
Chapter 159 Mr. Elton is Very Slutty: Help Each Other

Beautiful eyes?

Before Doreen could answer, the office door was pushed open. Elton strode in, followed by Levi. When he saw Hannah, his expression was the same as usual, without any emotion.

However, Hannah greeted him with a smile, "Elton."


Doreen's breath sank.

"Why are you here?"

Elton had always been cold, and even his voice was very cold.

"I heard that Nelson Group is looking for the spokesperson for Christmas and New Year's events. So, I want to give it a try."

"You shouldn't have come to me for something like this."

"We're so familiar with each other. Can't you pull strings for me?" Teresa's tone was a little coquettish.

She was beautiful and frowned coquettishly. Even women couldn't bear to refuse her.
