

Richard Pov

we got into the car,while in the car I kept stealing glances at flourish who kept on ignoring me, wishing she could just look at my side but she kept looking outside the car,while she was staring at the world outside the car,I suddenly remembered the dream I had about her,I immediately got alert, telling myself that I wouldn't leave her side,few minutes later, flourish suddenly told the driver to stop the car that she wanted to get something, immediately I heard that I immediately refused her request telling the driver not to stop the car,after arguing for a while the driver finally stopped the car,I was feeling so anxious when she left the car so I decided to follow her secretly.


Since we entered into the car, Richard has been stealing glances at me,I know he was trying to apologise but his action was only making me uncomfortable and to make mater worse,am on my period and I need to get a pad as quick as possible,I was already having menstrual cramp which was making me feel uncomfortable,I started looking out the car window to see if I could see a place where I could get a sanitary pad. After few minutes of searching I finally saw a place where I could get it so I immediately told the driver to stop the car but the annoying Richard would not let the driver stop the car,after minutes of arguing,the driver stopped the car and I immediately got down from the car and walked to the shop I saw. While walking I had a feeling that someone was watching me but I decided to ignore it,I entered the shop and bought my sanitary pad then got out of the shop,I then immediately started going towards the car,as I was moving towards the car,four men suddenly surrounded me,as I was about to scream for help,one of them immediately covered my mouth making me to drop the sanitary pad in my hand. I struggled with them but they were too strong so they overpowered me,all I knew was that I was dragged into a van then I blanked out.


It was exactly like what happened in my dream,I saw flourish enter the shop and I also saw her come out and it happened in a flash,four men came out know where and dragged her into a van, although she was trying to free herself from them but they were too strong for her,it was when they dragged her into the van that I got back to my senses,I tried running after the van but there was nothing I could do got angry at my self that I felt like beating myself up, i immediately ran to the car and told the driver to pursue the car but the van was long gone,I felt my world crashing down,I lost hope that moment,I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was the driver,he was urging me to enter the car and go home first,after hesitating for a while,I entered the car, immediately I got home I ran to my room to call her dad,after informing her dad,he immediately came home made a few phone calls,so as to search for his daughter. Night came and I was not able to sleep,when I finally slept,I had a dream,I saw flourish in a dark room,tied to a pole,her mouth was tied,her clothes were still intact and she looked weak while sleeping,my subconscious mind drifted round the room and i noticed she was in a basement of a house, looking around I met myself in a place in the basement,there I s aw lot of bone on the floor and some school uniform.immediately I saw everything,I felt something dragging me then I woke up, waking up I checked the time and it was three in the morning,I found it hard to sleep so I started thinking about what my dream meant,while I was thinking I suddenly remembered the story flourish told me about the vampire girl, remembering the story,I realized the similarity between the dream and the story flourish told me,the only difference was that flourish was a girl, meaning Marisa is the culprit, after finding the culprit I felt so Happy so I started getting ready for school the next day so as to observe Marisa by now the story of flourish being kidnapped would have spread throughout the school. When I got to school I decided to behave gloomy,people started approaching me to give me hope that flourish would be found, even Marisa moved closer to me to give me hope,she didn't live a clue,which actually made me respect her,she was a perfect villain but unknown to her am not ordinary either,so I started following her secretly,I noticed her and her friends alone in one of our school abandoned farm,I didn't want to get close to them so they wouldn't notice my presence, thinking of what to do,an Idea came to my mind and then I decided to test out my powers,I imagined myself hearing all what they were saying,then suddenly,I could here what Marisa and her friends were saying,I was so happy that I wanted to jump for joy but I had to stop myself so as to not get their attention. I hid myself at a corner in the school and started listening to what they were saying,it was then I heard Marisa telling her friends that she was having a strange feeling that someone knows what they did to flourish, hearing flourish name proved my suspicion right,I was so happy to hear this,after finished talking,one of her friends told her not to worry that Know one knew of their plan,I almost felt like laughing that instant but had to concentrate,then I heard Marisa saying they would go to where they held flourish captive if school ended,when I noticed they were done with their meeting,I immediately left the place and went back to the class so they won't suspect anything. Immediately school ended and the driver came to pick me up,I told the driver not to worry that I had something to do at school that I would come home later,the driver hearing this left.i then went to the school cafeteria,there I saw Marisa and her friends getting somethings then they left, immediately they left the cafeteria,I followed them,then I saw them entering a car,then the car drive off, immediately they left, luckily for me I saw a taxi so I boarded the taxi and told the driver to follow the car in front but he should not be known. surprisingly,the driver didn't ask anything and followed the car in a professional way that I started having second thought about the driver.

Thank you all for reading my novel,please kindly comment and review on it,and if possible vote for it.love you all and please stay safe.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts