
When I Was Reincarnated As a Goblin

After getting hit by a truck, A 30 year old Shut-In gets reincarnated in another world, hunting for food, fighting hard to beat monsters, and humanoid creatures that despise goblins.

thelazywriter_3wq7 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Planning and Getting Closer to Rishya As a Goblin

Inside of the commanders tent, a discussion with the higher ups, including Goranu, was in place. All of the human higher ups were arguing with the commander about the fact that Goranu, a goblin, was a part of the meeting. 

"I know that we're desperate to defeat those damn elves, but working with a monster is too much for us even with these circumstances!"

One of the commanders says to the leading commander.

"I know that this is humiliating for some of you..."

All of them then scoff at him.

"I mean, all of you, however his capabilities are better than even some of the best leading generals. If it weren't for him, all of us would've been annihilated by the elves."

The leading commander then bows his head at all of them.

"I beg of you."

The leading commander says sincerely.All of them then suddenly become quiet and hear out the leading commander.

"So, goblin, what should we do, since the leading commander trust's you so much??"

Goranu then says in a stern voice.

"I think we should send small groups of people into the forest and spread them out, this way, we can find where the elves camp is."

The other commanders disagree and shout at Goranu.

"Are you insane!? They would get decimated by the elves if it's only a few people"

Goranu then sighs.

"Of course, I've thought of that. We will only send elite fighters who are also adept at concealment, this way, we cover more ground without getting spotted. A large group would be too slow and uncoordinated."

The commanders then calm down.

"Do these so called, commanders, not have any sense of tactics or something??"

Goranu thinks to himself. The meeting then ends, and all of them went out of the tent. While Goranu was exiting, he was met by one of the commanders.

"Just because sir Ark trust's you, doesn't mean we all trust you. Got that goblin??"

The guy then walks of flamboyantly.

"Eek, what an annoying guy that was, and what was that flashy walk out for!? This isn't a fashion show, you know!"

Goranu thinks to himself. He then goes where the other monsters are staying, not in cages, but in shabby tents you could barely call shelter.

"Hey Goranu."

Goranu then turns around, seeing Naxhia. 

"What you did out there yesterday, you were like a war general, fighting for his people."

Naxhia then get's closer and slaps Goranu on the back.

"Still not better than me though."

Naxhia then smirks and walks off, Goranu get's annoyed and shouts at him. 

"What was that for!? Come back here you damned kobold!!"

Goranu then calms down and walks to his tent. While passing by some of the other tents, the monsters went out and began to cheer for Goranu and praise him. He gets flustered and smiling from ear to ear, bowing to the monsters, and walks off. He then arrives at his tent where he finds Rishya.

"Oh it's you, haven't seen you in a while Rishya."

Goranu says. Rishya then gets angry at Goranu.

"Haven't seen you in a while, I was locked in that cell for three days while you were getting close to those damned humans!! And when I was released, I was sent to fight!? Isn't that insane?? And all you can say right now is, "Oh, haven't seen you in a while", you, urgh!! I shouldn't have followed you when we were kids."

Goranu then thinks to himself.

"We weren't kids for that long, heh"

Rishya then cries and starts repeatedly hitting Goranu's chest with her arms whilst saying "Idiot!" Repeatedly.

"Ok, ok, I get it, I get it so..!"

Goranu then grunts as Rishya accidentally broke one of his ribs. The nurse then quickly arrived and carried him to the infirmary as Rishya closely followed.

"I;m sorry Goranu!"

Rishya says to Goranu as she is crying.

"Don't cry Rishya, I'm already fine because of Mrs. Mary's "Cellular Manipulation", so I'm fi..!"

Rishya then hits Goranu at the head and looks back at him.

"I still hate you."

She says out loud, she then hugs Goranu.

"But I think I also like you."

She whispers. Goranu then hugs her back.

"I heard that you know."

Goranu says, Rishya then gets flustered and hits Goranu repeatedly.

"Fo... Forget about that!!"

Goranu then tries to get her back, and then smirks and hugs her tightly.

"And I might feel the same"

Rishya then stops and embraces him back.


She says with her face looking down. They then spend an hour just hugging..

It's been a while since I added a chapter to this dead webnovel. If you like it, comment and upvote or whatnot. If not, you do you.

--New romance brewing!?--

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