
When I woke up, I realized I had been reincarnated.

It revolves around the life story of a young boy who, upon waking up suddenly, realizes he is in a different world. Since the chapters are short, I will try to publish at least 4 chapters daily. Please don't mind my limited English proficiency.

Eternality · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

I Didn't Expect to Become Popular So Quickly

I was examining the new rewards I received from the system while taking a break. When I read the descriptions of the <Future Star>, <Focus >, and <Charisma > abilities, it seemed that the <Focus > and <Future Star> abilities, excluding the <Charisma > ability, could be useful for my work. However, it seemed like I had no choice but to select all of them.

Without further thought, I said 'Yes' in my mind, and as soon as I confirmed all the rewards, I began to feel my energy replenishing.

It feels like I've been recharged. Daichi-san, noticing that I was getting tired, called me to the other side of the court and this time called Kageyama to serve. After trying to receive Kageyama's serves for a while, it was Hinata, Tanaka-san, and then Tsukishima's turn. At the end of the day, we were all sitting on the floor of the gym, out of breath and exhausted, drinking our water.

"How was your first day of training?"

"Great!" Hinata seemed to be unable to give up his energy despite being tired.

"We'll train even harder for the next six days. We have club activities tomorrow afternoon, so we'll play a match together to warm up. Make sure you get a good rest."

After resting thoroughly, we started cleaning the gym. While Hinata and I quickly washed and cleaned the floor, Kageyama put the ball basket back in its place and started taking down the nets. The others closed the windows and turned off the lights, and we were ready to go home.

We didn't change out of our uniforms because they now belonged to us. So, when there were club activities, we would wear them and go to school. Besides, it was easier to wash the clothes while they were at home.

We all left school together in the evening, continuing to walk together until we reached the street. The smell of fresh food wafted from a nearby shop. As the smell grew stronger, the sizzling sounds from the hot pan became more audible.

The sign of the shop read 'Delicious Stick Sausages'. All of us were hungry due to fatigue, so Daichi-san didn't hesitate to order two stick sausages for each of us.

"Arigato, Daichi-senpai."


After thanking Daichi-san together for his kindness, we finally reached the street and began to disperse one by one. The journey back home went smoothly. When I rang the doorbell, Hori opened the door and was surprised to see me in my sports uniform for the first time, but his astonishment only lasted a few minutes.

"Welcome, I was preparing dinner. Also, a suitcase with your clothes inside arrived today. I placed it in your room. I apologize for opening your suitcase without your knowledge." Hori was truly kind and a good person.

"Thank you, Hori-nee..."

I entered the house and after changing, I went straight to the bathroom to wash up. The minutes under the warm water made me feel at ease. If I kept my eyes closed a little longer, I might even fall asleep in the bathroom. After unplugging the drain, I allowed the water to flow. I dried off my body and then used a hair dryer to dry my hair before putting on my own clothes.

After leaving the bathroom, I had dinner with Hori. My goodness, this is a real meal. Hori's unusual but incredibly delicious dishes were now heading towards my stomach.

We finished our meal and started tidying up the table together. In the meantime, the opening theme of an anime that I had turned on just for background noise was playing on the TV. We finished the dishes in the kitchen, then went to the living room together and started watching television.

We didn't forget to chat while we continued to watch TV for a while. I learned from Hori that her friend Yuki bit her arm due to hunger today.

"Our training today was exhausting too. I learned that next week we'll have a friendly match with Shikama High School, so much tougher training awaits us for the next few days. Also, the list of who will most likely play in the match will be finalized in a few days..." Will I be on the roster?

This way, our conversation with Hori continued for a few hours. Afterward, both of us were feeling sleepy, so we turned off the TV and went to our rooms. When I entered my room, I just wanted to sleep. I need to be energetic for the match tomorrow afternoon.

I didn't realize that I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.


When I woke up, I felt the need to check the time. It was still 06:43 in the morning. Considering that I needed to go to school at 08:00, I had woken up early. However, I couldn't sleep due to fatigue and soreness.

I started thinking about my <Focus > ability. I tried to focus, and began to imagine my pains subsiding. Surprisingly, my pains diminished soon, and I felt more refreshed. After washing my face, thanks to my <Masterful Hands of the Chef> ability, this time I wanted to prepare breakfast for Hori and myself. After an hour of effort, I finally managed to make the dish I wanted.

"I had mixed various peppers and thinly sliced potatoes with meat, then added salt on top." The smell was whetting my appetite. Meanwhile, Hori woke up and came to see what the smell from the kitchen was. She was very surprised when she realized what I had done.

"I didn't know you could cook."

"I cooked a few times when I was in Tokyo. I made something with what I remembered from there." Seeing that I had also prepared the same dish for her, Hori blushed and thanked me.

We were now ready to go to school. After leaving the house with Hori, we walked together as we always did until we reached the street. Our paths diverged on the street, and I started walking towards school.

With my hands in my pockets, I was approaching the school's entrance somehow. When I noticed that many other students were entering the school, I realized that I had arrived just in time.

All of our classes until noon were about Japanese Culture. I found this subject interesting because it gave me the chance to learn many things I didn't know before. So, I decided to listen attentively to the class until noon.

When I opened the classroom door, Hanagawa said, "Good morning" to me. I responded in kind and took my seat.

"Hey Finn, look at me, I heard many girls talking about you yesterday."

"About me? What did they say?" I asked again, not quite understanding what Hanagawa was referring to.

"They were saying they were thinking about declaring you the school's number one handsome guy. They even started a fan club in your name."

"Are you serious?" I had to hold back my laughter.

"Oi... I am serious!"

"Sorry, sorry... I didn't expect you to say that." My <Charisma > ability must have had some effects, but I didn't expect to become popular so quickly. This was a bit sudden...