

Elena tried to call Jade but her phone was switched off, she went to meet Mrs maria , "Please ma can I get a charger," "No but there's a telephone in the sitting room," Mrs maria replied.

She walked to the sitting room , picked up the telephone and dialed Jade's no, it was ringing, jade picked it up, "Hello who's on the line," jade said, "Its Elena," Elena replied, "Where are you, I've been so worried," Jade shouted, "I'm at Michael's house," Elena replied, "What!!!, babe," she shouted excitingly, "You will gist me when you get back," Jade said, "Alright bye, don't miss me too," Elena replied and she dropped the phone.

Mrs maria came to meet her, "I know you must be so tired dear, I will make some food for you dear, and ohh I forgot, you'll have to change your clothes, I will look for one of Michael's top and shorts for you change to follow me".

Michael was still on the bed with his clothes on, Mrs maria went to his wardrobe and opened it, opening it brought out a very nice scent which filled the room, "He has another room for his clothes but he just keeps this here," she said. She brought a very large top with mind your business written on it and a striped shorts, Elena collected it from her and went into the bathroom to have her bath.

Getting into the bathroom, she was marvelled, the bathroom was very big , it was like times five the size of their own bathroom, it was sparkling white, at one side, white towels were arranged, and at the other robes were hung on a hanger, there was a door, written on it was dressing room, she was surprised, he has a dressing room too.

She decided to use the shower not the bath tub, she quickly showered , took a towel and went into the dressing room, she was wowed by what she saw, suits and shoes, everywhere of different designers, she quickly dressed up in the shorts she wore, she wore the shirt and made a knot around her waist with it, she dropped her hair and was looking at the mirror, the hair made her look as angelic as ever.

Mrs maria came into the room and brought lime and coffee, "The lime will make him feel better and coffee will cool him down a bit, what would you like to eat," she said, I would like to take cornflakes when am done with him," Elena replied, "OK," Mrs maria said

She removed his cloth, revealing his very hot muscular built body, leaving him with his underwear pant, she made him sit up and squeezed some lime into his mouth, he was awake but not fully, he was just looking at her neckline, she wanted to feed him coffee, he collected it from her , he looked at from her head down, "You're hot even in shorts and a common shirt, you look like a hot angel," he dragged her up and took her to the wall, he put his hands beside her head, he leaned closer, their nose was touching, he was about to kiss her, she pushed him, "You're drunk Michael, just come and take your coffee, have a nice bath and rest," she said and left.

She went to the kitchen and met Mrs maria, I would just like to take some cereals, she said, Mrs maria gave her a pack of cornflakes, a bowl and a keg of milk, bon appetite, she said. Elena was taking her meal on the dinning table when Michael came in his white robe, he sat opposite to her staring at her taking her meal, she looked up and smiled, "You scared me," she said, he watched her until she finished eating.

She went to meet Mrs maria, "Where is the guest room," Elena asked, Michael cut her short, pls stay with me. stay in my room, he wrapped his hand around her waist, she was reluctant at first but she later agreed. She couldn't imagine she was on the famous Michael Johnson's bed, she was blushing in her mind, suddenly she just felt a hand wrapped her, she was shocked but could not say anything, he pecked her and said good night.

"Am late for work she screamed," she forgot she was not in her house, she saw Michael, she looked down and said ohh, "Good morning beautiful , how was your night, let's go have breakfast," Michael said , the table was already set, she went into the toilet, opened took a new brush from the cabinet , applied some toothpaste and started brushing. She suddenly stopped, felt her lips and remembered yesterday when Michael pushed her to the wall, she smiled and continued brushing.

He was busy waiting for her while reading the newspaper, when she finally came, he stood up and removed the chair for her to sit, after eating we have a meeting by nine, enjoy your meal. She really enjoyed the meal, she took spaghetti with tomato sauce and orange juice and after she took coloured prawn crackers, a red velvet flavoured cake, a vanilla flavoured ice cream , she ate to her satisfaction, Michael was just looking at her and smiling.

"Is this how we're going to have the meeting," Elena asked, she was still in his top and shorts and he was still in his white robe, "Yes this how we're going to have it," he replied. By nine, he placed his laptop on the table and was connecting, finally it connected.

Everyone was surprised to see Elena in shorts and a top and in Michael's house, "Good morning everyone", she said, everyone was murmuring, "What do we have here," Michael shouted, the directing manager answered, "About our new project that we are about to unleash in Miami, I have not yet figured out the best way to do this but I would need everyone opinions."

"What the hell have you been doing since," Michael shouted, "Calm down," Elena said, I have an idea everyone, she stood up, "We know in Miami, they have so many beaches and people like going there for summer, why don't we organise a summer party and dinner to advertise our company's hotel." Everyone nodded their heads, "Nice idea," Michael said with admiration.