
When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish

System 223 is a new system that has just left the factory, and it can’t wait to bind the host on the first day it leaves the factory. However, before it showed its talents and led the host to the pinnacle of life, the host directly stepped on the end of life because of the short-term stagnation of binding it. Helpless, the disheveled 223 had no choice but to take its host who had just died in a car accident to choose a new plane, and properly chose a little white tiger that had just passed away for the host to possess. “Ding, system 223 has been loaded. This system has its own game upgrade system, foundation building in January, golden pill in March, and Nascent Soul in a year is not a dream! I wish the host an early ascension and reach the pinnacle of life!!!” Jiang Mo who was inexplicably bound: “…” Jiang Mo, who had just received the memory of the white tiger inheritance: How tiring is it to cut monsters, and the cultivation base of the gods and beasts increases even when they sleep. It’s not as good as this, the foundation building once, the golden elixir twice, and the Nascent Soul three times all depend on dreams! System: … Is there such a good thing? I’m afraid it’s not really a dream, is it?! So how long are you going to sleep? Jiang Mo: Ten years and eight years are not too short, and a hundred years and a thousand years are not too long. System: Unable to unbind, I choose to shut down. However, Jiang Mo couldn’t sleep for hundreds of thousands of years after all, because she, who is the ultimate face control, soon met a stunning beauty… Who is willing to ignore a kitten lying down on the porcelain? —————————————————— The novel is not mine, I am just editing the MTL version If you want you can support me on: ko-fi.com/mitake55760

Mitak_E · Book&Literature
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32 Chs

Chapter 8

Yun Qingyue was "harassed" by the little white tiger.

From trying to rub her hand to show intimacy, to lying on her feet and pretending to be dead, this "little civet" is obviously not acting like the other spirit beasts. So much so that Yun Qingyue had doubts for a moment, wondering whether her special physique that hated all spirit beasts suddenly healed without medicine.

But it turned out that it was just her thinking too much. To prove this is not true at all, she only needs to walk around the spirit beast garden after returning to the sect, and she can deeply feel how unwelcome she is in the eyes of those spirit beasts.

But it turned out that it was just her thinking too much. And to prove this is not troublesome at all, she only needs to walk around the spirit beast garden after returning to the sect, and she can deeply feel how unwelcome she is in the eyes of those spirit beasts.

But that's all for later, Yun Qingyue just paused for a moment, then dropped the "little civet" who was trying to be cute to please her, and stepped on the sword neatly - she admitted that the "little civet" is very cute, and the fur and the pads also looked very good. what's more rare is that the little beast is close to her. But for the sake of the other party's life, she still couldn't take it away.

Felines are always sensitive, and coupled with Yun Qingyue's easy throw, Jiang Mo landed steadily in panic. Then she widened her eyes, looked at the back of the woman going away, and subconsciously chased after a few moments.

In the deep woods, except for the sound of the wind, there is silence.

The system felt a little bad, it could see how hard the host had worked so hard to rely on the shit-shoveling officer, and it also knew that she had only made up her mind to be a tiger skin plaster just a moment ago. However, the shit-shoveling officers in the comprehension world are too strong, and they fly with swords. If you want to lie down, you can't block the way, and if you want to be a tiger skin plaster, you can't do it.

After a while, the system finally organized its thoughts and wanted to explain a few sentences, when the host suddenly said in an erratic tone: "She ran away just now, didn't she?" After speaking, she looked at the system: "Have I become that scary?"

The little white tiger ran to the stream next to her, and the reflection in the water looked like a soft little tiger. Its fur has not even grown, and it is not much bigger than a kitten. It's definitely not enough to say it's scary, but it's true to say it's cute. If it wasn't herself in the reflection, she would have wanted to pet such a newborn tiger cub.

It was also because of her confidence in her cuteness that Jiang Mo dared to formulate such a simple and rude plan to touch porcelain. The shit-shoveling officer that she likes is as hard as iron, not only does she refuse to follow her tricks, but also runs away... It hurts the tiger's self-esteem!

The system hurriedly comforted the vulnerable host: "No, this is just an accident."

Jiang Mo was still depressed for a while, wondering why she missed it. She lay down on the spot, and her furry paws were picking up the spirit fruit that fell to the ground and didn't care about it. She was no longer famished-she had just upgraded to a new level, and now she was in full and didn't feel hungry. Compared with the "experience gift pack" that just ran away, this spiritual fruit is not attractive to tigers at all.

The system lights flashed and it wanted to ask the host what her future plans were, but didn't dare to speak. After holding back for a long time, it finally chose to change the subject: "Host, host, you just upgraded a level, don't you want to take a look at the new character panel?"

