
when life happens.

Fifteen year old Tasha talks about the sudden changes in her life after she and her family shifted to the U.S. after living in her hometown all her life.

Daoist537832 · Teen
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24 Chs


There are some boys in my school I fancy. Not only because of their good looks but also because of their kindness, but there are some guys that are really weird, almost lonely looking and I tend to fancy them too. Some are mature, some are innocent, some are immature but not innocent but my best guy friends are the ones who I fancy the most. Not romantically, but I'm just always proud of them. They are not afraid to express their feelings, atleast while talking to me. Some of them, with bad impression on me, have the best qualities. They all take care of me like I'm their Lil sister, like I'm precious. I don't have biological elder brother but I have multiple brothers from other mothers. They make sure I'm okay all the time. they are always there for me no matter what. I'm also always there for them no matter what. They're one reason for my early maturity. They help me understand myself and others. They teach me to look at people from their point of view and not jump conclusions. These are my boys. I fancy them the most.

I have had my friends ask me what kind of boys are "my type". Honestly, I don't have a type. I can imagine myself with a serious guy and a very funny and aloof guy but one thing I care the most about, like many other people, is kindness. He must be a nice guy. Do looks matter? Maybe. I don't know. I have never dated before. I don't know if looks mattered because of you like a person, no matter what they look like to others, he'll always be real cute or handsome to you.

I think of them as distracting, but I have seen so many people who have grown because of their partner. Boys confuse me.