
when life happens.

Fifteen year old Tasha talks about the sudden changes in her life after she and her family shifted to the U.S. after living in her hometown all her life.

Daoist537832 · Teen
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24 Chs

The fear

Lately, the corona virus has been a popular topic of conversation. I know it's super scary but my parents are freaked out way more than normal people. my dad bought me five different types of wipes. One for my face, one for wiping the toilet seat, one for wiping my butt, one for my hands and one for just objects in general. He went to the shop nearby and bought the all of last few sanitizers left and this week, they are keen on making me skip one or two weeks of school.

I'm not sure if I like it or not but this has been my life. The whole family is locked indoors. I'm not allowed to share food, hug people and use other's things. It is scary to be scared. Everyone talks about it in a quiet tone.

This damned virus can go to hell and I wanna live a normal life. This has been a huge ride and I'm reaching nowhere.

super duper short chapter for y'all!

take care and wash your hands!



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