
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · Eastern
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147 Chs

When a Group of Overimaginative Experts Gather

As cities were destroyed one after another, the earth trembled.

Similar scenes unfolded within the top factions across the continent.

All the high-ranking members gathered to discuss the situation.

Meanwhile, they maintained constant contact with their people outside, monitoring the developments.

As they realized these events were ongoing, with cities being annihilated every so often, panic spread among everyone.

Many feared their city might be the next target.

Even the Empire wasn't exempt from this fear.

After a brief discussion, the leaders of the top factions hastily concluded their meeting.

Their respective leaders gave some instructions before departing.

They all flew off in the same direction.

At Qingyuan Town, a figure suddenly appeared in front of a courtyard gate.

It was Murong Gong.

Having learned about the recent continental events through a communication jade slip, he had rushed here immediately.

However, no matter how many times he called out, there was no response from inside.

The gate remained closed.

This meant no one was home.

Murong Gong had learned his lesson from a previous unauthorized entry.

Now, he could only wait outside the gate.

Waiting for Chen Ping'an to return.

He had barely waited a moment when another figure flashed into existence before him.

It was Long Aotian.

Long Aotian's brow was furrowed, his face contorted with anger.

Just recently, their Tianzun Tower had lost several buildings.

The death toll was significant.

Seeing that those evil immortals hadn't left and more cities were being destroyed, he had immediately rushed here.

To request the senior's intervention in slaying those villains!

Upon arriving, he saw Murong Gong standing at the gate and quickly cupped his hands in greeting: "Brother Gong, you're here too?"

Murong Gong returned the courteous greeting.

He didn't need to guess why Long Aotian had come at this time.

"Brother Long, the senior isn't here," Murong Gong said with a bitter smile.

Long Aotian was stunned for a moment, then his brow furrowed even deeper.

"Does Brother Gong know when the senior will return?" Long Aotian asked.

Murong Gong shook his head.

They gradually began to converse, their topic inevitably turning to the recent events.

Long Aotian's expression grew fiercer.

He mentioned a number.

In just a short while, over 300,000 people had died!

Murong Gong was shocked.

"Who are these people? How can they be so ruthless?" he exclaimed.

They clearly had no regard for human life!

Long Aotian shook his head, saying that even in the immortal realm, such people would be considered desperados.

Just then, another figure flashed into existence beside them.

It was Zhen Danteng.

And it didn't end there.

Within moments, two more appeared.

Bai Gufeng and Ximen Chen.

In an instant, five people had gathered.

After their arrival, they looked at each other in silence for a moment.

None of them had expected to meet here with such coincidental timing.

Zhen Danteng, Bai Gufeng, Long Aotian, and Murong Gong all knew each other.

They had gathered together at the founding of the Ping'an Sect and personally witnessed Chen Ping'an's power.

So when they saw each other here, they were initially surprised, but then felt a sense of tacit understanding.

However, Long Aotian and the others looked at Ximen Chen with curiosity.

"Brother Ximen, what brings you here?" Long Aotian asked.

Zhen Danteng and Bai Gufeng also stared at Ximen Chen.

They were equally curious.

Those who could come here must surely know the senior.

And must have witnessed the senior's power.

Now that Ximen Chen was here, it could only mean one thing.

Ximen Chen was in the same situation as them.

Murong Gong knew Ximen Chen had met the senior, as Ximen Chen had personally thanked him for providing directions not long ago.

So he wasn't surprised by Ximen Chen's presence.

Ximen Chen was the most confused of all.

When he arrived, he was stunned to see Long Aotian and the others.

Seeing Murong Gong was fine, as he knew of Murong Gong's relationship with the senior.

But he hadn't expected to find so many old acquaintances here.

Now being questioned, he didn't hide anything.

"You all know about my mother's impending end of life. When I was at my wit's end, I heard about the Ping'an Sect and rushed over..."

He went on to describe in detail how he met Chen Ping'an and how Chen Ping'an helped save his mother.

His face maintained an expression of awe throughout.

As they listened to Ximen Chen's account, Long Aotian and the others took a deep breath.

"It seems the senior had everything planned out! He knew about your mother's situation, knew you would seek out Brother Gong, and even knew that Brother Gong's soft heart would point you in the right direction. That's why he was there, tipping over mud!" Long Aotian said reverently.

When Ximen Chen had returned to thank him, Murong Gong had inquired about the details.

So he already knew about Ximen Chen's experience.

At the time, he had been filled with admiration for Chen Ping'an.

Zhen Danteng and Bai Gufeng remained silent.

Their faces could only show expressions of veneration.

Now that they knew Chen Ping'an wasn't in the courtyard, they could only wait outside.

Boredom and anxiety plagued them.

Finally, they resorted to conversation.

Their talk turned to how each of them had come to know Chen Ping'an.

Bai Gufeng spoke first.

"I actually haven't met the senior in person. I learned of his existence through my grandson."

Bai Gufeng recounted in detail how his grandson had encountered Chen Ping'an.

When Long Aotian and the others heard this, they were stunned.

So you haven't actually met the senior?

Bai Gufeng went on to share his speculations about Chen Ping'an and how his grandson had awakened his constitution.

Murong Gong then added: "It's the same with my disciple. He's likely part of the senior's purpose in establishing this sect. He also awakened his constitution. And that day, he encountered a drowning child nearby. Surprisingly, the senior was right there when he saved the child!"

Hearing this, Long Aotian and the others couldn't help but take another deep breath.

"Tsk tsk, so you're saying all of this was orchestrated by the senior? That's truly terrifying!" Long Aotian exclaimed in awe.

Next, it was Zhen Danteng's turn to speak.

His encounter with Chen Ping'an was similar to Bai Gufeng's, through Guo Zimo.

Long Aotian and the others sighed in amazement after hearing his story.

Finally, Long Aotian shared his own experience of meeting Chen Ping'an.

His experience was different.

It was through a celestial artifact.

Moreover, his ancestral home used to be right here!

When they heard this, silence fell over the group.

"It seems the senior's decision to settle here was no coincidence!" Bai Gufeng exclaimed in shock.

Murong Gong nodded quickly, then a look of pride flashed across his face.

"To be honest with you all, I didn't encounter the senior through any special means. Hehe, the reason I know the senior is that he personally sought out our sect, even saying he wanted to join us."

As soon as these words were spoken, a sudden silence fell.

The air seemed to freeze.

Long Aotian and the others stared at Murong Gong in disbelief.

They were utterly shocked.

Murong Gong wore a smug expression.

Hehe, now you know how important I am to the senior!