
When First we met

NB: This book is a total work of fiction written based on the writer's own personal imagination. Any relation to names,places, or even ways is a total work of coincidence.

DaoistWhDTTe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter Thirty Three. In a week

Alicia glared at Wo Ryung but the man looked unfazed.

"Who wanted your..."she started but he interrupted her

"Alright! Alright! If you wanted nothing from me you as well could have put on a few more cloths on yourself at least. How unfair that I have to...." the rest of his words didn't reach Alicia's conscience as she took registration of her current almost naked condition and she gasped as her hands flew to cover her bosom.

"Aaaah!!" she screamed and the man was conscious enough to put two of his smaller fingers into his ears as he stared at her with a stoic expression. "You pervert!" she exclaimed but he behaved as though he even couldn't hear her. "Turn around and don't look!" she glared and a smile spread on his lips before he o obediently turned his back to her.

Alicia hurriedly pulled her dress over her head and pulled it down over her bosom till it reached her legs. The whole time,her cheeks were flushed red and her heartbeat raced a thousand kilometers and back unaware to her that the gumiho before her could hear it almost more clear than she could herself.

"am done" she finally announced and he turned in time to look at her flushed face. Although Wo Ryung liked to irk her,he didn't this time. Instead he instantly wrapped his arms around her waist and before she could register what was going on,they were suddenly back in the air and leaping above the ground.

Alicia wrapped her own hands around Wo Ryung and gripped him so tightly he could have chocked if only the man was human. He flew above the ground without a single word to her and Alicia was more than glad because she couldn't imagine herself looking up at him to answer when she knew there were hard and slippery rocks under them on which the water that fell at the small waterfall back down flown. All her attention was drawn on clutching on to Wo Ryung so that she wouldn't fall.

Once Wo Ryung finally put her down, Alicia could tell they had come a long way far from where they had been as Wo Ryung had flown them at such a speed as though they were suddenly being chased by someone. She wondered if something was wrong but then she remembered him calling that woman's name so sweetly and her expression turned agitated.

"Don't want to let go yet? We could maybe get a rope and stitch ourselves together" his voice had turned to a soft growl and Alicia turned to look at him in time to see that one of his elegant brows was raised and he was smiling. An evil bewitching smile.

Alicia gingerly unwrapped her hands from his neck and he smirked at her but she quickly looked away from him,not ready to be taunted anymore than he already had meanwhile her ears reddened to an unimaginable degree because of their previous closeness.

"What were you doing at the front of the falls?" she demanded unable to keep inside her anymore. She wanted to ask directly what he had been thinking he was doing with that woman but she stopped herself as she didn't want to embarrass herself. She didn't share any intimate relationship with him much as she wanted to possess him. But the man in front of her didn't answer, instead he raised one elegant brow in curiosity.

"What?" Alicia demanded and she heard him chuckle.

"Nothing." he answered nonchalantly. "Am just curious" he continued. "You seem to have missed me a lot during your swim you even had to picture me commiting suicide" he said tilting his head to one side and Alicia wished more than hitting his head.

"Have your fill. It's safe here, nothing will disturb you. I will be back" he said and before Alicia could get her mind to grasp what he had said,he was already in the air leaping away from where she stood while he headed back to the direction they had come from.

Alicia wondered what could have happened to make him go back there without her and considering the way they had rushed here, she concluded it wouldn't be healthy for her to think farther about him and his Alexia woman which still brought a twist of pain to her heart but she dismissed it concentrating more on her surroundings.

Wo Ryung had told her to have her fill and sure enough when she turned around to take in her surroundings, Alicia was stunned because of what was around her. There was a beautiful fruit garden laid out before her eyes that stretched for as long as her eyes could horizontally while it was fairly wide as well with all different kinds of fruits that she had ever heard of.

All the fruits looked inviting and her mouth watered and before long, she engrossed herself in finding more fruits of her liking which was all the fruits available making her completely forget about Wo Ryung and his woman company.

