
When I bumped into you!

After bumping to each other sparks fly between a nerd and a playboy. Two falls in love eventually. But life does not go smoothly. They fell apart. But after a few years, they meet again but maybe there's a mystery that the girl is hiding? Will they fall in love again or fell part again?

nazifa_nawar · Teen
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19 Chs

He is so..... Amelia Anderson's POV

"Thomas? What the hell were you trying to do?" I yelled at him. Suddenly Thomas pinned me to the wall. I got startled. He looked hella angry. My heart will come out of my chest after sometime. It's beating so fast.

He said, "How dare you to ignore me? No one has ever talked to me like this the way you talk to me. No one has ever yelled at me, ever. Why didn't you argue with me when I told you that you have some walking through."

I was shocked, amused, proud! He was waiting for my outburst?

He again said, "See, what am I talking? What are you doing to me Amelia?" My heart skipped a beat. He called me by my name. It sounded so good when he called me by my name.

He looked at me with so many emotions. He said, "Why are you always in my mind, thoughts?" He is so close to me. Like our lips were inches away. He looked at my lips and then at my hazel eyes.

He is leaning towards my lips. I gulped. And I closed my eyes. My heart is beating too fast. My body is betraying me. I can't let that happen. I opened my eyes at one shot. Thomas almost kissed me but I pushed him and left the place.

I went to my home. I am still shocked. No one made me feel like this. I was feeling different in a confused way. Thomas is so.... ughhh.

In the morning

I couldn't sleep a wink whole night. I just kept thinking about Thomas. What happened to me? How could I face him today!?

I got ready and went to school. I saw Sam.

Sam said, "Good morning, Lia." I smiled and said, "Good morning, Sam! Where were you and Hannah yesterday?" Sam said, "Oh, nothing. We were spending time here and there." Zack interrupted him and said, "And kissing making love. Blah blah blah." Sam smacked his head. Zack said, "Ouch! What was that for?"

I laughed. Sam said, "For talking nonsense." Zack rolled his eyes.

Zack looked at me, he gave me a smile and said, "Good morning, Lia!"

Oh no! He is going to give me that tight hug! I nervously smiled. I was walking backwards. Suddenly I felt something hard on my back. I turned around and saw him! I gasped.

Oh gosh! Someone save me from this awkwardness. He looked at me. I looked away! Might I say, he looking really hot! Oh my goodness he almost kissed me.

A hand waved infront of my eyes. I came out of my la la land.

I saw Liam was waving his hand.When did he came?

He said, "Where did you get lost? I greeted you, mocked you. But you weren't responding any of this."

How could I respond, when my mind is filled with so many thoughts.

I said, "Sorry, Good morning. And why did you mock me?" Liam gave me a mischievous smile and said, "You don't have to know.". He looked at Thomas.

Out of nowhere, Zack hugged me and very tightly. I hitted him at his back so that he could let me breath. Suddenly he was yanked away from me. And Thomas did this stunt. I was beyond shock. Thomas said to Zack, "Why do you have to hug her?" He realised what he said. He cursed himself and again said, "I mean everybody."

Zack, Liam and Sam began to laughed. And I was surprised! Is he jealous? No way in hell he would feel jealous. He just said this. I said, "Sam , where is Hannah?" Sam said, "Well, she will not come today. Because she has some work to do."

I said, "Oh.. Ok, guys. I will go to my class.. At the 3rd class, our teacher didn't come and gave us a break today. Everyone in the class were gone. And I was passing by the music room. I heard faint sounds of piano. I went into the room. The room is very beautiful. Then I saw Thomas is playing piano so beautifully. Closing my eyes, I kept hearing the peaceful music. Until I heard a sound of clearing throat. I opened my eyes and saw Thomas is looking at me. I thought he would be angry at me but to my surprise he motioned me to sit with him at the bench.

I didn't want to go! But everytime my body betray me. My legs carried me there forcefully. Every step I took, my heart began to beat faster by faster.

Thomas asked me sweetly, "Do you know how to play?" I think this is the first time he talked with me in this sweet tone that's why my heart skipped a beat.

I said, "Let me see."

I didn't practice it since my mother died. it has been 3 years. My favourite was perfect by Ed Sheeran. I always play this. I remember this very much. So I began to play this. After sometime I finished playing. I saw Thomas is looking at me with a smile. A genuine smile. His smile is so beautiful. He said, "Woww.. You are so great" I laughed.

I said, "Thank you. I didn't play piano for a long time." While I was talking to him, he gave me his full attention. I liked that very much.

Thomas said, "May I know the reason, if you don't mind?"

He is curious?

I said, "My mother died 3 years ago. So I stopped playing after that. My mothar was the reason I started playing piano." I dryly laughed. I miss those time when mom teached me piano lessons. I became emotional!

A warm hand touched my hand. I saw the owner of the hand and the owner was Thomas. He sadly smiled.

He is so caring. This is the new side of him. I liked this side of him.

He said, "I am sure, wherever she is. She must be proud of you." I smiled. I said, "Really?" He nodded. I looked our entwined hand. It looks perfect.

He is doing something to me in a positive way...