
When Mankind Falls

Tragedy struck a divided world in the form of an otherworldly disease. It is up to a collection of select individuals to seek out a solution or face the reality of mankind's fall. (Do be warned that mature subject matters and situations will be explored throughout the story.)

Dr_Son · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Drama at the Ward

 The bustling footsteps of people could be heard rampantly throughout the halls. They seem to be in a rush, speaking to each other in a haphazard manner as they go through door to door. It wasn't until the sunlight beamed through an open window that one of the many patients came back to the waking world.

 A groan escaped their lips, rubbing their eyes with a grimmaced face. This alerted the attention of a passing doctor, who was roaming about making the usual routine checkups. "Oh! It appears that you're finally awake Ms. Otogi."

 A nurse resembling a wolverine entered the room and approached the bedside, taking a seat for themselves as they observe the patient. Ume tried to move her right arm but noticed there wasn't much feeling in it. One look to investigate revealed that most of it had been severed off, leaving a bandaged stub behind.

 "There was nothing we could do about your arm miss. You've went without treatment for so long that there weren't anymore healthy vessels and tissue to work with. Though I know I shouldn't ask of this, but why did you do all that?"

 Ume took some time to collect herself, looking down briefly before staring out the window. "sigh~... It goes a long while back to be honest. Back at the very first tournament to be exact. I wasn't always the Champion everyone sought me out to be..."

 A raised eyebrow came from the nurse as she continued to listen to the tale.

 "There was another fighter... One who's skill was clearly superior to anyone that participated. While I did last for a small period, it was clear that he was on a whole different league altogether.

 I lost the match as expected, but the audience... They didn't approve... Some lashed out violently, throwing things at the arena's barrier while shouting enough profanities to make a pacifist pissed. Long story short, the man was cheated from his rightful victory in exchange to grant me a boon of which I did not deserve...

 From that day, I continued to work hard, striving to achieve at least a fraction of the prowess he showed that day. Heh... Guess I've been holding onto that resentment for so long that all it took to boil over was a similar repeat of events..."

 She looked down at herself as the nurse sagely nodded. "I suppose that it isn't easy accpeting something you haven't earned when under such circumstances. Though I must ask. There has been a fair amount of time since then right? So why didn't you try to seek him out?"

 Ume looked at the nurse with a sullen look on her face. "That's the hardest part to be honest. At first, I couldn't due to the sudden rise of attention and constant intervention from my family. What made it worse was that ever since, it's like he vanished off the face of the Hemisphere. How is that even possible?!"

 Her mind was racked, trying to formulate an answer, but nothing concrete came to mind aside from a false optimism. "Maybe it was just one of those 'ghosts from the past' kind of situation.

 It wasn't until a few familiar faces entered the room that Ume's face lit up with anticipation.

 "Well look who's finally awake. Took ya long enough." Gale was first to speak up, being accompanied by her sister, Rumin.

 "Forgive me for missing the final moments of the match, but frankly, I did push myself too far when I shouldn't have..." Rumin pressed a knuckle against her own head, sticking her tongue out in a goofy fashion.

 "Come on guys~. I know we came to see her and all, but can't we look at the bigger picture here." Maya went over and tapped her stub against Ume's. "See?! Twinsies!"

 That was enough to get the whole room chuckling at the remark. Afterwards, the nurse stood up and went to get the doctor since the patient was finally awake. Since there wasn't going to be much time left, everyone gathered around Ume.

 "I'm ok guys. Really..."

 "Well you know I don't buy that one bit right?" Gale snorted.

 "She's not the only one, trust me. What you did out there really put emphasis on the term 'risky'..."

 "Standing up to a Pillar like that was definitely not something I expected to see. Though you should probably see Kazumi's room. Word has it that she became the Champion of this year's tournament since... You know..." Rumin pointed to the busy hallways.

 "That so? Guess it's for the best to be honest. Sorry I couldn't give you that fair fight you wanted Gale..." Ume slumped her shoulders before receiving a pat on the head from the croc.

 "Oh you don't have to worry about all that nonsense. A bit of a disappointment that we couldn't go all out but it'll just have to be for another time. Just don't expect me to hold back when we get to it."

 Ume chuckled in response, hugging her legs close enough to rest her head on top of them. "I haven't said this yet but... You guys are the best friends anyone could ever ask for." She looked away embarrassed but winced in surprise to be hugged by her friends.

 She felt... Happy... Maybe it wasn't deserved, but it was a necessary moment of selfishness. Not long after, a doctor resembling a mongoose made his presence known, signaling the others that visiting time is now over.

 "Don't forget to meet us before the Festival!" Those were Rumin's last words to Ume as everyone went to their separate rooms to be provided with their necessary treatments.

 Meanwhile, the Dojo was operating as normally as it ever was. However, there seemed to be a panicked individual pacing throughout the building. It was none other than Hiraku, who've had just witnessed the results of the Feral Paw Tournament.

 Dissapointment plagued his thoughts, but it was the paranoia behind it all that consumed him the most. Every passing moment felt like lightyears of torment, torturing away at his psyche harder than a hammer to a nail.

 "No no no no no! How could they do something like that?! Master would kill me if he heard anything about this? What can I do? What can I do? WHAT CAN I DO?!!"

 Hiraku was in a state of imminent distress. Everything he's built up at this point could come crashing down at any moment. It's one thing to not win the Tournament, but to tug the horns of one of the five Pillars like that!! That's just madness!!!

 Not only that, there was still the pressing issue of the proposition those women gave him. Would he really betray his Master by selling out his most prized treasures? Today was the day that he had to ultimately make a decision.

 As many times as he begged for forgiveness from a Master that was no longer present, he held back for as long as he could from taking the plunge. However, with everything stacked up against his favor like this, there didn't seem to be any other way out of this.

 "Eep!!!" He perched up at the sound of his phone ringing. A hard gulp escaped him as he looked at the private number with nervous hands. The long awaited moment was now staring right at him.

 Hesitantly, he took a deep breath and answered the call.


 "Pleasantries Mr. Hiraku. I'm sure you're well aware of the circumstance that has been presented?"

 "... Yes mam..."

 "Oh don't be sad darling~. Your product lasted fairly well for the time that it did, but lately things have 'picked up' if get what I'm saying here."

 "And you're about to tell me that there isn't any other way I can make up for the lack thereof right?"

 "Sadly, you'd be correct hun. Your market value plummeted harder than an anchor drops from a ship. Nonetheless, I wanted to confirm your agreement to the offer we made. Surely, it's irrefutable at this point to drag things on any further than necessary. Don't you agree?"

 There was a brief silence. Those words couldn't have been any more closer to the truth even if you hit a bullseye on a tiny target. Unfortunately for him, the caller was about to snap him back to reality.

 "You've had more than enough time to consider your actions sweetie. So do we have a deal or do you prefer to forfeit your life here and now?"

 "S-Sorry... I was just a bit lost in my thoughts for a moment. Much as it pains me to admit, you do have a point. It's about time I start making my own decisions for a change."

 "My~ my~. Look who's decided to grow a pair. So do we have a deal~?" The woman was intrigued by the sudden change in behavior, but kept things professional.

 With much resolve, Hiraku nodded to himself and answered. "Yes... I accept..."

 "Splendid! I'll notify my personnel on the necessary arrangements. Fare thee well Mr. Hiraku." With that statement, the caller hanged up and Hiraku nearly choked as it took him a great deal to pull off the act.

 Nonetheless, there was no turning back now. What's done is done...