Alicia collected as much fruits as her stomach was wide enough to let her keep whilst making sure not put any to waste as she wasn't accustomed to wasting food and she enjoyed collecting from berries to grapes to peaches and apples before her eyes widened when she looked at her collection. She had made sure to collect two of each tree and now she wondered how she would have to finish all of them.

Sighing, Alicia sat down beside her collection before her feet could drag farther into the magical garden and tempt her into plucking more fruits off the trees. She contemplated on what to start with between the berries and grapes before her hand reached for the berries and tossed one into her mouth chewing it immediately which later made her close her eyes to savour it's sweetness. Surely everything about the gumiho was magical not even the taste of a berry was spared!!

"He is so magical" she mammered to herself but when she opened her eyes again, she wished she could take back her words as the shameless man was back already with his face looming over her. Alicia really just couldn't fathom what might have happened to change him in such a short time and into such a perverted soul.

"Dreaming about me, already?" he asked her. She could tell he had showered as there was a very fresh scent wafting from him which was intoxicating.

"How long does it take you to bathe?" she asked him instead and his expression instantly grew lazy exuding boredom.

"It depends" he answered lazily. "I rarely sweat or do any of the things that you do so.... once in a while?" he answered making it sound as though it was a question and Alicia's mouth hung open.

How could a man so handsome as him confess to not bathing for even a single day not to mention he had said 'once in a while' and God only knew what that meant to his way of counting. But how come he looked more than a freshly bathed person and everything around and about him was just so perfectly clean? Unable to find answers, Alicia looked away from him as it was the best choice right now.

Wo Ryung's gaze fell on Alicia's small collection of fruits and he chuckled but he didn't say anything and when she looked back at him,he was already standing up from where he had been squatting.

"Did you plant all these fruits?" Alicia asked and he looked thoughtful for a moment.

"I wouldn't say so" he answered shaking his head after some time before he continued "but I don't mind taking care of it though" he added. " have your fruits. We need to get you back home" he then said and Alicia who had been about to drop a grape into her mouth halted as reality hit her hard.

She had let herself get lost for a moment in his company completely forgetting about what still awaited her back home. In a week's time, she would have to get married and leave the village with Wo Ryung being part of it. The thought brought unwanted feelings of grievance to her heart.

Seeing Alicia's expression turn lost and unpleasant all of a sudden,Wo Ryung wondered what could have happened to her.

"What happened? Are you alright?" he asked wondering if it was possible for her to have swallowed a bigger piece of the berry than her throat could afford. "Did you swallow something sour?" he asked placing his hand before her mouth for her to spit it out unto his palm.

"What are you doing?" she asked. "Am alright. I didn't swallow anything." she retorted.

"Then why do you look like you suddenly feel lonely when am here?" he boasted pointing his finger to his chest. " am I that boring?" he asked raising a brow as he wondered whether he should apply more means to reduce on her boring expression.

"No!" her answer was firm. Alicia couldn't imagine Wo Ryung trying to do something more than he already had as she wasn't even used to this new part of him yet. "Am fine. Let's go" she said forgetting about the fruits.

Thinking that she lacked company,Wo Ryung sat down beside her and picked up an apple from her small collection. "Let's eat together. Am starving!" he said with a wide yawn and Alicia gaped at him. She was sure he never took fruits that seriously for a meal much worse quench his hunger.

Not a long while later, the nearby bushes swayed as though there was something passing through them and Wo Ryung's senses turned alert.

"Such luck! who would have imagined that food would bring itself to my door. the gods must have known am hungry!" he whispered with a smile and before long,a racing rabbit halted right in front of them at such speed it could as well have collided into them. But before an excited Wo Ryung could leap to get the poor animal to quench his thirst, Alicia's hand grasped his so tightly he couldn't pull away unless he used force.

"Don't even think about it." she warned and they watched the rabbit turn around to leave in another direction, leaving Wo Ryung staring in its direction stunned that he couldn't get to his meal. The moment his eyes met her's later, Alicia gestured for him to draw his attention to the fruits on display as though silently telling him there was a variety to his immediate reach already and he silently complied, defeated.