
When I Return, it's your turn.

You should suffer since to choose me......

Lizarda · Urban
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11 Chs


<p>Train stops and hearing the announcement ' it's the last stop' Ina gets down, coming back after 9 years.<br/>She tries to find a way and sees a young man waving from far, it's Nandan (her brother), they went home together happily. <br/>Ina was known as a good professor in business management, she was even invited to give lectures for tycoons all over the world, she had a lot of adventures during these 9 years.<br/>When she reached home, her parents were waiting for her at the door, everyone was so happy, they had a festival like atmosphere at home. Her father asked her<br/>" How was the journey, go and freshup yourself"<br/>Along with her mother said <br/>" You must be tired, I will cook something delicious for you".<br/>And Ina went up to her room, her brother followed her saying <br/>" Ina, don't tell me you didn't buy me anything, let me help you unpack"<br/>She said "so you are waiting for gift and not concerned about me at all ha"<br/>He said " I care a lot about you, ina "<br/>She said " ok I will give you, go out for now, I will bring it to you after I freshup,ok"<br/>He said " it's ok I can take it myself you can rest"<br/>And he starts to unpack her luggage, but she held his hand and sent him to door of her room.<br/>After pushing him out she finally unpacked her things and arranged them in her room.<br/>When she was unpacking, she took a clothes and opened them and checked if everything was in place, she had a gun under her clothes, she hides it in a cupboard under clothes.<br/>She took the gifts she bought with her to give them.</p>