission that will took his artificial life. “You can gain my trust if you bring me Angela’s body tied up on her own strings, Dead or Alive”. Angelo-X then accept the mission with happiness that he just learned that day. Angelo-X arrived at Eruditio, he saw angela, but his mechanical heart beats faster than it should be. He dont have idea that it is love he is feeling at that moment. What will happen next? Is it possible for Angelo-X to fall inlove when he is programmed to bring sorrow?

doughnuts · Video Games
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8 Chs


Dr. Baker was one of the founders of Lab 1718, an institution created with the aim of bringing peace to the world. But because his colleagues fell deeper and deeper into the damaged human robbery experiments, Dr. Baker feels he has no choice but to go and pursue a new project.

Toward the ethics of human experiments in question, he sought to create new life forms, only from mechanical frameworks, puppet rings, and synthetic leather, and finally, a new generation of artificial life was born. Dr. Baker firmly believes that love and hope are the greatest discoveries of mankind, so he programmed the most touching stories of the world into the hearts of his new creation. One sunny morning, Peace Android Prototype 1 awakened from his bed, and Dr. Baker endowed this adorable mechanical angel, her name is Angela.

Angela follows Dr. Baker, study hard to understand the world, and hope to meet the high expectations of doctors. However, their peaceful life together was immediately cut off. When the mad scientist Lab 1718 heard a rumor that Dr. Baker has created a soul that lives outside the human body, they can not believe it. They convinced themselves that Baker had betrayed them, keeping this knowledge to himself before escaping, and so they ordered his past creations. Baker, Alpha and Beta to hunt down Dr. Baker and his creations. When the pursuer approached them, Dr. Baker inserted Angela into the flight capsule, instructing her to find her best friend. Rooney. However, the flight capsule was struck by a terrible horrific storm, and landed in a distant corner of the Land of Dawn. Emerging from the ruins, Angela begins her journey to see Dr. Rooney, and save his father.

Note: this chapter is all about Angela's Background story in the game, all the credits at this chapter will be at the writers of MLBB

Ps. Read the story aynopsis if you want to have a clue on what will happen