
When I Start

Dea is a woman who once failed to marry because her future husband died in an accident. The accident that happened to Airon, Dea's future husband, traumatized him and even had to undergo psychological therapy. Dea had to undergo this therapy for two years however, it was not fully healed. Her parents, who wanted Dea to find happiness and forget about Airon, tried to set her up with several people. And finally, Dea made her choice on Aiden. However, it turns out that Aiden already has a lover. Aiden offers a pact on their marriage. Dee agreed. One of the agreements is their marital status from Aiden's lover. Unfortunately, as time goes by, Aiden's lover finds out. In addition, during the wedding, it turns out that without Dea knowing she is an ordinary woman. There's a lot of strange things about this woman. Complicated things are getting more and more, plus there are some problems that befell this contract husband and wife. Can they last until their marriage contract expires?

Dentik · Teen
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23 Chs

Aiden's house

After a few hours passed, the car was finally parked in front of his house. Mr. Gino as the security guard, Mr. Lastro as the driver, Bik Asih who takes care of the house or more precisely the butler at his house and several servants behind them have greeted Aiden and Dea with a smile.

Aiden unbuckled his seatbelt. Seen Dea still sleeping soundly.

"De, wake up De. It's late," said Aiden by patting Dea's cheek. There was no response from Dea, he didn't even budge a bit from his position.

Aiden decided to carry her, he got out of the driver's door and opened Dea's side door, then unbuckled Dea's seat belt and got her out of the car.

"Bik Asih please take all the things in my car, yes, everyone. Mr. Lastro, please wash my car," said Aiden and entered the house.

"Sleep?" asked oma with his eyebrows raised high on his forehead. Aiden's parents today will stay at Aiden's house, because they want to spend time with their new son-in-law.

"Yes Grandma. I'm going to my room first, okay?" Aiden said goodbye and went straight to his room, luckily there was an elevator in his house so there was no need to climb stairs one by one.

Aiden laid Dea on the bed and covered her with a thick blanket, in the middle of the bed there was a rose with the shape of love, on the right and left side of the table there was a bouquet of roses. And on the sofa there are already couple nightgowns. Aiden shook his head when he saw it all.

Knock knock knock.. there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," he replied.

"Sorry to bother you, sir," said Bik Asih, behind her were two maids carrying Dea's suitcase and hers.

The two maids are Rara and Santi, students at a university near her house. Their stature is almost the same, the height is also the same. Actually Aiden doesn't need too many servants, but the reason they work at home is to survive overseas so Aiden still employs them.

"It's okay Bik, please arrange it all, okay? I want to take a shower first," Aiden said and rushed to the bathroom.

"Yes sir," replied Bik Asih with a smile.

Aiden went into the bathroom. Bik Asih and several maids walked slowly towards Dea who was sleeping soundly. They all shut their mouths because they couldn't believe the one their master married was a beuty vlogger. Even though it was vacuumed, all the maids could recognize Dea.

"Oh my gosh! it's !?" shouted Rara, who used to be a Dea fan when she was still actively doing her vlogs, "so beautiful!"

"Shh... don't be loud," said Mrs. Asih.

"Come on. Bik Asih immediately dragged her men away from the young lady who was fast asleep.

"Hurry before the Master comes out, we must finish cleaning up all this," said Mrs. Asih, they began to deftly arrange the things in the suitcase, not even five minutes, all the things were neatly arranged.

"Ahh, Bik wants to take a photo together," Rara whined.

"Hus, you can't, let's hurry out," said Bik Asih. They came out of the master's room.

Aiden, who finished taking a shower and changed his clothes, when he opened his wardrobe he was surprised to hear a very loud sound filling the entire room.


Aiden widened his eyes and immediately turned to the source of the sound, it was Dea's fart.

Aiden slapped his forehead, slightly loving himself who would live for two years with this shameless woman.

Aiden continued his activities, when he looked at his wardrobe he realized that the wardrobe that was previously very loose was now filled with Dea's clothes, he smiled wryly to find his clothes stuck in the corner of the closet.

He took a t-shirt and casual pants, then put them on, while Dea hadn't woken up yet so he changed clothes in his room.

Aiden's phone vibrated, he hastily picked up the phone. It turned out to be from Wendy, the woman Aiden wanted to marry but had not yet received the blessing of his parents.

"Hello Wen," said Aiden to the person on the other side. Aiden rushed to the balcony of his room.

