
when I summon a demon

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chapter 1: The bridge

The sun had just set over the city, casting a warm orange glow over the horizon. The air was still and quiet. On the bridge a young women stood alone, staring down into the dark water below.

As she stood there, tears streaming down her face, she heard a strange noise behind her. She turned around to see a man approaching her from the other end of the bridge. He was tall and thin, with long hair that hung down around his shoulders. He wore a black suit and carried a small leather-bound book in his hand.

"Hello there," he said, his voice low and smooth. "What brings you out here tonight?"

She didn't answer. She just stared at him, wondering who he was and why he was talking to her.

The man took a step closer. "Are you thinking about jumping?" he asked.

Lily nodded, unable to speak.

The man smiled gently. "I know how you feel," he said. "I've been there myself. But there's another way."

He held out the book to her. "Take this," he said. "It's a book of magic. With it, you can summon a demon who will grant you anything you desire."

She looked at him in disbelief. "A demon?" she whispered.

The man nodded. "Yes. It's a powerful creature, capable of great things. And with its help, you can change your life."

Lily hesitated. She had never believed in magic or demons before. But something about this man and his book intrigued her. She took the book from him and opened it up.

Inside, she saw strange symbols and incantations written in a language she didn't recognize. She felt a thrill of excitement and fear as she read through the pages, wondering if this could really be true.

The man watched her with a knowing smile. "Take your time," he said. "Read through the book and decide if you want to use it. But remember, once you summon the demon, there's no turning back."

With that, he turned and walked away, disappearing into the darkness.

Lily stood on the bridge, clutching the book in her hands. She felt a strange sense of power and possibility coursing through her veins. Could this really be her way out? Could she really summon a demon to help her?

She looked down at the river below, then back at the book. She knew she had a decision to make. And whatever she chose, it would change her life forever.