
When Golden Finger Meets Salted Fish

System 223 is a new system that has just left the factory, and it can’t wait to bind the host on the first day it leaves the factory. However, before it showed its talents and led the host to the pinnacle of life, the host directly stepped on the end of life because of the short-term stagnation of binding it. Helpless, the disheveled 223 had no choice but to take its host who had just died in a car accident to choose a new plane, and properly chose a little white tiger that had just passed away for the host to possess. “Ding, system 223 has been loaded. This system has its own game upgrade system, foundation building in January, golden pill in March, and Nascent Soul in a year is not a dream! I wish the host an early ascension and reach the pinnacle of life!!!” Jiang Mo who was inexplicably bound: “…” Jiang Mo, who had just received the memory of the white tiger inheritance: How tiring is it to cut monsters, and the cultivation base of the gods and beasts increases even when they sleep. It’s not as good as this, the foundation building once, the golden elixir twice, and the Nascent Soul three times all depend on dreams! System: … Is there such a good thing? I’m afraid it’s not really a dream, is it?! So how long are you going to sleep? Jiang Mo: Ten years and eight years are not too short, and a hundred years and a thousand years are not too long. System: Unable to unbind, I choose to shut down. However, Jiang Mo couldn’t sleep for hundreds of thousands of years after all, because she, who is the ultimate face control, soon met a stunning beauty… Who is willing to ignore a kitten lying down on the porcelain? —————————————————— The novel is not mine, I am just editing the MTL version If you want you can support me on: ko-fi.com/mitake55760

Mitak_E · Book&Literature
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32 Chs

Chapter 25

Jiang Mo did not know how long Yun Qingyue had been watching her and it was obvious that she had sneaked out.

The little white tiger felt a little guilty for a moment, and before she could figure out how to get away with it, saw a flash of light from the system suddenly rushing towards her. She tilted her head but couldn't dodge it. She growled angrily and said, "System, don't make trouble."

The system near the little white tiger's head, flashed several times, and the mechanical voice was full of tears: "Host, you are bald. A big piece of hair on the head has been scratched off, I will cover it up... You are now a bald tiger, not good-looking at all, do you think the shit-shovelling officer will dislike you for being ugly, and then won't want you?"

The little white tiger who was guilty at first froze instantly. She finally remembered what happened to her before, she stood up subconsciously, and touched her head with two paws—that's right, a while ago, she successfully bit the big goose's neck to complete the kill. But before that, the big goose plucked her fur abruptly.

It's over, she's really bald, isn't she ugly now? Will I be disliked by others?

Jiang Mo while clutching her head was flustered when the back of her neck was suddenly pinched, and she was lifted up the next moment. The cold glazed eyes swept across her embarrassed body, Yun Qingyue's tone was indifferent, unable to express any emotion: "Where have you been?"

The little white tiger looked at her pitifully, and yelled "Aww", aggrieved: "I didn't go anywhere, really."

Seeing this, Yun Qingyue almost couldn't hold back her laughter, so she hugged the little tiger into her arms again, and even touched her soft belly.

Jiang Mo's body froze for a moment, and then relaxed again—she was just a poor little tiger with a soft and fluffy belly, so she must feel good to pet. If the Senior Sister doesn't pursue the matter of her sneaking out and doesn't dislike her bald appearance at the moment, then it's no big deal to let her touch her belly.

Here, Jiang Mo had just comforted herself and was about to act coquettishly at Yun Qingyue again and expose the matter completely. Yun Qingyue suddenly says: "I was cultivating, but later I received a sound transmission that the Daoist Hall at the foot of the mountain was broken into and disturbed..."

The master of Mingxia Peak is obsessed with cultivation and has been in seclusion all year round, so the trivial matters in the peak have long been handed over to Senior disciples.

Although Daoist Hall is where new disciples listen to the teachings of Dao, it is also the foundation of the sect, so no one dares to underestimate it. Any accidents that happen there, big or small, will be reported to Yun Qingyue as soon as possible. That's why it is not unusual for her to know about it so quickly.

Jiang Mo felt guilty for a moment, looking left and right but not looking at Yun Qingyue, as if it was none of her business.

Yun Qingyue just watched her pretending to be stupid, and continued unhurriedly: "It's not a big deal. Dining Hall's back kitchen was broken into, causing heavy casualties to poultry, livestock, and finally a red-capped goose, as well as a big pot." She said and touched the little white tiger's stomach again, this time it was not only fluffy and soft, but also round. Obviously, the little white tiger had already fed itself a while ago.

The little white tiger wilted for a moment, but soon cheered up again, "Aww" "Aww" kept yelling: "Shit shovel officer, you can't blame me for eating that goose, look how much of my fur it has scratched off! Eating that goose is just revenge!"

Yun Qingyue couldn't understand what she said, but she could tell that the little Baihu was cursing. She didn't interrupt her indignation until the little tiger said enough, she pinched the tiger cub's pad and asked suddenly: "So, is the red-capped goose delicious?"

Delicious, the system craftsmanship is superb.

***************************************************** *******************

The matter of sneaking down the mountain seemed to be a thing of the past, and Yun Qingyue didn't pursue anything.

However, this trip down the mountain left an indelible mark on the little white tiger—the fear of being dominated by the big goose is one aspect, and her bald hair is another aspect. Especially when she was soaking in the Spirit spring recently, every time she saw her new image reflected in the water, her collapsed mood was indescribable... Bald is bald, the key is that she doesn't know when it will grow back.

While soaking in the bath, the little white tiger waved its paws to break the reflection in the water, and asked the system: "System, if I upgrade now, can the fur grow back? I look so ugly with a bald spot!"

The system answered, but unfortunately, the answer it gave was not satisfactory: "Host, it can't be done, hair is not covered by the game warranty."

Jiang Mo didn't respond. In fact, this was not the first time she had asked the system, but the system's answers were always disappointing. However, there are many good things in the mall, such as cheap hair tonics and expensive magic potions, which can make her hair grow back in minutes. But it was too expensive, even the cheapest hair tonic cost 5000 points, she couldn't afford it at all.

Looking at the prices in the mall again, Jiang Mo felt that the pricing was unreasonable, so she slapped the complaint button. Then a mechanical sound similar to the system sounded in her ears: "Hello host, what are your requests?"

Jiang Mo gestured at the few hair growth items with her paw: "The price is too high, it's unreasonable."

Then there was a brief silence. After a while, the complaint system seemed to have finished its calculations and replied: "Supply and demand determine the pricing, and the system mall is all right. There is no problem with the pricing, host. If you can't afford it, it can only be your own problem."

Jiang Mo thought about the hair loss, and faced with such a reply, she was speechless for a while.

The system flickered at this moment, as if pulling the little white tiger's beard, and then leaned into her ear and whispered: "Forget about this, host, don't complain, this kind of pricing complaint has never been accepted by the mall, let alone a price reduction. How about this, I'll place an order for you when you collect enough points, this kind of large-scale system can get the price, a 9.1% discount."

The little white tiger twitched the corners of her mouth.

Jiang Mo was about to slap the system away, but Yun Qingyue walked over at that moment. Seeing that the soaking time was enough, she fished the little white tiger out of the spiritual spring, and while using a technique to blow her hair, she said: "Tomorrow I am going outside of the sect, do you want to go with me?"

Little Baihu's ears twitched, obviously very excited, she had never seen the real cultivation world outside of Xuanqing Sect. But thinking about her image at the moment, and feeling ashamed to go out, the whole tiger suddenly withered.