
When I Was About To Jump Out Of A Window To Escape A Marriage, I Was Reborn!

#wifespoiling When Xiao Li, a third-year medical student, is forced into an arranged marriage to an older man, two scenarios take place. In one, she jumps from her room window the night before the wedding and ends up crippled and disfigured. In the other, she finds herself reborn at the moment when she sits on the windowsill, ready to jump. She changes her mind, takes a good night’s sleep, and follows through with the wedding the next day.  In the first scenario, the fateful jump sets off a series of unfortunate events. Xiao Li despises her doting husband and grows miserable. In the second, she gradually warms up to him even as her life takes on unexpected detours. But whether in the previous or current life, she is unable to shake off her evil cousin, Xiao Yan, who seems hell-bent on wrecking her happiness.

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40 Chs

Xiao Zhengnan's Illness

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"By the way, did you get your marriage certificate?" Qin Tan asked.

Qin Xiao said, "We'll go get it after the wedding."

Qin Tan said, "Isn't the wedding over? It's over.

Go and get your certificate!"

"Oh … ?"

Xiao Li was stunned.

They had just begun to toast…

Qin Xiao and Xiao Li's wedding ended with just one sentence from Qin Tan.

Outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, Xiao Li and Qin Xiao were each holding a red book. Xiao Li looked at the marriage certificate in her hand and turned to look at Qin Xiao. "We have the certificate."

With that, Xiao Li smiled sweetly.

When Qin Tan, who was waiting by the car, saw the two of them coming out, he immediately looked at the marriage certificate in their hands with sparkling eyes. Well… they have collected it. They have settled down.

With Qin Tan's understanding of his brother, as long as he had obtained the certificate, he would definitely not let it become useless.

Qin Xiao brought Xiao Li to the car. Qin Tan smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, I have sent Uncle back. I still have something on and have to rush back to B City. My wife is in the later stage of her pregnancy and can't come this time. Next time, let Qin Xiao take you to B City to visit us."

Xiao Li nodded. "Okay, Big Brother."

Qin Tan patted Qin Xiao's shoulder. "I'm leaving. You can go on with your romantic honeymoon."

With that, Qin Tan left. After he left, Qin Xiao said, "Let's go too!"

Xiao Li glanced over. "Where are we going?"

Qin Xiao smiled and said, "Let's go home."

They climbed into the car and drove toward the outskirts of town until the car pulled up in front of a luxury villa.

As soon as the car arrived at the entrance of the villa, the door opened. After driving the car into the parking lot, Qin Xiao got out of the car and brought Xiao Li into the villa.

The door of the villa opened and a woman stood behind it. "Second Master, Second Young Mistress, you're back."

Qin Xiao nodded and turned to introduce her to Xiao Li. "This is Auntie Wu. She has been with our family for 20 to 30 years and is an elder in the family."

Xiao Li smiled and nodded at Auntie Wu. She was very familiar with Auntie Wu. In her previous life, when she lived with the Qin family, Auntie Wu had taken good care of her.

Qin Xiao brought Xiao Li into the villa. As they were walking, he said, "I just received the news last night. It's too late to renovate it. I only got someone to decorate it simply. When I have time in the future, I'll renovate it…"

As Xiao Li walked, she looked at the villa that looked no different from her previous life. A sense of familiarity rose from the depths of her heart.

She was finally living here again. This time she didn't come in that broken body. In this life, she would be happy and blessed every day of her life.

Xiao Li turned to Qin Xiao and said, "There's no need to renovate it. This is fine. I like it very much…"

Qin Xiao smiled and said, "If you like it, I won't redo it. I'll listen to you."

They went to the sofa and sat down. Aunt Wu served Xiao Li fruit and tea.

Xiao Li was really a little hungry. The banquet had just started when they were rushed to register their marriage. In order to look beautiful in her wedding dress this morning, she did not eat much.

Xiao Li picked up the snacks and ate in small bites. After she finished eating, Qin Xiao said, "Do you have any thoughts about the honeymoon?"

Xiao Li hesitated. "Can we not travel yet? Because Dad is sick, I want to spend more time with him."

"You know about Dad's illness."

Xiao Li nodded. "I just found out. You found out too?"

Qin Xiao nodded. "I just found out last night…"

Xiao Li asked, "Do you know about Dad's condition?

All I know is that he's sick, but he didn't tell me the details, so I'm not sure how serious his condition is."

Hearing this, Qin Xiao brought Xiao Li to the second floor. There was a document in the bedside cabinet in the master bedroom. Qin Xiao took it out and handed it to Xiao Li.

Xiao Li took the document and saw that it was a medical record with detailed test results…

While Xiao Li was going through the document, Qin Xiao explained, "Last night, Dad was in a hurry to marry you off. I guessed that he must have a reason, so I got someone to check on Dad's condition. I found out that Dad went to the hospital for a checkup last month because he wasn't feeling well.

Coincidentally, this hospital is a private hospital owned by the Qin family, so I checked Dad's medical records."

Xiao Li nodded. She knew that the Qin family background was not simple. It was not surprising that they had a private hospital.

Xiao Li read through the lists. When she saw the words "late-stage stomach cancer," her hands trembled so much that she dropped all the lists.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao pulled her into his arms. "Don't be afraid. I'm already contacting all the experts in this field at home and abroad. There's still hope."

Xiao Li lay in Qin Xiao's arms, tears streaming down her face. She was a medical student and knew the prognosis of late-stage stomach cancer was not good, not to mention that the cancer had already spread.

When Xiao Li first returned to this world, she had thought that she might be able to help Xiao Zhengnan to stay alive for a while longer. However, when she saw these reports, she knew that there was not much hope…

That night, Xiao Li cried in Qin Xiao's arms.

When she woke up the next day, her eyes were as swollen as walnuts. Fortunately, she didn't have to go out, so no one would see her in that state.

Xiao Li fell asleep crying in Qin Xiao's arms. In order for Xiao Li to sleep well, Qin Xiao did not move the entire night. So, when Xiao Li woke up, Qin Xiao could not move at all.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Li quickly rubbed his arms. "Why didn't you just put me on the pillow to sleep? How could you bear it for the entire night when I was sleeping in your arms?"

Qin Xiao smiled and said, "I like hugging you to sleep like this. It's fine… I'll be fine in a while."

As expected, Qin Xiao was able to move after a while. Actually, he wasn't really unable to move just now. He just wanted to act pitiful.

Seeing that Qin Xiao was fine, Xiao Li got up and washed up. When she entered the bathroom, Xiao Li remembered that she was still wearing the clothes from yesterday. No wonder she did not sleep comfortably.

"Qin Xiao, have my things been delivered? I want to change my clothes."

Qin Xiao smiled and said, "Let me ask Auntie Wu."

As he spoke, he picked up the phone at the side and dialed an internal number. "Auntie Wu, has Second Young Mistress's clothes been delivered?"

"Already been delivered and hung up in the closet."

Qin Xiao put away the phone and led Xiao Li to the closet.

The closet was next to the master bedroom. There were no other rooms on the entire second floor except for the master bedroom and the closet, so both the master bedroom and the closet were huge…

Qin Xiao brought Xiao Li to the closet. Xiao Li saw that one side was filled with men's suits, casual clothes, and sportswear in all kinds of styles.

On the other side were the ladies' clothes. Some of the clothes were very familiar to Xiao Li because they had been brought from the Xiao family. However, the clothes she had brought occupied less than a fifth of the closet. The remaining four-fifths of the clothes were new clothes with their labels still attached. These were also clothes of all styles…