
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · Eastern
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160 Chs

The Terrifying Su Ling

The gloomy middle-aged man and his group had been waiting in the sky for quite some time.

But the three hadn't returned.

He looked at the others with a furrowed brow and said, "Someone contact the two who went out. See if they've found anything!"

Hearing this, two red-robed middle-aged men took out their communication talismans and sent messages.

Soon after.

Replies came back.

The two looked simultaneously at the gloomy middle-aged man.

"Boss, they haven't found anything yet..."

Upon hearing this, the gloomy middle-aged man's face darkened.

He couldn't understand what was happening.

If this wasn't the mortal realm, he would have thought that person had been killed by other experts.

But this was the mortal realm, there shouldn't be any experts here, and their group's strength was not to be underestimated, even in the immortal realm they were considered formidable.

They could only continue to wait.

At this moment, they were high up in the sky.

They had actually noticed people secretly watching them from below.

But they paid no attention.

If an ant on the ground looks at you, would you bother to get upset about it?

Today, the sky was clear, without any clouds.

There was no wind at this altitude.

Everything around was quiet.

But as the seven of them were waiting patiently,

Sudden changes occurred.

The seven noticed.

Their surroundings suddenly darkened.

They could see that the entire ground below had also darkened.

It was as if an enormous cloud had suddenly drifted over their heads.

But, upon closer inspection,

They realized the darkness below,

Was actually a colossal pattern.

It was the shape of a giant hand!

This sudden change stunned all seven of them.

They quickly looked up at the sky.

But what they saw made things worse.

When they saw what was in the sky, they were once again frozen in shock.

They stared dumbly at what was above them.

Their eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.

Their jaws seemed to have dislocated.


The seven swallowed in unison.

Expressions of despair suddenly appeared on their faces.

Above their heads, an incredibly terrifying and enormous spiritual hand had appeared!

This hand could cover the sky!

When they saw this scene, they found that their bodies suddenly couldn't move.

All they could do was watch!


The gloomy middle-aged man felt despair for the first time.

Seeing the giant hand appear and in the next moment reach for them, he howled in despair.

But it was useless.

As the hand approached them, it suddenly grabbed.

Inside the palm, there was a thunderous boom.

The sound was like an exploding thunderclap.

The sound traveled for dozens of miles...

At Qingyuan Town.

In front of a courtyard gate.

Su Ling casually grabbed at the air, looking quite adorable.

After grabbing, she looked at Murong Gong and the other four, saying, "Alright, I've taken care of them all."

Upon hearing this.

Murong Gong and the others were dumbfounded.


They couldn't quite process it.

Little Ling, you just grabbed at the air, looking so cute, and you say you've already resolved everything?!

You must be joking with us!

But just then.

Su Ling spoke again.

"Oh, not quite, there are still more," Su Ling said, looking in two directions.

Then, she closed one eye, and with a serious expression, made two flicking motions towards those directions.

With each flick, she made a cute "chiu" sound.

As Su Ling made these gestures,

In a corner of the continent.

A red-robed middle-aged man had just finished reporting back, and complained, "Who knows where that guy went! What rotten luck!"

After speaking, he looked down at a city below, his eyes flashing with contempt.

As if looking at an anthill.

He was preparing to slaughter another city.

However, at that moment, the red-robed middle-aged man suddenly froze.

Then he quickly turned to look behind him.

What he saw made him wet himself.

Behind him, at some unknown point, a terrifying giant hand had appeared.

This hand was positioned to flick!


As the finger flicked, a thunderous sound erupted.

A massive finger suddenly approached the red-robed middle-aged man.

Terrified, with his pants dripping, in the next moment, he instantly turned into a mist of blood, dispersing in the air...

After making two "chiu" sounds, Su Ling looked back at Murong Gong and the other four, saying, "Alright, now it's really done."

Murong Gong and the other four: "..."

Little Ling, are you teasing us?

Your gestures might look cute.

But can they really kill people like that...

If Su Ling had disappeared for a moment and then returned to say such things, they might have believed her.

But Su Ling had just stood there and done this, making it hard for them to believe.

Or if Chen Ping'an were here and did something like this, they could believe it, but coming from Su Ling, they really couldn't.

However, just as Long Aotian and the others were full of doubt,

Long Aotian noticed his communication talisman suddenly vibrating.

He took it out and listened.

But listening made things worse, after hearing the message, he turned to stone.

No way!


White Gufeng and the others were in a similar state, their communication talismans also vibrating one after another.

As they listened, they ended up just like Long Aotian.

Completely dumbfounded.

The people sending the messages were those secretly observing those evil immortals from afar.

They said,

Just now, above those immortals' heads, out of nowhere, a sky-covering hand suddenly appeared!

As soon as that hand appeared, the entire world was plunged into darkness.

The hand grabbed downwards violently, and under it, those immortals in the sky instantly vanished without a trace!

Hearing this news, Long Aotian and the others were as if struck by lightning.

Su Ling, seeing their expressions, said, "Since I've taken care of it for you, you can go back now. There's no need to find my big brother anymore. Alright, I've got to go, I have things to do."

With that, Su Ling hopped up the steps and pushed open the door to enter the courtyard.

After this period of feasting,

Su Ling had already broken through to the Immortal Venerable realm...

Long Aotian and the others stared dumbly at Su Ling's small and cute retreating figure.

They swallowed hard.

What kind of being was this?!

Murong Gong, not knowing what had happened, could only ask Long Aotian and the others.

When he learned of what had just occurred from Long Aotian and the others,

He too turned into a stone statue.

After a long while, the five finally came back to their senses.

They took a deep breath to calm their shock.

"If Little Ling is already this terrifying! We truly can't imagine how terrifying the senior must be!"

"Indeed, they said that hand could cover the sky!"

The five found it hard to breathe.

But just then, Su Ling, who had entered the courtyard not long ago, suddenly came out again.

"Grandpas, I have something I need your help with, can you help me?"

Su Ling thought, since so many people were here,

She might as well have them help with planting.

This way, she could "cook the rice" even faster.

Hearing this, Long Aotian and the others looked at each other, then nodded in agreement.

In the Immortal Realm.

In a gloomy and terrifying valley,

An effeminate middle-aged man sat cross-legged in a pool of blood.

The blood pool reached up to his neck.

But just as this middle-aged man closed his eyes to cultivate,

The blood pool suddenly began to decrease at a visible speed.

Finally, the blood in the pool was completely gone.

The effeminate middle-aged man exhaled, and as he opened his eyes, a beam of light shot out from them.

"Immortal Venerable realm! Haha! I've finally broken through!!"

The effeminate middle-aged man was overjoyed, laughing continuously.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

But just then, an old man suddenly appeared and half-knelt on the ground.

His face was grim as he bowed his head and reported, "Reporting to the Blood Lord, the ten people sent to the mortal realm to collect blood suddenly perished! They died almost simultaneously!"

The effeminate middle-aged man was stunned for a moment.

Then he coldly snorted.

"There must be someone from the Immortal Realm in that mortal world! Take some Blood Generals down there and capture that person!"

Hearing this, the old man quickly nodded.

Blood Generals must be at least at the Immortal Origin realm.

He himself was a Blood General, and at the peak of the Immortal Origin realm at that!