
when i first met you

Yami_Bharti · History
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14 Chs

chapter - 12 just a dream or warning.?

Continue from the last chapter -

After that Ahn yun entered the heaven official palace and legally adopt Ye yao as his little brother and contract that if anything happens to Ahn yun , Ahn yun's all money, property and respect will be given to

Ye yao . And back to his Mansion laid on his bed while thinking about tomorrow , at least he was going with his lover , he was satisfied with it .

In gui xiang's mansion -

Gui xiang was sleeping and dreaming -

They both were in mortal realm ( human world) .

He saw himself in a forest , he was lying on ground but not so comfortable . He was paralyzed! He saw Ahn yun's figure floating on the air heading to him , it was not the first time he dreamed about Ahn yun but he never saw himself paralyzed and to add more worries to him , Ahn yun who was heading towards him and floating on air was looking more fascinating and immaculately shining and empyreal¹ and his aura was emitting magnificence² . He looked immensely³ holy and ethereal⁴. Gui xiang was looking at him in a daze  then he landed in front of gui xiang with the beauty leaving everything behind and smile that can Grow pure even a demon's heart he looked at gui xiang . Ahn yun was in his soul state. Ahn yun raise his hand towards gui xiang's face and stroke his fingers gently on his face and caressing. Gui xiang was at lose of his words he could only say -

Gui xiang - " baby...

Ahn yun - " gui , i need to go for now. I will back . Wait for me."

Gui xiang -  " what are you talking about , let me free myself then we will talk."

Ahn yun - " i don't have much time left , please take care of yourself. Love you gui . Wait for me ."

Gui xiang - "you will reborn where, when , Baby Don't leave me.....

Ahn yun - " you will know when you see me , take care love."

After saying that Ahn yun's body was turning into cherry blossoms and flew with wind , leaving no Traces behind him. Gui xiang's hand holding Ahn yun's wrist hang on air just like that .

Gui xiang - " no , no wait.... Ahn yun....

:  Dream over :


And with a loud scream of saying Ahn yun gui xiang woke up with heavy breathing and sweating all over his face. He was only wearing his inner robe. He rushed hurriedly get up from bed and wear his outer robes and rushed to Ahn yun's mansion. It's still midnight, when he reached his Mansion he went to Ahn yun's bedroom's window and sneak in , je was greatly terrified that he squeeze tightly the sleeping deity in his arms. Ahn Yun woke up and tried to push , but after when he saw gui xiang he let gui xiang hold him.

Ahn yun noticed how tensed and horrified gui xiang was looking , and he was breathing heavily. Ahn yun thought -

I have never seen him this uneasy before just what things made him like this.

And he hugged him back and caressed his back . After holding Ahn yun for long time , gui xiang felt his hold was too tight then he lossed his tight grip on him, Abn yun understood that Gui xiang's mantle state is stable now he touched gui xiang's face and gently strokes his fingers on his cheeks then said in very gentle voice -

Ahn yun - " Are you ok now ??"

Gui xiang - " yes "

Ahn yun - " will you tell me........gui?!......??

Ahn yun's words only reached me and gui xiang hold both of his hands and said -

Gui xiang - " you are not allowed to go anywhere, you can't do that , you are not allowed to leave me."

Ahn yun - " gui.....

Gui xiang - " say you won't, say that you will never leave me."

Ahn yun - " of course no , what are you saying , why I will leave you , why are you thinking this."

Gui xiang's eyes tear up and his voice full of grief and sorrow he said -

Gui xiang - " baby , please never leave me , my life is nothing without you."

Ahn yun was Motionless to see him crying like this and pleading . He felt his heart aching, he said -

Ahn yun - " Don't worry , i am not going anywhere, I won't leave you. Why i will leave the one i love . Don't think too much , in This lifetime even you said me to leave you i won't."

Ahn yun kissed gui xiang's cheek and wiped his tears.

When gui xiang was getting up Ahn yun hold him and said-

Ahn yun - " it's going to morning soon , sleep here."

Gui xiang - " won't be it a problem??"

Hearing His Horace voice Ahn yun felt hurt. He said -

Ahn yun - " we are leaving today right, it won't be a problem . You are tired , sleep a bit gui ."

Gui xiang felt warm inside and closed his eyes and fell asleep soon in his loved one's embrace. But Ahn yun wasn't closing his eyes he was only looking at sleeping gui xiang , gui xiang who is a Mighty War God looked harmless and attractive . Ahn Yun thought how helpless gui xiang was looking when he was pleading for Ahn yun to never leave. He knew that gui xiang was upstanding and hardy★ . Gui xiang has Daredevil★ personality , he knew gui xiang's love for him , he was sure that it has to be something related to him. Thinking this all put his mind in a situation that if one day gui xiang needs to live without him , what he will do . Ahn yun forced his mind to stop thinking that way and closed his eyes to sleep.

In morning -

Ahn yun woke up and gave gui xiang a little kiss on his forehead and went to take bath after taking bath he came and said -

Ahn yun - " gui , wake up . We need to get ready to head to human world."

Ahn yun was thinking that gui xiang will come up with an excuse to let him sleep more , but he was stupified to see that after just one line gui xiang opened his eyes and was looking at him without blinking his eyelids.