"Hello By," answered Wendy.

"What is it?" Aiden asked.

"Long time no see, Wendy misses Aiden," said Wendy spoiled on the other side of the phone.

"Ahh.. I'm sorry, I've been really busy lately. I'll see you tomorrow the day after tomorrow. Where do you want to go?" Aiden asked.

"I just want to go shopping, honey," answered Wendy spoiled.

"Okay, we'll go shopping the day after tomorrow. I'll pick you up at your apartment later," Aiden said to Wendy.

"Okay bee," Wendy agreed.

"It's been a while, I want to continue my work first. Bye," said Aiden to Wendy. The phone line was cut off. Aiden returned to his room. Seen Dea was already sitting on the bed with her hair in disheveled because of her own actions scratching her head.

"Take a shower, after this I want to have dinner," Aiden said to Dea.

"Is it late?" asked Dea who was still gathering her life, with hair like a lion's.

"Still afternoon. Come on, there's no need to protest too much," Aiden said annoyed. Aiden was tired of pretending to be nice to Dea.

Dea sighed and rushed to the bathroom, had entered the wrong room, instead of going to the bathroom, she went to the walk-in closet. Aiden just glanced at Dea, then just dumped him. Aiden chose to open the email and read some reports for him. Suddenly his stomach churns. He rushed to the bathroom.

Without babibu Aiden opened the door. Dea looks surprised because Aiden suddenly entered the bathroom.

"Aiden!!!" shouted Dee.

"Oops sorry." Aiden returned to the room again.

"Dea... Hurry up, my stomach hurts so bad!" shouted Aiden from outside.

There was no answer from Dea, of course Dea would be very upset because Aiden entered without a knock on the door. Luckily Dea was taking a bath, so her body was still covered by the foam in the bathtub. A few minutes later Dea came out feeling irritated, Aiden rushed into the bathroom because he couldn't take it anymore.

After doing his bidding, Aiden came out of the bathroom and found Dea drying her hair.

Aiden approached Dea, then said, "De, I'm sorry because my stomach was really hurting earlier."

"Hmm," Dean mumbled.

"Not mad?" Aiden asked.

"Where's your ATM?" Instead of answering Aiden's question, Dea asked Aiden back.

"What for?" Aiden asked.

"You forgot yesterday's appointment?" Dea asked angrily.

Aiden smiled wryly, and threw it away which didn't really itch.

Dea glanced at Aiden through the mirror, with her eagle eyes observing Aiden who was opening a drawer and taking out his wallet.

"Erm, here are two black cards. Then this is a house letter, it still takes time to change the owner's name. Then this is the ATM you need while here. I'll leave this one card, yes, the day after tomorrow I want to go out with my boyfriend because, "Aiden explained with a sad face.

Dea smiled narrowing her eyes, immediately took all of Aiden's blackcards.

"Can you change the owner's name or not?" asked Dee.

"Could be," replied Aiden.

"Okay, after you go out with your girlfriend, we go to change the owner's name. So here's a card for going out with your girl. All this I Hold. Okay?" Dea asked by showing the blackcard and house letter.

"Dee, don't be greedy, the agreement is my salary as long as we are married," said Aiden lasciviously.

"Didn't read another agreement? I brought all your money, Papa also told me to handle your expenses, only two years. Be patient," said Dea with a sweet smile.

Aiden resigned to see his blackcard confiscated by Dea.

"This Aiden is empty?" Dea asked, pointing to the drawer in front of her.

"Yes," replied Aiden.

"I use it, do you have the key?" asked Dee. Aiden took a bunch of keys and pulled them apart.

"Here," said Aiden, "there are some books in the top drawer, take them out and put them on the shelf."

"Okay," replied Dean.

Dea took out a book from a drawer and its contents were on the bookshelf. Then save the Blackcard, Land and house letters into the drawer.

"Come on out, Grandma has been waiting for you," said Aiden. Dea followed Aiden, they took the elevator. Dea did not expect that Aiden's house had an elevator.

The elevator door opened, Dea saw oma who was sitting relaxed on the sofa with her cup of tea.

"Grandma," said Aiden. Grandma turned towards the source of the voice.

"Eh Dea is awake, here sit beside Oma," said Oma while looking at the tea on the table. Dea sat next to Grandma.

"Grandma wants to tell you something. And this is a very secret thing." Grandma looked at Dea and Aiden in turn.