
When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish

System 223 is a new system that has just left the factory, and it can’t wait to bind the host on the first day it leaves the factory. However, before it showed its talents and led the host to the pinnacle of life, the host directly stepped on the end of life because of the short-term stagnation of binding it. Helpless, the disheveled 223 had no choice but to take its host who had just died in a car accident to choose a new plane, and properly chose a little white tiger that had just passed away for the host to possess. “Ding, system 223 has been loaded. This system has its own game upgrade system, foundation building in January, golden pill in March, and Nascent Soul in a year is not a dream! I wish the host an early ascension and reach the pinnacle of life!!!” Jiang Mo who was inexplicably bound: “…” Jiang Mo, who had just received the memory of the white tiger inheritance: How tiring is it to cut monsters, and the cultivation base of the gods and beasts increases even when they sleep. It’s not as good as this, the foundation building once, the golden elixir twice, and the Nascent Soul three times all depend on dreams! System: … Is there such a good thing? I’m afraid it’s not really a dream, is it?! So how long are you going to sleep? Jiang Mo: Ten years and eight years are not too short, and a hundred years and a thousand years are not too long. System: Unable to unbind, I choose to shut down. However, Jiang Mo couldn’t sleep for hundreds of thousands of years after all, because she, who is the ultimate face control, soon met a stunning beauty… Who is willing to ignore a kitten lying down on the porcelain? —————————————————— The novel is not mine, I am just editing the MTL version If you want you can support me on: ko-fi.com/mitake55760

Mitak_E · Book&Literature
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32 Chs

Chapter 27

Xuanqing sect's Spirit Beast Garden is located on Luoxing Peak, almost across the whole sect from Mingxia Peak. However, no matter how big a sect is, for a cultivator who can control a sword, it is not too far.

Jiang Mo was still held by Yun Qingyue while flying the sword. There was nothing she could do. Who made her too young?

Of course, the feeling of being held in the arms of a beauty is not bad, but the journey is too short - flying with a sword, a distance of thousands of miles is instantaneous, and the slow flight of a crane is completely two different experiences. So much so that before Jiang Mo could react, they had already arrived at the place. When Yun Qingyue's flying sword came down, Jiang Mo was still a little bit unsatisfied.

The Spirit Beast Garden is said to be located on Luoxing Peak, but it is not actually on Luoxing Peak, but on a hill next to Luoxing Peak. The entire mountain belongs to the Spirit Beast Garden, and most of the spirit beasts in it are not of high level, but there are many kinds.

Yun Qingyue was standing outside the Spirit Beast Garden with the little white tiger in her arms. It didn't look awkward at all, because there were disciples coming in and out while holding spirit beasts everywhere. Until a certain disciple raised his head and saw that the person holding the "spiritual pet" standing in front of the spirit beast garden was actually the Senior Sister of Mingxia Peak, who was said to be a cold beauty who didn't care about anything other than practising swordsmanship and was startled.

Then hurriedly saluted and greeted: "I have met Senior Sister Yun."

The sound fell and immediately attracted the attention of all the people around, and then one after another, the greetings sounded one after another.

Yun Qingyue still had a cold expression on her face, just nodded slightly at the crowd, and then carried the little white tiger to the Spiritual Beast Garden. The disciple guarding the gate was surprised when he saw her, and he also saluted and said hello, but in private, he hurriedly sent a message to his brothers and sisters.

Over the years, others have almost forgotten the characteristics of Yun Qingyue raising everything to death, but the disciples of the Spirit Beast Garden who have been "harmed" still remember it clearly. Even every time a new disciple joins the Spirit Beast Garden, the Senior brothers and sisters will inform them of the refusal to come and go in the Spirit Beast Garden, so that they can be careful.

This is the case with the disciple guarding the gate today. He is almost familiar with Yun Qingyue's name, and his first reaction when he sees her is to be on guard and report about it. But when the news got out, he looked up again, only to find in astonishment that Senior Sister Yun was holding a little spirit beast in her arms—didn't this senior sister raise everything to death? How could she be holding a spirit beast? Could it be that she couldn't support it, so she was sending it to the Spirit Beast Garden?

This seemed to be the only explanation, and when the figured-out gatekeeper looked at Yun Qingyue again, his eyes softened a lot. At least Senior Sister Yun didn't have the intention to kill it, and she couldn't be blamed for her special physique.

In the blink of an eye, this gatekeeper disciple did a lot and thought a lot, and his attitude changed again and again.

