
Chapter 132 Even Worse Than a Dog?

Early in the morning two days later.

The Nelson family was having breakfast when Alex sent an invitation to the jewelry exhibition.

"If you want to go, I'll accompany you."

Perhaps it was a man's intuition, but Elton always felt that Alex treated Doreen differently, so he was worried about letting her go alone.

Doreen nodded with a smile.

"Eat the steamed dumpling. It's your favorite," Elton said as he picked up a steamed dumpling for her, causing Haley to put his hands on his hips. "Dad, you're biased. I want to eat it too."

"Okay, I'll give you one too." Elton was speechless. He also gave the little fellow one, and only then did he smile with satisfaction.

A gratified smile appeared on Mrs. Nelson's face when she saw that they were getting along well.

She glanced at her elder son out of the corner of her eye.

York noticed his mother's gaze. When he looked at her, his mother glared at him in disgust.