Jiang Mo was still excited when she first upgraded but now she just feels less interested. But after listening to the system, she moved her tiger claws and clicked on the newly updated character panel-

[Host: Jiang Mo

Race: White Tiger

Occupation: Beast

Level: 2

Power: 10

Experience: 3/10

Points: 0

Potential: ∞

Skill: Bloodline Inheritance Not Activated]

The congenital weakness debuff is still hanging, and there is not much content in the notification panel, just reminding her that she gained 5 experience points, and there is no note about what drug she had taken before. As for the next upgrade, either she will sleep for another week, or try to fight some mobs. After all, the power has doubled now, so it should be better than the power of before.

Seemingly aware that the host was finally interested in her career, the system immediately became energetic, and the light cluster flew around the little white tiger: "Host, host, do you want to upgrade? You are only 7 points away from being able to upgrade to another level."

As soon as the system got excited, Jiang Mo's little emotion disappeared immediately. I'm in a bad mood, I just want to argue.

The little white tiger lay down completely, like a salted fish: "Don't fight monsters, sleeping is better."

The system choked and then said earnestly: "Host, you can't be so salty. This time, you are still short of 7 experience points. Are you going to sleep for 7 days? You are starving to death, okay? You are still at a low level, and it is easy to upgrade, if you go to fight monsters, you can earn these 7 experience points in half a day." After finishing speaking, it muttered: "And if you are like this, you don't have any point rewards, and you can't even activate the mall."

The little white tiger's ears moved, as if it caught something interesting: "What did you just say? A mall?"

While talking, Jiang Mo refocused her eyes on the panel in front and searched carefully for a long time before finding a mall icon in the corner. However, as the system said, it is still grey, and it could not be activated.

Seeing that she was interested, the system hurriedly said: "Yes, the mall has the products of thousands of planes. The host can't imagine all of them, and there is nothing that can't be found in it. But the premise is that you have points."

This tone was indeed a little loud, but Jiang Mo had experienced such things as being taken by the system to time travel and rebirth, so Jiang Mo did not suspect that the system was talking big. She felt a little fiery in her heart, as if she had finally found some purpose outside of survival, so she finally recovered from the shock of being rejected, and asked, "How many points do you need to activate the mall?"

It is rare for the system to see that the host is interested, and immediately replied: "You need a minimum of 100 points to activate the mall."

Jiang Mo heard the system's mechanical voice saying 100 points, but her eyes were fixed on the bright 0 in the column of points on the panel. The enthusiasm that had just been born suddenly seemed to be poured with cold water, and her heart became cold.

The little white tiger sighed hopelessly and lay down again-forget it, it would be happier lying down.

Yun Qingyue already has the cultivation base of the peak of Golden Core, and she is only one step away from the Nascent Soul realm. She got away easily, and "little civet" didn't react at all, so she left.

However, after flying away, Yun Qingyue did not feel relieved. On the contrary, the farther she flew, the more she thought in her heart, thinking about the "little civet" who was acting like a baby and wanted to rely on her-this is very abnormal. A cultivator's state of mind is clear, especially for someone who has cultivated to the Golden Core stage. She has a firm mind and is hard to be disturbed by external objects.

It's just a "little civet" whom she met by chance, why should she miss it?

At first, Yun Qingyue thought that it was because of her childhood experience that she regretted not being able to adopt that "little civet". But the farther she flew, the more worried she was, and gradually she felt something was wrong.

What affected her mind?

Yun Qingyue Yujian stopped in mid-air, closed her eyes and looked inside for a moment, but found that her spiritual power was smooth and clear, and there was nothing wrong with it at all. She checked it carefully three times before finally realising that there was nothing wrong, and she was not affected by anything unknowingly. Those longings and reluctance were just pure spiritual feedback.

Just like when she was standing on the spirit boat before, she suddenly felt that there was a chance for her in this secret realm, so she came here. And now her spiritual consciousness is also reminding her that she may have missed her chance.

That weak "little civet" will be her chance?

Yun Qingyue's heart was indescribably weird, but she couldn't ignore the intuition in her heart. So she hesitated for a moment, and finally turned the and flew back the way she came.

On the way, she was still thinking about the "little civet", wondering if the other party had run away after so long. If it had already run away, it might take some effort to find this little spirit beast in this mountain forest.

However, when she flew back to the original place, the scene she saw from a distance gave her a slight pause - the little civet did not leave, and was still guarding the place. A red spirit fruit was lying alone on the ground, the little beast was lying next to the spirit fruit, and seemed to lack interest in pulling the spirit fruit with her paws.

What is it waiting for? Are you waiting for me?

Yun Qingyue couldn't help thinking like this, her seemingly cold but soft heart unknowingly softened by three points. She jumped off the flying sword and walked towards the slumped "little civet" step by step.

When the little white tiger heard movement, her ears moved and when she turned her head to see Yun Qingyue, her eyes immediately lit up.