
When I Went to Another World, All the Women I Met Fell in Love With Me

When I Went to Another World, All the Women I Met Fell in Love With Me and Things Got Out of Hand – A Carefree and Heartwarming Harem of a Man Who Fell in Love With a Death God, as He Pours His Thoughts Into a Sketchbook and Dominates All. *** A high school student with the ability to instantly memorize anything he sees becomes enchanted by a beautiful Grim Reaper he accidentally encounters. In order to be with her, he must become a god. With his incredible ability to remember skills and use them to command monsters as weapons, he sets out on a journey of training to become a god in another world. This is an adventure fantasy with ecchi theme, featuring a main character who rises quickly to become the strongest by using his skills to draw and command magical creatures. However, it is a world where women are very forward. Before he knows it, he finds himself in a situation where he must marry all the heroines he meets, including beastman maids, elves, spirits, princesses, receptionists, saintesses, and goddesses!

_NCS_ · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Sebastian

"Hey, my lord, wasn't it unnecessary to get information from Valonos?"

As they rode on Frugel, gazing at the expanse of grasslands below, Celestina asked.

"Oh, that's what you meant. It's fine; Valonos is my summoned beast, no, my summoned demon. It might trouble you, Celestina."

"No, there's nothing troubling about it. By the way, my lord, can you form contracts with creatures other than demons?"

"I became capable of that because my skill level increased. It's thanks to you, Celestina."

"Well, my lord... S-So, what will you do from now on?"

"After we get information from Valonos, I'd like to retrieve Esperanza if possible. Also, as a punishment, I plan to make Valonos clean the city's toilets and sewers for a while. It's time for him to work for the world and for others a little."

"Hahaha! As expected of my lord. Imagining that haughty fellow doing the cleaning is quite satisfying."

...Truly, I'm constantly amazed by my lord. I was surprised when he came riding on a Griffin, but the divine water, that miraculous elixir, is incredible too. I've never heard of medicine that can regenerate lost body parts; perhaps only the Saint could do such a thing with magic.

"Hm? What's wrong, my lord? Why the troubled expression?"

Suddenly, I raised my head to find my lord looking a bit lonely.

"No, I just thought you've returned to your usual self, Celestina."

"But, still... It's not often that we're alone together... Can we stay like this... close to each other?"

"Y-Yes, of course! Celestina, hold on tight!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"...Master, we'll be arriving soon."

"Frugel... How about you take a more indirect route and read the mood? You hopeless KY Griffin. At this rate, you'll never become Sebastian."

"Sebastian? What's that, my lord?"

"It's a title given to those who reach the pinnacle of being a servant. They constantly think and prepare for what their master desires. Acting only after being told is second-rate... no, third-rate."

"I-I see... I apologize, my lord. I will strive to become Sebastian!"

"Yes, dedicate yourself to it."

(...I didn't know... So, Lord Alfred had the pinnacle of butlers. Now that I think about it, he was truly exceptional...)


"That's rare, Sebastian. Do you have a cold?"

"Um... it seems Lady Celest Knight Commander mentioned me in gossip."

"What? Lady Celest did? How did you find that out?"

"Yes, as a butler, it is only natural to know such things."

"I-Is that so... (Butlers can be scary.)"

"Alfred-sama, a newcomer approaches."

"Yes, everyone, follow my lead!!"


―――― Fort Esperanza ――――

"What? Baron Valenos has set out on a campaign?"

"That fool is getting anxious for achievements... Well, it doesn't matter. It's not a situation where he would fail. It's still too early for them to discover our presence."

"Count, I will go and observe."

"Oh, Valus-dono, I'm counting on you."

"Yes, I shall depart."


"Lady Celestina! I'm so glad you're safe..."

"Sakura, you did well too..."

The two embrace each other in joy at their reunion.

"Yes, the prince saved me!"

"The prince? Who is that? I must thank him too..."

(Oh no, I should run away...)

"Who is it? Next to... Ah, the prince! Where are you going?"


"Don't laugh so much, you guys! That's why I didn't want to tell you..."

"That's right! To me, Kakeru-sama will always be the eternal prince... Ah, he was so cool... When he embraced me and said he would protect me with his life..."


"...Elder brother of the master?"

"N-No, I didn't say anything like that, and I didn't even touch her... I should've hugged her or something like that... No, it's nothing."

"By the way, Sakura-san is not from another world, huh? At first, with her black hair and the name Sakura, I thought..."

"Sure, I am a descendant who inherits Princess Sakura's bloodline. I'm happy to have the same black hair as the prince! Anyway... please stop calling me 'Sakura-san.' I want you to call me Sakura, Prince!"

"Sakura... haven't you changed your personality too much? Besides, I can have black hair too if I use my skills..."

"Hehe, are you jealous? Celestina-sama, if that's the case, it must be because of the prince!"

Sakura stares intently at me. What? It feels like we're close, but...

"Prince, please..."

"Huh? Please what...?"

"Earlier, you said 'I should have hugged you if I knew this would happen'. So, please hug me, just like that!"

"N-No, that was more of a joke or a figure of speech..."

"Husband, you should take responsibility for your words."

"Brother-in-law, that's not very manly."

You guys... Should I really hug her? Is it okay?

"Come on, Prince, give me a hug!"

"...Alright. Hug."

"Eek, it's wonderful. Please hold me tighter!"

(What is this...? Even though we're technically on a battlefield...)

"Hey... is that really Captain Sakura over there?"

"Could it be that she's been replaced by a demon...?"

"You guys, face reality. That's the real strength of the rumored beast tamer of Primera."

"Vice Captain Leon, do you know him?"

"Yeah, I've heard the reports. It's hard to believe, but once you see it, you have no choice but to believe it... Hm, what's wrong?"

"Behind you..."

"Huh? Behind? Gah, the Silver Devil!"


"...Hey, Sakura, your subordinates are in a bad state, is it okay?"

"Oh no, they brought it upon themselves, so it's fine. So, let's continue like this a little longer... hehe."

"No, Sakura, it's time for a change!"

"It's okay. Celestina-sama and I have been alone together until we came here."


"...No, it's impossible. I can't figure out what the master really wants, it's too chaotic..."

There was the figure of Flugel, alone in agony.

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