
when i first met you

Yami_Bharti · History
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14 Chs

chapter - 5 hurtful memories and tempest night.

Continue from the last chapter -

He was not in condition to disallow because of the new feelings that touched his heart and Making him not able to rejecting gui xiang's consideration . With a red face he nodded and said -

Ahn yun - "okay gui xiang" .

They both were lying on the bed next to each other but not so close there was a bit blank space between them .

Ahn yun when he laid on bed again started thinking about the beautiful and sweet moments he had with his parents and he end up remembering  the night his parents got killed by the demon . 

Friends i am gonna use a flashback story of how Ahn yun's mom dad were killed by demon .

I am using this type of writing to tell the flashbacks -

Ahn yun's dad was a physician and he was well known by villagers and if anyone gets sick they come for him . His mother was an kind and beautiful woman .

One day mo hong (Ahn yun's father) was washing some medical herbs in backyard . And Mo Ana ( Ahn yun's mom ) was cooking dinner and Ahn yun was helping her a man came .

Mo hong was in backyard so Mo Ana asked Ahn yun to tell the uncle ( wu biu ) Wait and sit .

Mo Ana - " A - yun tell your father to come . "

Ahn yun - " yes mother"

And he went to the backyard and said to his father-

Ahn yun -  "father uncle wu is here and waiting for you."

Mo hong - "Okay , A - yun father will go with uncle Will you wash the plants for me "??

Ahn yun - " yes father "

And Mo hong came to wu biu . Wu biu said -

Wu biu - " brother mo hong my mother is sick can you please come and check her?"

Mo hong - " yes brother wu "

And mo hong took his medicine box and go to Mo Ana -

Mo hong -  "dear I'll be going with brother wu , you and Ahn yun be careful . "

Mo Ana - " it's soon going to get dark come soon and be careful ."

Mo hong come to wu biu and said -

Mo hong - " let's go brother wu "

Two hours passed and sky is already dark it's already late night and both Mo biu and Ahn Yun hadn't eaten dinner and waiting for Mo hong . Mo Ana is not feeling something right she said to Ann yun -

Mo Ana -  A - yun you wait and look for home and mother will be looking for dad .

Ahn yun - " mother i can go you may stay at home "

Mo Ana - " A - yun be good son you don't know the path i am afraid you'll get lost in forest so just look for home mother will be soon home with father


Ahn yun - " okay mother take care and come soon "

Mo Ana pat Ahn yun's head walk out the home as she walk out worries and a fear can be seen in her face , she walked straight some steps then she heard a scream she ran and the scene she saw made her eyes widened , blood drained out from her face her face was all white , she screamed loudly.

What she saw was a two headed giant.«Dusky Dark snake demon» Mo hong was lying on ground in front of the demon all bloody his clothes and body covered in blood , she run towards her husband , Mo Ana held Mo hong's hand and she was crying and sobbing she . Before she can scream for help the demon hit her by his long and sharp spiked tail . Her body slammed on the ground near Mo hong's body her hand still holding Mo hong's hand. The demon's one head looked very pleased.

In Ahn yun's side-

He was waiting so long and he was already feeling very uneasy and worried he tightly shut the gate and took a step it was lightly raining he walked straight. His steps were fast the rain was increasing then he heard roars of two animals he thought two animals must be fighting but these roars were far more loud and fierce , he decided to go that way and what he saw , Ahn yun saw a giant demon that was sucking blood from his parents body . His body froze and his face went pale. He shouted loudly and ran towards his parents up until now the rain was heavily showering , Ahn yun looked at the demon's one head looked aggressive , Ahn yun  horrifically and angrily stared at the demon who was about to use his tail to hit him but it stopped the demon turned his face to head jointed with him , -

Aggressive head-

What don't disturb i am having fun are you even demon you didn't even sucked their blood don't you need to fill your stomach to live , Don't ruin my fun let me have fun with this little shitty thing .

Second head -

You are full aren't you . Don't kill him he already lost his parents let him go , look how pitiful he looks . You don't need to suck his blood he looks weak . You don't need to finish someone's whole seed . Don't be a reason to get cursed by whole family.

Aggressive head-

Shit, you destroyed all fun , fuck you let's go .

The rain already turned into hailstorm it was lightning the demon roared loudly And disappeared in woods . Ahn yun was crying and cursing the demon . He cried his lungs out . Lightning was striking . Ahn yun don't know when he passed out due to crying so much . That time he didn't know that from this night he started fear lightning.

He opened his eyes when sun's hot rays hit his face and he felt all hot ,  He collected himself accepted the reality and digged two rabbets on ground and burried his mother and father . And placed flowers on their mausoleum . During all time he was crying . He spent afternoon and evening there crying and pleading Mo hong and Mo Ana to come back.

At night he went back to his home . That was deathlike¹ not a sound can be heard he felt lonely and his home uninhabited .

«End of flashback.»

At first ghey both were lying on the bed with gui xiang's head facing the wall and Ahn yun's head facing gui xiang's back head . Even Ahn yun was awake because of his thoughts his eyes were tightly shut , he was awake and in pain by his hurtful memories . Gui xiang was not sleeping either he just laid on the bed next to Ahn yun .

After sometime gui xiang turned his face at Ahn yun's faceAfter sometime gui xiang turned his face at Ahn yun's face .

Suddenly they heard a loud sound of lightning then a heavy rain started after that it was lightning loudly again and again . Ahn yun's body was shuddering. His past's all bad memories came in his mind his parents blood drained faces and their dry body . Ahn yun was shivering like he was thrown on ice and catched ckld, not only he was shivering and shuddering ( trembling) he was crying as well . Tears were falling down from his golden eyes , gui xiang's eyes were open he saw him all shivering and crying he felt his heart twinge² he raise his hands pulled Ahn yun in his embrace , Ahn yun's head was on gui xiang's chest . This time because of someone next to him or because of a feeling being protected by someone Ahn yun was shivering less. Because Ahn yun's body was trembling less  Gui xiang thought that Ahn yun felt comfort and looked down to Ahn yun ,  Ahn yun with tears still falling fron his eyes looking at gui xiang , when gui xiang looked at him, he was looking at gui xiang with an expression like asking him ( gui xiang ) , why ( Ahn yun's expression)

But Ahn yun was not angry nor he was looking displeased³ . He was just looking at gui xiang as the why look was because he was questioning, that why he ( gui xiang) was worrying for me , why he is comforting me and why he is so good towards me , gui xiang easily read this all questions and only caressed his hair and lightly kissed on his forehead. Ahn yun was surprised but he no longer felt any fear and his tears stopped . He looked relaxed . Gui xiang didn't said anything he pulled Ahn yun more close and caressed his hair until he fall asleep . Ahn yun was already tired because of wandering in forest and because of much crying he fell asleep.

A/n -  ( here i give note the exect meaning of some words which has so many meaning with explanation. )

1. Deathlike - resembling death. Deadly.

2. Twinge - A sudden sharp localized pain . ( Of a part of the body ) suffer a sharp localized pain.

3. Displeased - make someone feel annoyed or dissatisfied.

4. And by tempest night i mean a hail and Strom night.