
When Fire Attracts a Moth

Everybody loves the sunshine Hinata. Hinata basks in everybody's affection, except for Kei who doesn't waste time complaining about every little thing Hinata does. But wait, is he really irritated with him, or he just doesn't know how to handle Hinata's brightness? 30ch main story 4 finished side stories I promise you, the side stories are cute Chapter updates: MWF Starting April 3, 2023 ------------------------------------------------- This is a haikyuu fanfiction. All characters from the manga belong to Haikyuu and its author. All credits belong to the artist of the characters I used on the cover (Yamada). English is not my first language, so I apologize for the grammar mistakes and unclear scenarios. Warning: smut is everywhere so... you should be old enough to be reading this. Lastly... I love Tsukishima even though he is really a jerk hahaha! For me, he is super hot even though he is cold (hit it, Katy Perry) Started: October 6, 2022 Completed: December 6, 2022 (main story)

Fire_Garnet · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 15 - Black Widow

"So again senpai, what's with Hinata and Tsukishima?" Akemi asked Yamaguchi while sucking in her cherry-flavored lollipop, her lips were bright red. Yamaguchi will be stopping by her house since her mom has some fruits to give Mrs. Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi stared at her lips.

Oh, her lips look swollen like it's been devoured for being plump. Wait, what? Yamaguchi stop it!

"Uh, what? I remember you asking about that last week, but what do you mean exactly?

Could it be that Akemi caught on to Hinata and Tsuki's relationship?

"Well... Tsukishima's your bestfriend right? But I always see them together. Is it just my imagination?"

"As teammates and belonging in the same class for this year, we are always together. All of us also go, I mean, live in the same direction so we can always all go home together. Hmmm... well they are always bickering though so I don't really get your question."

"Okay. Let me be clear then. I sense the sexual tension between them. I feel like their bickering is just for show."

At this point, they already reached Akemi's home. They went inside. Akemi called her mom but found a note in the refrigerator instead.

Out to get some fresh crabs for your dad. We'll all have dinner tonight. Food for Yamaguchi on the kitchen counter. Love Mom.

"Seems mom is not home... So where were we? Right... about those two. As I said, I sense some weird sexual tension. "

They sat in the living room, both at the end of the sofa.

"Hmmm Let's say even if there was, what's it to you? I mean you and Tsukishima are always bickering too. Much more subtle though but still, you always get on each other's nerves."

"To be honest... I want that sexual tension too. I need to find out if my hunch is correct. Otherwise, I will have Tsukishima for myself. I like tsunderes. They're hot. I wonder what Tsukishma can do with his large hands of his...?"


"Oh come on senpai. I know you know the real reason why we moved. Dad's work is just one of the reasons. You knew about the issue with my former school don't you?"

"Yeah, well I just ahmm, those rumors. You being dragged on a scandal with few boys in middle school if I'm not mistaken."

"Yeah, it appeared to have spun out of control now. Like I got involved with a looooot of boys. But rumors have to start somewhere don't you think? Senpai, I will be honest and blunt. I like it you know. Sex. Heck, I love it. Touching, kissing, experimenting, penetrating..."

"You are so beautiful, you can really get away with teasing and all. I am not one to judge. I understand some of these desires are stronger for some people than others. Just don't let people get hurt alright?"

"Wow, senpai... that is not the reaction I imagined. Wanna have a go? With me?"

"Hahaha don't entangle me in this web of yours you Black Widow or what's the other one? Temptress is it? Hahaha! I better leave now before your imagination run wild. Lock the door and call me if anything happens. Be alert when you're alone at home. I'll have Mom call your mom later."

"See? You even know my nicknames!"

Yamaguchi then went and got the fruits from the kitchen counter.

"Bye then."

"Yeah, let me know if you change your mind senpai."

"Yeah... yeah..." Yamaguchi chuckled.

She's so persistent and direct. Whew, dodged that one perfectly. But what about Tsuki and Hinata. Should I warn them? Hmmm...

So I was actually thinking of uploading my werewolf story in this platform as well. So I decided to update this story everyday! Enjoy!

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