
When good turn evil

Daoist8sb5xw · Fantasy
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3 Chs

First encounter

I felt something around my waist. It felt so soft to the extent, it felt like I was just being delusional... its there but... not? ... Hmm...

Wait! What!, I'm supposed to be falling but why I'm I floating? While my eyes were still closed I began thinking of all possibilities of what could be happening.

Slowly opening my eyes... due to the light from the sun shining so bright, I raised my hands to cover my eyes while squinting, I was met with one of the weirdest eye colour I have ever seen, and oh boy! I've seen weird, with hair so blond it almost looked white complementing the beautiful blue green eyes, jaws so pointed it looked almost chiseled, perfect high cheek bones, slender nose, heart shaped cherry plump lips, well defined eyebrows, beautiful long lashes, I could go on and on.

Hey! Are you all right? Watch where you are going... "Oh my! Its the voice of an angel hoooooaaaaaaaaa" I said in my head,while looking at her with starry eye, you don't expect me to say that out loud.

"Chuckles" you're cute, but you need to be more careful not everyone is so nice, you could have gotten punched in the face, even with that cute face of yours.

Immediately I heard I could have gotten hurt, I came back to my senses and balanced myself properly, i'm so sorry I didn't mean to... Now being able to see a full view, she looks about 5'10 a little bit taller than me with pale almost jade like skin not a single spot could be found on her, she has a perfect hourglass shape all in moderate proportion, and an eye catching smile.

hahaha! You don't have to apologize, I was also at fault, I wasn't concentrating so no need to stress .

I'm yeona... what's your name?... Oh me ahhh I'm phelia.

Never heard it anywhere, you sure are different ... You are new here?

Yeah! How did you know?... "Kind da guessed, and you smell different I have never smelt anything like it before "sniff sniff" what are you?"

Huh? I don't get you, what do y... "Yeona" we both looked at the same time towards our right... "Let's go we are gonna be late".

Bye, newbie see you around, As she ran towards her friend I assume. I could see clouds of different colours moving around her like they had a mind of their own, was that what saved me from falling? hmm

Lady phelia would you like me to help you with your bags said Mr Lucas.

No thank you , I will take it from here you don't need to stress yourself Mr Lucas... okay, my lady good luck on your first day at school.

Thanks, bye I said.

I walked straight towards the school still in awe, but with more care so as not to bump into anyone, just by the entrance to enter the school, I could see a chauffeur waiting just by the gate, he walked up to me and asked are you Miss Weldher Phelia. Yes! I answered. Please this way Miss.

You could leave your bags it will be brought to your room.

I was guided around the school to the reception who gave all the details of my schedule, room number and all.

I was then lead by the chauffeur to the front of my room door, he bowed and left.

Now all alone in front of the door I took a deep breath brought out my keys to unlock the door, and then peeked inside.