
When Hatred Becomes Culmposry

t he tong's group and the K's group have been company rival since high school they had been friends but one day they got into a betrayal fight and from there on they had become enemies they even forbade thier children to talk to each other which was impossible....... Tags)

Aromaticwriter · Urban
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17 Chs

CHAPTER1: Zitong

           This green garden withered with lovely lushed green grasses stood by themselves like as if you were watching array of stars in the galaxy and the tree blossomed with a very French scent, smelling them would give your hearth a light of joy and happiness and in the middle of the garden sat a girl whose lips were pink as that of a plumped cherry and her skin was as fresh as that of a lotus cream her long her long pure fantastic black hair and eyelashes made a perfect look matching with her pairs of long leg, lastly her cloth was no ordinary cloth it was a very rich cloth that if there were still a slave in this world it would buy him or her at once. She sat there reading a novel which was INSIDE THE LIFE OF A BILLIONARE, she was interrupted by a maid who told her it was time for dinner, this maid was her personal maid Xia Mei whom she treated like her younger sister.

       Zitong got to the dinning hall to see her mother, her father, her kind stepmother and lastly her stepsisters, she got to her chair and sat on it after sitting her elder sister said:

   "Please could you say the prayer"

   "There you go again courtesy I am your younger sister I don't need it"

    Zitong said the prayer and they all started to eat, Zitong mum M.S Zhou said "Zitong would you like to go to the same high school with your sisters or you would prefer to go to another high school" in brief Zitong was a pampered child whom her dad loved most he gave her the whole care and attention because she looked like her mother. Zitong reply was yes, her dad asked her if she was sure she pouted her mouth and said yes. Her two elder sisters were very happy that they were going to the same school, Zitong's dad told her anything she wanted she should ask her mother, Zitong told her dad she wanted a lie detector but her mother won buy it for her.                                                                                                                 Her dad was furious hearing this and shouted at M. S Zhou, she trembled and told him it was her mistake for forgetting such. Zitong stood up and kissed her dad in his cheeks which made him smile she went upstairs with her two step sisters.

    The three of them went to their elder sister room Lutong room to discuss about the rules and what was going to happen, Zitong suggested they should always protect their selves. Lutong and Baitong agreed to it Baitong rule was you all know we are going to the same school ad we are going to be in the same class so if we are in OX with a boy the other should not flirt no matter what. Lutong and Zi tong nodded in agreement as for Lutong she stood up and went under her bed to bring out three boxes and the colour of the boxes were blue, pink and green then she said "you may be wandering what these boxes are for" Baitong and Zitong nodded like a bimbo then she passed it to them she passed the blue box to Zitong the pink to Baitong and the green to Lutong and when they opened it what the day see there it was an amulet that was so beautiful that Zitong wanted to wear it but of course Lutong said she shouldn't wear it, Lutong told them it was an amulet for danger, whenever they are in any kind of trouble it shall glow.

     Xia Mei entered the room and said "young mistress it is time for you to go to you room" Zitong bided them goodbye but before she stood up she heard a clap from Baitong and she said "oh mine Xia Mei daughter of the trash why do you want to inflate your ugliness on the most 0 ad favoured daughter of the tongs or are you trying to spy on us or did you just hate the presence of we staying with her my maid dares not" she was cut in by Zi tong who said "I respect and honour you elder sister but what you said today is not a good thing and it may create a mishap" Zitong could see tears in Xia Meis face as she went out of their room then Zitong an Lutong said together "that is not a good word to say" Zitong went out of Lutong's room