Naturally, these things cannot be hidden from Yun Qingyue, who has a high level of cultivation, nor can they be hidden from the sharp-eyed little white tiger. The latter cast a disgusted glance at the gatekeeper, feeling that he was a bit too much, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Yun Qingyue didn't care about anything. She just waited outside the Spirit Beast Garden for the Senior brothers and sisters were passed the letter from the guard disciple.

Sure enough, the Spirit Beast Garden was still so guarded against her, and the disciples of the Spirit Beast Garden still valued and loved their spirit beasts so much. Hearing that she appeared outside the gate of the garden, half of the Spirit Beast Garden was startled, and lights came rushing from all around.

After a while, not all the people rushed to show up, only three or five people came forward to meet them.

In addition to raising spirit beasts, the disciples of the Spirit Beast Garden are also good at controlling beasts. They take care of the spirit beasts all year round and cultivate their relationship with the spirit beasts by themselves. Therefore, they don't wear long and fluttering gowns like ordinary cultivators. Instead, they wear brown shorts, and they look like working people. Of course, compared with the working people in the mortal world, the handsomeness and elegance of cultivators are not missing from them.

The leading Senior Brother took two steps forward, with a polite smile on his face, just about to ask Yun Qingyue why she came, when he saw the little white tiger in her arms.

Although the white tiger was wearing small clothes and he couldn't clearly see what it looked like, the Senior Brother of the Spirit Beast Garden could tell at a glance that it was a cat-like spirit beast.

Thinking of the litter of little civets that Yun Qingyue once raised to death, the Senior Brother of Spirit Beast Garden's eyelids twitched, and his words changed: "Hey, this is Senior Sister Yun's spiritual pet? I don't know how long you have been raising it?"

The Senior Brother of Spirit Beast Garden is older than Yun Qingyue, but among his peers in the cultivation world, seniority is judged by cultivation. In the early years, Yun Qingyue was still young, and everyone in the Spiritual Beast Garden could still call her junior sister, but now Yun Qingyue's cultivation has surpassed them, even if she is younger, they can only call her Senior Sister. If in a few more years, Yun Qingyue's cultivation will surpass her peers by two realms.

Yun Qingyue hadn't been to the Spirit Beast Garden for many years, so she didn't care about the address, so she replied truthfully after hearing the words: "For more than a month."

Upon hearing this, the Senior Brother of the Spirit Beast Garden felt that his whole body was not well, and asked with a frown, "Then what's the matter with Senior Sister? Could it be that this little spirit beast is sick, so you came to look for medicine?"

There are many alchemists in the Xuanqing Sect. For example, Peak Master Qionghua is a top alchemist, and the elixir needed by the little white tiger has long been handed over. But some elixirs used by spiritual beasts are not refined by any alchemist. After all, the elixirs used by people are inexhaustible. How can alchemists waste energy on spiritual beasts? Only a place like the Spirit Beast Garden would devote all its energy to the spirit beasts.

Yun Qingyue heard the meaning of the other party, and probably thought that the little white tiger was dragged down by her and was about to die of illness again. She didn't intend to explain anything, and she didn't intend to show the bald head of the future Divine Lord in full view, so she just nodded and said, "I'm indeed here to ask for medicine."

The Senior Brother of the Spirit Beast Garden suddenly felt heartbroken, and took two steps forward to take over the little white tiger: "I'll do my best."

Yun Qingyue raised her sword-holding hand and stopped the person: "No, I just want to ask you for a bottle of Shengfasan. [I think it is a hair growth stimulant]" After thinking for a while, she slightly lifted up the little white tiger's clothes and showed the other party the bald spot: "She got into a fight and got a few hairs pecked off her body. She has been unhappy for the past two days, so I wanted to ask for some medicine to make her recover sooner."

It is very common for spirit beasts to lose their hair in fights, and unlike mortal animals, most spirit beasts have enough spiritual intelligence to know beauty and ugliness.

Every time after a fight, If find themselves disfigured, they feel sad and depressed, that's why Spirit Beast Garden specially developed Shengfasan.

Although it can grow back after a while without medicine, Shengfasan has become the most popular medicine in the Spirit Beast Garden.

Everyone in the Spirit Beast Garden relaxed when they heard the words, and the smile on the Senior Brother's face became much more sincere: "So that's it. It's easy, I have it here." After saying that, he took out a porcelain bottle from his storage ring and handed it over.

Yun Qingyue thanked him after receiving it, and borrowed the medicine pool of the Spirit Beast Garden to use it—this medicine pool is aimed at spirit beasts, and it is also unique to the Spirit Beast Garden. otherwise, the little white tiger would not have to come here, she could have just taken the medicine herself and come back to Mingxia Peak. Moreover, the level of the beast is too high, and Yun Qingyue is not sure if the medicine will be useful to her, so they would just try it in the Spirit Beast Garden.

