
When I growup

*Excerpt* "I am thinking of taking out a loan," I rolled my eyes, and thought to myself secretly, 'what an idiot but I can help this idiot!' I began with my lecture, educating a dedicated 'servant' is the duty of the 'master'. "A loan from a bank takes around 30 years to pay off, but if you rob a bank you are out in 10," "Ah...erm...Di'ordi what's with your head?" I felt puzzled by this, I mean my logic is sound! you don't have to worry about food and shelter in prison. I mean my 'servant' is decent enough to become a big boss while in prison. "Nothing, I robbed a bank a while back but my accomplice got caught the fool spent 10 years in prison but now she's out and living well." Ah, my last life but she will never know. "f*ck!" "No need to spout such filthy words, I haven't beaten you to a pulp or anything," -- Di'ordi had lived a fulfilling life and died beside the man she loved and surrounded by the men who secretly loved her. Of course, those men had been repeatedly suppressed for the past hundred years but because they are in fact his shattered soul made flesh weakening him, he had granted them a boon to stay by her side as her friends. Upon her death, his fracture souls were then bonded to her wandering soul and followed her to the thousands of light-years away planet to be reborn and join her once again. The issue is, it became a bit complicated due to her siblings and other circumstances. --- *Disclaimer notice: the cover is not mines, credit to the original owner* original novel~ please vote, thank you~ WPC February event~

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"Bowing to a junior, isn't that a bit demeaning?" 

"Young miss Jah, I am apologising for my misconduct. Not as an elder showing respect to a junior but a servant to its master, a subordinate to its employer… Please, forgive me for stepping higher than I should in giving unwanted advice." 

"You were concerned, that I am aware of, but there is no need. It is not that I am overconfident but it is just I really wish to keep my pet and will not part with it no matter the cost…" I paused allowing my words to trail off taking a step towards her, followed by another, until I stood in front of her looking down. 

"Being a yes man suits you better. Not being an addle brain fool! Stand, I will take my leave," 

Turning away uncaring if she followed or not, I left the classroom feeling oddly furious. 

It was such a trivial thing but it almost drove me mad because of her previous insistence. 

Not paying any heed to where I walked I slammed into something solid, when I was about to fall, I was caught in a strong fragrant embrace. 

"Second miss Jah, what if it was a wall you had slammed into? Injuring yourself would cause our city to suffer a calamity." 

I froze, not recognising that voice. Pulling away I looked up to see male of mixed heritage standing tall in front of me. 

I opened my mouth to speak but could not say a word, only stare, why is it that he seems so familiar? 

As if I belonged in his arms? 

Suddenly I was dragged from those arms and embraced in another, the familiar scent filled my nose, my mind suddenly went back to my past life when I had been surrounded by those males, casually embraced while we all studied together. 

My heart stuttered in my chest aching slightly, 'I miss them so much, my descendants… Why?' 

Suddenly I felt like weeping, how annoying. 

"Young lord Chi, a girl should not be casually held. This is not your domain, please mind courtesy," 

"Courtesy? I saved her from falling, that is courtesy. As for this place being my domain or not, does it matter? I have no woman if I fancy one l can simply take her as my own." 

"You dare!" 

The boy scoffed, since I was being held a bit on the tight side, close to bones squeaking style; I could not see his face. 

Well my ears worked and their drama drew me from my depressing thoughts. 

"I dare, I am arrogant, we both are young Lords who entered this lowly place to see-" 

"Be careful with your words, insult everyone else but do not lump me in."

I pulled away, sneered and left. 

What nonsense is this? 

Am I cannon fodder between ranked males? 

Pei! Pei! 

I spit! I spit! 

Exiting the school I entered my waiting vehicle and was startled when I saw my elder sister sitting inside. 

"Sister… why are you here?" 

"Eh? Can this elder sister not visit her younger sister?" 

'No! You menace!' 

"Of course, littlest is happy to see eldest sister," I wanted to vomit in my mouth at such words escaping from between my lips but I smiled at my eldest sister and kept my emotion in check. 

"littlest, I have been away for a while, I miss you, are you being bullied at school? Do you want eldest sister to avenge you?" 

I blinked, drawing back in my seat, while this elder sister of mine leaned closer, her bright dark eyes wide, her white breathtakingly beautiful face looking back at me. 

I wanted to reach up and slap her from in front of me especially at what she did next. 

"Eldest sister, can you give this one space?" 

She smiled nostrils flaring before she took her seat. 

"Littlest, sister is here because of an important matter," sitting back I stared at my eldest sister and waited. 

The eldest sister retreated, while I watched the slight spotted pattern appear on my sister's skin before disappearing. I would have been startled before, but now, there is no need. 

We siblings have an emotional link and one where we can directly communicate with each other at will. 

What is to fear even if I am only a normal child in comparison to them?

"Youngest, you will be fifteen soon, this will be the time for you to start looking around for a suitable male," 

I nodded, this is a small matter, I have already decided on the boy who gifted me this pet while eying the boy who had brought me tea religiously. 

Choosing between them is somewhat difficult. 

My sister married not too long ago and there is no pressure, so I can say I have around ten years of freedom then. 

"Whatever eldest sister says, sister obeys." 

"Sister truly is obedient." 

Looking at the eldest sister who smiled, I turned away and stared at the buildings in the far distance flashing by. 

Sigh, fourteen years already, life truly has flashed passed at quite a speed. 

A while later; eldest sister spoke once again. 

"Our parents will be returning for your 15th birthdate. As eldest brother has said before this celebration will be held banquet style as usual, this will include a few top families," 

"Eldest sister, tell me, will this be an exceptionally large banquet?" 

The eldest sister looked away a moment, I felt her emotions through the bond.

It seemed to be a blend of annoyance, grief and rage. I felt startled by this, lifting my head to look at the eldest sister who recovered her face covered with a smile. 

"Little sister, we are not a big family with grandparents, aunts and cousins but we are powerful, because we are powerful we must abide by the rules fitting to our station."

"this youngest sister understands," 

"Eldest sister will never let you suffer any grievances," 

My gaze focused on her, I have tried to show a little bit more interest by smiling but it seems that my face would not show the appropriate display of emotions. 

Well, it didn't matter.