
Calm before the storm

It was a usual day in Dhvani's life. But that's according to us. Nothing was usual for this young girl. Everyday brings lots of happenings and surprises in her life. Bag on chest, hairs scattered ice cream smudged on face, she was walking towards her shelter.

She was welcomed with the screaming and laughs of children living in the street. chatting with them for a while. she went inside her home where she was merrily greeted by her father, her life, her everything.. she smiled cheekily at his sight and soon engulfed him into a hug.

however whatever happens, not seeing mom after school can anyone of us anxious 😁😰

she ran inside to find her mom , as she entered the kitchen, she found her preparing her favourite Rajwa Chawal. dhwani smiled at the sight and went to change the clothes.

The family had a great mouth smacking lunch together.

On the surface, Dhvani was living a normal teenager's life, having loving parents, friends and what not. But who knows the girl was suffocating,even she didn't know for what she was longing, it seemed that her life was a waste.

She had a feeling that she is not supposed to be here. Far.... far in a corner of world, she was needed.