
When Love Silently Whispers The Nightmare Of A Lover

An epic story of a young Lady in her late 20s whose life was inoculated with a twist.  Love, secrets, hunted past and present. Everyone's time counts differently, such as The events that occur in our lives. Nife was never an exemption. NIFECHUKWU as she was normally called by her Igbo mother is a woman with strong Virgo, successful in the fashion industry with the help of her close friend Collins. She had a 5-year-old son, whose father is unknown. Her life seems to be going well, only to go into cahoots after the 1-week reunion with her college close friends which marks the beginning and the reopening of her hidden past with secrets. Will she watch as her years of building go down the drain?

Ruovaf_star · Urban
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16 Chs


Third-person Point Of View

"Guess, who l saw standing outside our hotel room?" Ada implored as she sipped her tea.

"And who could that be?"

Nifes throws her question back at her.

"Mmm, just guess…" Ada told her, dragging the topic as she searched for any kind of reaction in Nife's eyes and expression.

Nife went silent in the meantime, thinking hard about who that could be. She shakes her head after trying to picture who that can be.

"Ada, can you just tell me who it was, stop piping up my curiosity." She taunts Ada with a frown.

"That's what I want, hehe," Ada countered as she chuckled.


Nife yells her name, raising her corner eyes.

"Ok, I will stop playing around." She counters, her expression turning serious.

"I saw Donald standing outside our door," she said, word by word.

Nife, went silent as she stared at Ada, her jaw dropped. 

Ada flicks her fingers in front of Nife's face, seeing her almost blanking out.



Ada let out the moment Nife blinked her eyes.

"What?" Nife responded guilty.

"You practically zoned out," Ada said as she munched on her chips.

"I was wondering what he was doing, standing outside our hotel room." Nife countered in an inquisitive tone.

Ada clicks her tongue and sighs, looking more serious.

"I wonder too…" 

"I remember asking him, but he avoided the question by asking if you are okay," Nife raised her brows on hearing Ada's words. 

"If I'm okay??" She asked out aloud.


Ada countered as she dipped her hands inside the tray containing the snacks, but suddenly stopped her actions and glanced up at Nife, raising her eyebrows as if realizing something.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Nife asks her, noticing her long stare on her.

"That's it,"

Ada utters with utmost enthusiasm making Nife eye her suspiciously.

"What is it," She implores back.

"Nife, don't act dumb!" Ada scolds her.

"Huh!" Nife looks at her getting more confused.

"It now makes sense, he came to check up on you after Toyosi's madness at the dinner." Ada analyzes her thoughts with her.

"But he gets cold feet, probably guilty in some way, I don't know of, but that's the situation," Ada concluded.


After a few minutes of silence, 

Nife burst into a loud laugh after hearing Ada's words, Ada grabbed the hand mirror on the table near the bed and checked her face to see if she had any spot on her face, and there was none.

She looks at Nife with an obvious frown on her face.

"What's so funny now?"

"There's no way Donald will be here because of me." Nife proclaims.

"Tell that lie to the Jones…" Ada countered with a deep expression and went ahead to fold her arms below her chest.

"Oh my God, Ada, don't tell me You are…" 

"Nife, You and I can see the obvious lines," Ada cut her off immediately.

"And don't play that game with me!" She added.


Nife sighs and dawns the tea in her cup in silence.

Ada observes her silently, her eyes locked on her so deeply as if they can peer through her body anytime soon.

After a few times of silence, Ada decides to pull the trigger. A doubt she has in her mind, that she had yet to conclude and come to terms with.

"Nife, You and Donald had a history during our days in college that I don't know of, right?" 

Ada asked her carefully in a low but loud tone only the two of them could hear without removing her eyes from her.

Nife almost choked on her chips at the sudden question. 

She drops the chips on her palm back to the tray feeling tensed. Licking her lips, she tried as hard as possible she could to avoid Ada's question.


The next day, 

Jide strides into the flower garden and stretches his body sideways at the same time.

"Whoa, the weather is so sunny, a good day for a good swim," he said with so much excitement in his voice.

The expression on his face takes a top-notch, the moment his eyes land on a swing chair in the garden. In a flash, he dashed towards it and sat on it comfortably. 

"Nice baby…"

He praises it in a soft tone and throws his head backward as he enjoys the movement of the swinging chair.

"Guy, You are so up. Moreover, you are having a good time at the same time. Nice one," Deji's voice interrupted his calm moments.

Jide raises his head and sees him, 

"Say that again,"

He commented.

Deji couldn't help but burst into a loud laugh, holding his stomach.

"You are sick…" Jide teased instead and they both laughed it off.

"I wonder how the others are doing?" 

Deji started.

Jide, who had stopped moving the swing chair, got up from it and started walking towards Deji.

"Who knows what the situation will be?"

The duo look at each other with an amusing smile understanding what the other means after the mood last night.

Just then, Toyosi's voice rang out throughout the calm atmosphere of the garden.

"Witnessing the sight of two beautiful men under this sunny day looks sexy…" She said in a flirty tone making the two men chuckle together, 

They exchanged hugs the moment she got closer to them.

"So what's up? Where are the others,"

Toyosi implores.

"Guess in their comfort,"

Deji blurted, which made Toyosi widen her eyes.

"What comfort?"

"Just kidding."

Deji responded with a slight chuckle.

Toyosi shrugs her shoulders at his words.

"Toyosi don't you think, you have things to do?"

Jide asked her, sounding mindful.

Understanding what Jide is implying, Toyosi rolls her eyes and sighs deeply with her hands placed on her hips.

"Whatever, I get it," 

She answered with a bit of sarcasm and began to walk back into the hotel.

Deji walks close to Jide with his right hand inside his pocket while wearing an amusing smile on his face, rubbing his well-trimmed beard.

"I told you so,"

He remarks with his eyes locked on her back.

Jide, who had a calm expression, stared at Toyosi's leaving figure with a smile, curved his lips upward into a slight frown, and looked at Deji.

"You told me what?"

"Didn't l?"

Deji retorts, smirking, teasingly.

Jide shakes his head and scolds him.

"You can remain here, bragging while I go swimming."

 He begins to walk away with his hands in his pocket.

Deji laughs hard and jugs after him.

"You can't be serious, haha!"