
When fire meets Ice

Logan jack feels that playing hard means it all, but he never knew that ice could actually quench the burning fire in him..

Marylyn_Declan · Urban
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Six

After Maya was done dressing up, she took a look at her reflection in the mirror. She really needed to wear something free and comfortable. She brushed her hair and let it fall on her shoulder before she quickly put on her stud earrings. She hates being guarded up and down but she missed her family and friends so much that she was so happy to be going out even if she had to be driven around.


Finally, she stood in front of Betty's apartment. She knocked twice before Betty opened the door.

" Look who's here! the new bride of Logan Jack. " she exclaimed happily before they hugged and then she let her in.

" When did you get back? " she asked as she handed her a cup of water.

" Yesterday. " she told her before she began to drink some water.

" So am I expecting a godson soon... " Betty asked... Maya coughed almost choking on the water she was drinking.

" Are you okay? " Betty asked as she rubbed her back.

When she finally got herself, she hit Betty hard on the arm that she yelled in pain.

" Sometimes you talk nonsense way too much... "

" What? What wrong did I say? Ain't you married? Then you went on a honeymoon. What was i suppose to say then? " she remembered immediately that Betty doesn't have any idea of the kind of marriage Logan and she were into.

" Anyway forget it... let's just forget that whole phase... so.. how have you been doing? "

" Well... same old story... I haven't found a replaceable job. Maya is Logan really not going to release our work place? " she asked her worriedly. She could see how much Betty needed her work back and she even wanted to work again.

" I didn't go to high school and college for nothing. My efforts can't just be a waste just like that.

He's proving stubborn but dont worry... I just came up with a great plan of how to forcefully get what I want from him, there is a saying that if you bring a horse to the stream and it refuses to drink water then you wipe it really hard so it learns its lesson. " she told her as she thought out every step in her mind.

" Um.. Maya.. I'm pretty sure nobody says what you just said."

" Really Betty? You really want to spoil this mood." She gave her a look.

" Okay...fine I leave everything in your hands." she told her.

" You don't worry, I promise to give you a job very soon." She told Betty with a smile and she smiled back as she drank down the remaining water.

She took hold of Maya's hand and stared at her finger.

" Wow Maya.. your ring is really pretty. I can't believe that is just now that am taking a closer look. "

" Well he obviously tried to show off his money. " she murmured to herself.

" What? " Betty asked confusingly.

" Nothing.. I was just saying that.. that yes, Logan did try. " she told her as she drew back her hand and stared at the ring. Betty couldn't help but stop talking and stared at the ring. She herself hasn't really taken a closer look at the ring before, she always put it on but she really didn't know why but she has never taken note of the simplicity in the ring. It was just what she liked. Not too fancy nor too cheap or simple but just in the middle. Very easy to wear and portable... weird... It was as if Logan knew her very well.

" Maya.. Maya... " she heard Betty's voice calling her.

" Huh? " she answered her almost lost.

" Wow... What is wrong Maya? I've been calling you for quite sometime now but you were just lost in your own fantasy... I get it, your husband is hot and you can't stop thinking about him. "

" What.. no... what are you saying? I've told you several times to stop talking too much... I was just thinking about something else. " she told her irritatedly.

" Hmm... I hear you. " she said as she raised her eyebrows at Maya with a smile.

This was one of the moments she wish she could smack Betty's head and tell her about what is really going on between Logan and she. They weren't just like other normal couple, they were different.


Logan sat in his office going through some documents before signing them then handed it to James.

" Make sure everything runs smoothly and quickly. Are the Chinese investors here? " he asked

" Yes sir, they just arrived. "

" Okay, let's go. " he told him as he stood to his feet and picked up the necessary documents needed.

"... this furnitures are suitable enough to be displayed in the mall..." a man who stood in front of the projector demonstrating the project on the screen to the Chinese investors and other board members. Logan sat at the head of the table paying attention as well. Suddenly Maya walked in while arguing with Lisa, his secretary. All eyes turned to them.

" I'm really sorry sir I tried to stop her. " Lisa apologised to him. He just raised his hand to her to hold on. Maya just stood in front of him smiling. He must admit that she looked different from earlier that morning.

" Oh I'm really sorry everyone... I didn't know my husband here was really in a meeting.. I thought his secretary just said that to keep me away. " she said while trying to be as nice as possible but Logan could see right through her. He knows she purposely barged in there.

" Well.. husband.. I'll just be waiting for you outside. " she told him with the nicest smile she could come up with and touched his arm lightly. Well, she trust Logan to stare at him loathly. She turned to his guests.

" Xie Xie. " she told them with both of her hands together as she bent her head a little with a smile. She raised her head and saw that they were smiling and nodding as well so she gently left with Logan's annoying secretary following behind her.

" Grrrr.. I want to let everyone know what my plan is.. first, I very well know that Logan was in a meeting, I wanted to embarrass him. Secondly, this plan is called operation embarrass him. I'm going to stalk him everywhere he goes till he finally gives into my demands. I'm going to show him who the real Maya is and why I'm called 'Little Fighter ' " she kept on bragging after she came out from the conference room.

" Is she your wife Mr jack? " Mr Han one of the Chinese investors asked with a funny smile.

Logan cleared his throat.

" Yes. " he answered as he sat up.

" Oh dear lord I hope she has not ruined this for me, I won't let her off the hook if the look at what she just did as an insult.. " he said in his mind.

" She is very funny. " and they all smiled while nodding.

" Yes.. and she's very pretty. " they also said.

" Who? Maya? " he said to himself in surprise.

The rest of the meeting weirdly went well and before he knew it, the deal was signed. As everyone left, he stayed back and personally shaked the Chinese investors one by one.

Maya surprisingly came back in and stood beside him with a huge smile on her face. What is she up to? Why is she behaving this way? Logan siloloquized.

'Thank you all for coming and I do hope you had a nice stay here in Africa. Please do have a nice trip back to China'. Maya surprisingly spoke Chinese to them and Logan was left staring at her. They investors looked impressed as they laughed and spoke back to her in Chinese and she replied before they all laughed together. Logan was now looking like the third party there.

" Mr Jack, your wife here speaks pretty good Chinese.. she was just telling me that she knows of a good Chinese restaurant here after I told her just how much I missed Chinese food. " One of the chinese investors told Logan..