
Suspense 2

Alpha Ethan and the men stopped immediately when they approached the shrine. They could sense that all was not well.

Alpha Ethan signaled the guards to walk slowly before him, and they pulled out their guns and followed him closely. Shortly they were in the compound. 

A man was seen lying on the floor. He was putting on a white piece of clothes. It was the strange man that Beta Eddy fought a while ago.

Alpha Ethan and the guards approached him calmly. Some walked towards the man, holding their guns as defense, while others faced the entrance in case someone attacked there.

When they approached the man, they couldn't tell if he was still awake by just looking, so alpha Ethan kicked him slightly, expecting him to at least make some moves, but he was motionless. 

Alpha Ethan quickly bent down and placed his fingers in the man's neck. When he couldn't feel his pulse, he stood up immediately.