
when i first met you

Yami_Bharti · History
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14 Chs

chapter-2 In the anti magic cave

Continue from the last chapter -

Prince - i was here to meet you mother.

Queen caress prince's hair and say

Queen- do you want anything zen ?

Prince- mother i want go outside of the palace i feel bored.

( Because he is prince and young he wasn't allowed to go without permission queen said) -

Queen- zen ,if you wanted to go shouldn't you have gone with your father son.

Prince- father is already gone when i planned yo come mother please i will be careful and won't do anything recklessly.

( The queen is very strict woman but in front of his son she softened and approved him.)

Prince - thank you mother .

( And walk out from there then he go to the royal horses were kept and he took an apple with him and give it to his horse and then set off from the palace,he gone to the forest near the palace there was a huge ginko¹ tree he climbed the tree and sat on one of it's thickest branch and took out the infinite storage pouch ( i changed this in pouch instead of beg) and start reading it ,in the book he read about an forest in the book the forest was mentioned as legendary forest of magical creatures. He was overjoyed and was wandering inside the forest suddenly he remembered that there was a cave in the forest when the prince recalled what he had read about the cave he hurried to look for the cave in the center of the forest,he was exited to go there he walked deep in the forest that looked out of this world and unbelievably stunning by this time it was almost night and then he saw a sykee² he climbed a tree and waited until the monster pass he thought" mother says the beautiful the place is the dangerous that place is it's true indeed"

The beast was soon nowhere to be seen he jumped off the tree and was soon in front of the cave . It's already night and dark he need to take shelter too so he stepped inside without thinking once as he entered he felt a sudden chill and cool wind. He moved his steps forward the deeper he walked inside the cave the cooler he felt soon he was in the place he saw a pond bigger than any other pond and the water was crystal clear and the area near pool was Exquisite³ . Rocks of the place looked very precious.

They were sparking and some small holes on the cave's top were letting in the brightness of the moon .

It made the stones shine like pearls and the clean water of the pond was making beautiful figures on the walls of the cave , in the pond there were  white lotus were blooming in the light of moon came down by small hole and the place look unusually scenic like a place cut from heaven and placed in the forest by immortals .

The prince was speechless to see the beauty of this cave he saw some rocks were the pond and there was a figure white as milk lying on the ground the prince's eyes widened prince blinked his eyes and looked again he saw correctly there was someone wearing white robes white laid on the side of the piece of land which was surrounded by pond , prince hurried and took advantage of the rocks which were on the pond and he jumped one by one and finally landed on the side piece of land surrounded by the pond.

He go near the figure who was white and unconscious he touched the boy and was surprised that boy's body was as cold as snow he was all cold from head yo feet , the price looked at his face pale as his clothes his body was shivering because of coldness .

The boy had a pretty face and his hair is snow white color ,his body figure is seductive and resemble feminine and fragile ,his eye lashes were long and his lips had become purplish because of cold he had a mole on his upper lips. The prince thought-" he's a pretty boy" . He was already rubbing his hands to give him warmth but all was in vein he looked around him and was thinking how to take this boy out of there because the pond was cold .

He observed the situation first and observed that water of the pond was cold as ice Burg but in water form he looked for more clue he saw that the piece of land's top actually a little open from the tip of it's there was a hole .one of the biggest one from there .

He saw outside he wasn't able to see many things but he was able to see the moon , it was full moon night. Moon looked exceedingly beautiful and the prince looked at the boy's face washed by moon's light he felt like looking at a angel who fell down from heaven.

The prince felt an urge to save the boy .his body was already ice cold ,the prince start looking for a way out he looked at the rocks he jumped and came they looked much small to jump on with a unconscious person with there was a huge risk of falling on the frozen water.

The prince was about to turn then he saw something moving inside the water he looked at the water carefully- he finally remembered  a beast he read about - a glass colored snake called " heavenly snake beast" .the prince felt his heart stop but then he was returned to normal . He felt before morning they had no way of going out and the boy besides him needed warmth or else he will die soon his half blood was already turned cool .

The prince tried to make a fire by magical spell but it but it didn't worked , the cave was anti magic of outsiders.


1.ginko- a tree that has been in the world when the dinosaur exist.

2. Sykee- a creature that devourer of souls of human beings. He is more dangerous in darkness.

3. exquisite- extremely beautiful.