
When Life Is Darker Than Black

Author of " My Possessive Lover ❤️" *** Your Comments Are appreciated **** everything in her life was best... she had her family, friends and even now had a good and caring partner whom she was soon going to marry. she loved him as much as he loved her. but at the day of their marriage he appeared and destroyed everything she had, he killed everyone who came in his way. he just wanted her.. she was his and he can't let her escape from him. NEVER!! ****"****"" this story can include mature content.

Prachishukla04 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

chapter 3

it was already time of marriage, wedding hall was decorated with white and red rose, chattering of people and sound of musical instruments let people outside know about marriage happening inside.

outside of wedding hall red carpet was neatly placed and there was big board which had " Prachi weds Ronit" written in beautiful design.

it was very pleasing to look, waiter served juices and stater to guests to make them entertained, musicians played traditional Indian wedding music.

sometimes giggles of childrens occasionally can be heard, at the stage four priest and groom sat near fire ,

[okay, I getting like serious problem narrating about Indian wedding so please just search it on Google. there are some words which I don't translation in English so I better move ahead.]

after few mantras, priest called for bride, Mr. Kumar asked her best friends to call Prachi down in hall.

three of them immediately ran to first floor where Prachi was, beautician already left dressing up Prachi so now she was alone.

when Rubi opened that room door, they found no one inside, Arpita and shrishti looked inside bathroom and in gallery but still they didn't see Prachi at all.

as if she just disappeared. shrishti was about to walk inside when she saw bangle in corner, when she got near and took that bangle in her hand she screamed.

Rubi and Arpita ran outside in gallery and saw shrishti looking at bangle in her hand with horrified expressions.

"what happened... doesn't this bangle belongs to Prachi?? where is she?" Rubi asked as she took bangle from shrishti.

it was getting late and priest didn't wanted to good time to passed away, he once again told Mr. Kumar to call for bride.

when Mr. Kumar went upstairs he saw none of them, and he checked bathroom and gallery. finding them in gallery he sighed in relief and told them, "what are girls doing here? get downstairs, priest is asking for Prachi... wait where is Prachi?"

looking at their horrified faces his happy expressions turned into frown as he seriously looked at them and asked, " what happened? tell me honestly! where is Prachi?"

none of them had courage to tell truth to him, but they have to say it eventually.

Arpita was most courageous in three of them as she said, "uncle we found her bangle"

Mr. Kumar was horrified to hear his daughter went missing and couldn't help but feel shame and extreme pain in his heart.

he clutched his left chest tightly as he felt extreme pain, three of them widened their eyes as they quickly grabbed mr. Kumar who was falling to floor.


finding strange nil went inside room only to hear screams when he ran toward gallery he found Mr. Kumar on floor and those three friends were crying, he quickly called ambulance and Mr. kumar was admitted in hospital.