***************************************************** *****

Jiang Mo was ignorant and followed Yun Qingyue's arrangements, but she also noticed what everyone said and did after they met. She can't help but feel a little strange, why does it feel that her shit-shovelling officer is disliked by others?

Yes, this is not her illusion, especially when she finds that someone looks at her with pity, she is even more inexplicable.

Until the group turned around and went to the medicine pool, the system stayed behind under Jiang Mo's instructions, and finally overheard the discussion of the disciples of the Spirit Beast Garden about Yun Qingyue-

"Is that Senior Sister Yun from Mingxia Peak? She doesn't look any different."

"How can you tell? It's just that the Senior Brothers and Sisters have said that Senior Sister Yun is good in everything, she is talented and cultivates quickly. However, whatever she raises dies, so is naturally incompatible with our Spirit Beast Garden... As long as she doesn't come to our Spirit Beast Garden to pick spirit beasts, we should always show respect to her."

"It's true. But I feel sorry for the little spirit beast in Senior Sister Yun's arms. She is so tightly wrapped, and she doesn't know what kind of spirit beast it is. I heard that the spirit beast in the past had not been raised for a month in her hands. This one is not low in grade."

"That's right. However, I feel sorry for the little spirit beast in Sister Yun's arms. She is so tightly wrapped, and I don't know what kind of spirit beast it is. I heard that the former spirit beast had not been raised in her hands for even a month. This one is not low-grade."

Even if the grade is not low, the people in the Spirit Beast Garden are not optimistic about Jiang Mo's ending. After all, this is a lesson of blood. They don't believe that Yun Qingyue's special constitution can be cured with medicine. Don't you see that those cranes still hide from her now? With that, they still felt uneasy. Several disciples of the Spirit Beast Garden turned back and planned to lock up the free-range spirit beasts so that if Yun Qingyue had time to go to the Spirit Beast Garden for a while, she would not kill them accidentally.

Everyone's discussions dispersed, but fortunately, there were no outsiders around, so these words could not be spread. However, the system was shocked when it heard it, and ran back to the host, and shouted from a long distance: "Host, host, it's not good..."

After saying that, it broke into the medicine pool, and then saw that the host's whole body soaked in the pond with a rich medicinal fragrance. Yun Qingyue took the newly prepared ointment in her hand and patiently applied it piece by piece to Jiang Mo's bald spots. The bald tiger soon turned into a cat tiger, which looked a little funny.

Jiang Mo doesn't care about the beauty and ugliness at the moment, after all, the effect of the ointment on the body can be said to be immediate. She lay comfortably on the edge of the medicine pool, and when she heard the system come back, she raised her head and asked, "What did you hear, why is it not good?"

The system was not in the mood to tease her and immediately repeated what it heard. Finally, it said worriedly, "Host, why don't we change to a different shit-shovelling officer. Although Senior Sister Yun is very good, but her physique is not good. What if something really happens to you?"

Jiang Mo didn't take it seriously, and sneered, "It's ridiculous, it's just a coincidence, how can it be so evil?"

Yun Qingyue couldn't see the system and couldn't understand the conversation between the two. She only heard the little white tiger humming and shouting a few times. Then she felt a chill on her wrist, and a wet tail wrapped up, acting a little coquettish...

A trace of warmth flashed in the cold eyes, and the melancholy created by the past in the Spirit Beast Garden seemed to dissipate a lot at this moment.

The atmosphere was acceptable, and Jiang Mo's trip was fruitful. Not only did she regain her neat and beautiful fur, but she also heard some past stories about Yun Qingyue. Then she suddenly understood the reason why when they first met, Yun Qingyue seemed to like her a lot, but refused to take her away. At this time, she couldn't help but feel a little lucky and was also a little curious.

So after refuting the system, Jiang Mo quickly changed the subject, and asked again: "Is there really any kind of physique in this world? Take a look at the system, is there anything wrong with Senior Sister?"

The scanning function of the system is powerful to some extent because the mechanical analysis can avoid many human subjective judgments.

For the safety of the host, the system did not refuse this little effort. It opened a scan for Yun Qingyue and came to a conclusion after a while. Then looking at the scan results, the system suddenly said in surprise, "Huh?"

The little white tiger's ears pricked up, and he looked over immediately after hearing the words, and asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

The system murmured: "It seems something is wrong..."