Ahn yun - " Don't look at me like this , get up go wash up wear the clothes i handpicked for you.and come to dining hall."

Gui xiang like an obedient child got up and was about to walk but Ahn yun hold his wrist .

Ahn yun - " are you ok?, Are you not feeling well, what is it gui??"

At first gui xiang didn't said anything then he just looked ay Ahn yun and said -

Gui xiang - " i am okay baby , Don't worry. "

And he gave heart warming smile and gently toweled his golden hair dripping water and re assured Ahn yun that he is fine . And left to take bath.

The clothes Ahn yun picked for him was completely different from his clothes, he always wear dark colored robes and never wore light colored ones but the clothes Ahn yun picked for him were light blue robe and with beautiful work of febrication with dark blue berry robes with lotus flower designed on it.

He wore it and went to kitchen instead of dining hall and silently looked at Ahn yun cooking . Ye yao was up too and properly dressed and helping Ahn yun in cooking , they both were looking blood related well mannered pair of brothers. Gui xiang entered in kitchen . Ahn yun who was busy on his cooking didn't noticed but ye yao saw gui xiang in light colored robes first time admired that how pleasing and handsome the Mighty War God was looking he said -

Bao ye yao - " Da ge , master luo is here."

Ahn yun who was busy in his cooking turned and was amazed when he saw gui xiang , he looked so pure and tempting. He was stunningly astonished. After staring for a whi he came to his sense his ear turned red  and he said -

Ahn yun - " Good , now go to the dining hall and wait , lunch is almost done. A - yao and i will be bringing it there. "

Gui xiang - " baby I wan to help you."


Ahn yun's face flushed he looked at ye yao who was showing redness too , he said to gui xiang -

Ahn yun - " just why you have to say this in front of my little brother ."

Gui xiang said to Ahn yun's mind -

Gui xiang - " sorry i forgot about ye yao being here. "

- Telepathy ends -

Ahn yun - " just go and sit , In . The . Dining. Hall.

Gui xiang - " ye yao give me plates i can put them there."

Ye yao gave him plates and  gui xiang walk out of kitchen and smiled, he loves to tease Ahn yun , just as he walked out the kitchen his howlet servent showed up . Gui xiang looked at cheng xun cha with eyes like , what are you doing here .

And like xun cha read the gui xiang's eyes he said -

Cheng xun cha - " master Shen asked me to come. "

Gui xiang - " oh.. okay. Since you are here hold this and follow me to dining hall."

They both went to dining hall and sat there , although gui xiang bring plates with him , he left them like that and sit one leg crossed , xun cha was standing he looked at him and said.

Gui xiang - " what are you doing, sit."

Cheng xun cha - " okay master."

And Ahn yun and ye yao entered ye yao's footsteps stopped when he saw that xun cha is there too ,

Ye yao in his mind - " is xun cha is turning to his old self i did not asked him to come."

As if Ahn yun read his thoughts he said -

Ahn yun - " A - yao , it's me who invited xun cha here . Don't misunderstood him okay."

Ye yao - " yes Da ge ."

Both master and servent were staring at their lovers Making them flushed. Ye yao and Ann yun served the food and start eating . Avoiding the eyes looking at them . After done eating Ahn yun left with ye yao to wash the dishes . Unlike other Gods they don't take in servents for show , and did their work themselves. After work was done it was now time to gui xiang and Ahn yun to go to heaven's official hall to let them seal their God Powers before leaving for mortal realm .

Ye yao was looking upset and sad Ahn yun patted his head gently and said -

Ahn yun - " A - bao don't look like this , this big brother will be back soon."

Ye yao - " da ge , take care , master luo

please take care of my da ge ."

Gui xiang - " Don't worry ye yao your big brother will be safe and return as he is now."

Ahn yun - " A - bao do this big brother look weak to you. I already told you don't worry okay. "

Ye yao - " i am sorry da ge , I don't think da ge weak but..

Ahn yun - " it's okay i understand yao yao is worried for big brother."

Ye yao's eyes tear up , Ahn yun noticed and said.

Ahn yun - " silly boy , big brother will be back in blink of eye. Xun cha take care of my A - yao until i return."

Cheng xun cha - " master Shen go without any worries , i will take good care of ye yao . "

Gui xiang - " that's what you should do , and take care of yourself too, howlet. Ye yao if he tease you tell me when i return and i will make him pay for his teasing. Ok."

Ye yao - " okay master luo , i will."

Cheng xun cha - " hey."

Finally ye yao's face showed a smile and relaxed but he was still worried and Ahn yun knew he can't help his little brother who naturally worries for him and love him.

And Ahn yun and gui xiang head to leave heaven and go to mortal realm.

Water God , God of nutriment, and nature God, Goddess of beauty and God of love was there to drop off them .

Realized after Saving that forgot to write meaning of words that i marked.lol .

1. Empyreal - formed of pure fire or light ; refined beyond aerial substance;  pertaining to the highest and purest region of heaven .

2. Magnificent - impressively beautiful , elaborate  or extravagant ; striking. Very good , excellent.

3. Immensely - to a great extent ; extremely.

4. Ethereal - extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world .

5. Hardy - robust , capable of enduring difficult conditions.