
When He Came

Plot Summary: The story revolves around Sonakshi, who initially plans to trap Aryan in her revenge plot. However, as she spends time with him and tries to make him fall in love with her, she finds herself developing genuine feelings for him. Despite her intentions for revenge, her heart starts convincing her that she is already in love with Aryan. As Aryan and Sonakshi meet on a date night, their interactions are filled with tension and anticipation. Aryan is drawn to Sonakshi's mysterious and unpredictable nature, while Sonakshi battles with her conflicting emotions. She tries to convince herself that her feelings for Aryan are merely infatuation, driven by her revenge plan. However, deep down, she can't deny the growing affection she feels for him. Their attraction intensifies, and they share a passionate kiss in the parking lot. Unable to resist their desires, they engage in sexual activities in the back of a car. The experience is filled with pleasure and desire for both of them. Afterward, they wake up in each other's arms and decide to go to a restaurant to compose themselves. Throughout the meal, Sonakshi feels guilt and excitement, realizing that her revenge plan has become blurred by her genuine connection with Aryan. Aryan, unaware of Sonakshi's internal struggle, is captivated by her and desires more. After the meal, they take a walk outside and Sonakshi gathers the courage to confess her true feelings to Aryan. She admits that what they shared in the car was not just about revenge for her, but that she has developed genuine feelings for him. Aryan reciprocates her feelings and expresses his own attraction to her. Sonakshi assures Aryan that her perspective has changed, and she no longer seeks revenge. She wants to explore their connection without any ulterior motives. Aryan is relieved and happy to hear this, and they agree to take things slow and see where their relationship leads. Awww, So nice couple but still there is a question that Really Sonakshi has changed whole heartedly? or her motive is still on? The plot revolves around Sonakshi's initial plan for revenge, her conflicting emotions as she falls in love with Aryan, and their decision to pursue their connection without the weight of revenge. It explores themes of love, desire, and the complexity of human emotions. This story contains matured and sexual content. Strongly Restricted for children under age of 18+

AR_B20 · Urban
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38 Chs

Whispers of Betrayal

Rohan inquired, "Aren't your room's doors remotely controlled?"

I responded, "I'm not preoccupied with that; I'm confident he won't breach my room. But my concerns lie elsewhere. If he were to spot us, he might grow suspicious. We can't afford any risks."

I anxiously scrutinized my phone to ascertain if an unauthorized individual had entered my abode. My suspicions were confirmed when I observed him ascending the staircase that led to my room. I turned to Rohan and whispered, "It's undoubtedly Aryan. Please remain here; do not venture out. This room is equipped with air conditioning and all the luxuries. Relax, I'll extract you once he departs."

Rohan complied, saying, "Alright, I have no objections."

I discreetly accessed the concealed door, retreated to my room, and casually checked my phone.

Aryan knocked at my door.

I responded, "Enter, the doors are unlocked."

Aryan entered and called my name, "Sonakshi."

I feigned surprise, pretending to be oblivious to his arrival, "Oh, Aryan, what a pleasant surprise!"

Aryan expressed his concern, "I was genuinely worried about you today. You seemed very tense."

I reassured him, "I'm fine now, don't worry. It's a routine matter for me."

Aryan offered his assistance, "You can confide in me."

I declined, "No, it's not necessary. I can handle everything."

Aryan insisted, "If you ever need my help, I'll always be there."

He kissed my forehead and said, "It's okay, I understand you completely. I love and respect you for that. Goodbye, it's getting late."

I reciprocated, "Yes, I love you too," and he departed.

After Aryan left, I secured the door and proceeded to rescue Rohan.

Rohan emerged and exclaimed, "Thank goodness we're safe."

I was lost in thought, contemplating how a man could be such a convincing actor in matters of love. How could he seemingly harbor no feelings after all that had transpired between us? These thoughts consumed my mind.

Rohan reassured me, "Relax, Sona. I know what you're thinking. Take a deep breath. He won't pose a threat. I'll ensure he becomes an asset. Don't worry, Sona, just relax."

I was genuinely distraught by the situation. Rohan enveloped me in a comforting embrace and whispered, "It's alright, Sona. Retire to your bed, rest, and I need to leave as well. Good night, Sona."

I nodded, tears still lingering in my eyes, and replied, "Good night, Rohan."

With that, Rohan departed, and I retired to my room, the events of the evening weighing heavily on my mind.