
When Mankind Falls

Tragedy struck a divided world in the form of an otherworldly disease. It is up to a collection of select individuals to seek out a solution or face the reality of mankind's fall. (Do be warned that mature subject matters and situations will be explored throughout the story.)

Dr_Son · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Enter the Forest (Part 3)

 Gale thought back on the events that transpired before they arrived to the forest. She wasn't paying attention all that much as they walked but Rumin was trying to get her attention. The recollection of her voice was vaguely heard, but it had to be something worth noting as not soon after, an outburst broke out.

 Her expression soured as one thing came to mind. The last remarks of Rumin before she departed meant something important, and what connected the dots were the words Ume said:

"Are we just going to pretend that everything is fine?..."

 She sighed briefly, pressing a fist against her skull as the pieces were starting to come together. Her thoughts were interrupted however, as an unfamiliar voice rang out from the surrounding trees:

"Seems that there's finally some company out here. Though, not quite the kind I was expecting to bring some 'flavor' to this serenity~."

 Gale instantly took on a fighting stance as a feminine figure made itself known. It was difficult to discern their species as it seems to be a mix of features from various creatures. What remained a constant were their horns, that bear a resemblance to a faun but designed in the manner of a ram, decorated with with flower-like growths.

 Her skin had a fluorescent, emerald glow, giving the appearance of purity. However, the bark-like coating that envelopes her hands seemed to depict the opposite perception. The area around them flourished with greenery and flora as she finally responds to the cautious Gale.

 "Be at ease my child. There isn't anything to be alarmed of. I've only come out of pure curiosity, but it seems that the timing couldn't be further from ideal." She raised a gesture of peace using her hand, which seemed to have worked in lowering the level of suspicion lingering about.

 "sigh~... Maybe you can help me out here... I've heard that the Keeper is a very helpful individual. Think you know where they are?" She didn't know any better and spoke casually, resulting in the woman to stifle a snicker.

 "I know of a lot of things that goes around in this forest. Though, I do believe this isn't the time for me to play any games with you; so allow me to inform you on the one that which you seek."

 For a moment, the air around them started to pick up in speed, only to calm down to a soft whistle as the woman held an orb within her right hand. "Least you've heard of me, but do not fret. I've already seen you more times than you may think. Would you kindly do me the honorifics of sharing your name now that I've met you in person?"

 She bowed respectfully, leaving Gale confused for a moment. As the pieces finally started to sink in, the woman interjected by taking a step forward, getting a good look of Gale as if memorizing her appearance. "Ermengarde Parysitas... Keeper of the Forest at your service."

 Gale's eyes widened at he realization, immediately bowing in a haphazard manner, instructing the woman to wave her hand. "No need for the honorifics my child. In fact, the only thing you should be concerned about is the current dilemma that you're experiencing."

 Ermengarde looked at the direction that the others departed at and focused her attention back to Gale, who only seemed to be perplexed by the entire situation. "I heard that you've had a little 'falling out' with your sibling. Your friends were wise in their respective takes on the matter, but you've been the one that was most 'out of touch' as they put it."

 She swirled her spare hand over the orb, causing its glow to swirl inwards as if it was being drained of its luster. She gestured Gale to rest her hand on top, which worried the young croc, but out of reluctance, she heeded the instruction. "If I'm to be honest, you're almost the spitting image of one of my children.

 Not by blood of course but he was a precious resident of this very forest and I owe him a great debt. Perhaps you've already encountered him..." The dark side of the orb started to glow and swirled into the bottom half, creating a whirl of colors that eventually greyed out, displaying a foggy image that soon became clear.

 Gale was struck with awe as she gazed into the image presented, recognizing that it was an reenactment of her memories being displayed in front of her. The Forest Keep was surprised at first, but felt a cordial ease in her heart knowing that her 'child' was still how she remembered him to be. "So that's what he's been up to all these years...

 You're a very lucky child to have such a Father. I can see why there was some resemblance of him in you. Although, I do apologize for invading your personal space, but it was out of my own assurance. Not many tend to be truthful as of recent."

 Gale was puzzled by the woman's remark. "You know my Father??? I find that a little hard to be honest with you, but I shouldn't doubt the words of someone of your stature... So what was he like during his time here?"

 The Keeper could only chuckle in amusement. "A bit of a long story, but he was better than most men. May be my bias, but he has only shown qualities that put him in a serene light, despite the usual hiccups in temperament.

 It was thanks to him that this forest has lived to grow into the lush splendor of an environment that it is today. Those were some grueling times to say the least. I probably wouldn't even be around in the state that I am now if it weren't for him."

 Her expression grew somber for a moment before addressing Gale's question properly. "We got along rather well during his duration. Ever since the day he saved the forest, he never showed his face again... Though, if it wasn't for the ones responsible for that event taking place, he may have still been a permanent denizen here...

 Guess that would mean that he wouldn't have been able to meet you two and start making a new life for himself. Fate sure works in mysterious ways..." She held the orb to her chest, cherishing the memory of her child as Gale came to a conclusion.

 "I wasn't all to sure at first, but that story he used to tell us when we were little makes sense. To think that was actually him is what's difficult to sink in. Like why would he choose to go through all of that just for people who caused nothing but problems for him?"

 The question was a difficult one to answer, but the Keeper had one reply that fits the bill:


 "Your Father knew well of the consequences that would've befell the ones that laid waste to the forest. They were prominent figures that existed even longer than I have been alive. Their reputation was at stake and the result of that loss would've been less than ideal for everyone moving forward.

 It wasn't an easy choice to make. While he would've been a hero in the face of many, he would've lived with the memory of tossing the lives of his only friends to do so. He knew that it wasn't their fault entirely, but many tend to forfeit in the face of constant adversity."

 The winds grew silent as the Keeper explained further. "Some things are better worth saving but you'll probably learn that when you're older. Which leads us back to the dilemma between you and your sibling. I'm sure you've figured out why she's upset by now."

 Gale nodded her head. "Maybe... Best I can tell you right now is to confront her as directly and honestly as possible. I haven't been the best sister ever so it appears..." She felt like an idiot, but there was no time to wallow in what has come and gone.

 "At least you've made up your mind. Just one last thing before I lead you to your destination." She took a moment to put away the orb by turning it back into a green essence to be absorbed back into her.

 The air has returned to the forest, but the news it brought was concerning for the Keep to hear. "A rather peculiar creature has took upon itself to put your friends on the menu. They're doing their best right now to not become part of the food chain, but there's doubt that it'll last much longer...

 Do you still wish to assist in assuring their wellbeing? I know it's a bit foolish of me to ask, but when it comes to the denizens of the forest, I'm not allowed to personally interfere unless it is of great importance to its survival."

 She pointed to an old scar painted across her face. "I've long stepped over my boundaries ages ago... I do apologize for the inconvenience."

 Gale understood the statement enough, despite it being a less than favorable result. "Well let's get going. Lives do need saving after all."