
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · Eastern
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138 Chs

The Celestial Venerable Calls Me Old Brother

The group of people on the ground stared at the two figures in the sky, their breathing weakening.

Those who had always believed that the Peace Sect was a scam realized their mistake at this moment.

There really were immortal cultivators! 

They didn't need to think about it anymore, this level of celestial aura and bearing, no one would doubt they were immortals.

And these two immortals had now appeared at the Peace Sect.

Didn't this mean that the rumors spread yesterday were true?

Of course.

They had also considered that perhaps it was just a coincidence.

That some immortals had happened to pass by.

Unrelated to the rumors from yesterday.

But those who thought it was a coincidence were now waiting to see what the two celestials in the sky would do next.

Or rather,

To see if any immortal treasures would appear, as the rumors claimed, to help the Peace Sect out of this predicament. 

Huang Zhengqian looked at the crowded scene below, then at the grand formation ahead and the black flood dragon in the sky. "It seems this is the place."

Chen Yanming was now hanging his head, without a shred of arrogance remaining.

Like a little brother.

Huang Zhengqian looked seriously at Chen Yanming and said, "Alright, you know what to do later, right?"

Chen Yanming nodded with a wry smile.

Seeing Chen Yanming nod, Huang Zhengqian finally swept his gaze around. 

His eyes stopped on Bai Gufeng.

So this man was the sect master here?

He sensed that Bai Gufeng was the strongest here.


But after a quick glance, he realized something was amiss. 

His gaze rapidly fell on three people below.

These three were precisely Bai Xiaochun, Mu Rongxue, and the new disciple Mu Ronggong had just accepted, Chen Zhonghua.

Looking at the three of them, Huang Zhengqian's eyes flickered with intense light.

These three had awakened their physiques.

And they were exceptional physiques too!

To awaken physiques at such a young age, in the immortal realms, was an extremely rare genius that might only appear once every thousand or even ten thousand years!


These three had appeared in the mortal world. 

And moreover, in the same sect.

At this moment, Huang Zhengqian could confirm. 

The existence that the Celestial Emperor had mentioned must be here. 

His heart raced with excitement, for his destiny's turning point was now in his grasp. 

Whether it would bring fortune or disaster depended on his actions here.

Right as he felt excited,

Mu Ronggong blinked and appeared before him.

"Greetings to the two immortal venerables."

Mu Ronggong called out warily.

This was their sect, so as the sect master, he had to make an appearance.

He could only hope the immortal treasures would arrive soon, otherwise he had no confidence at all.

Huang Zhengqian was caught off guard when he saw it was Mu Ronggong who had stepped forward.

This Spirit Severing cultivator was the decision maker of this sect?

Chen Yanming transmitted his voice to Huang Zhengqian, "Big brother, this is the sect master of this sect."

After learning that Mu Ronggong was indeed in charge here, Huang Zhengqian's face broke into a smile, and he cupped his hands to Mu Ronggong in greeting. "No need for such courtesy, my fellow daoist. No need to call me an immortal venerable. My name is Huang Zhengqian. If you don't mind, I'm likely much older than you, so you can just call me Old Brother Huang."

Although Huang Zhengqian appeared youthful,

he was actually tens of thousands of years old already. 

A veritable ancient immortal monster.

Mu Ronggong had thought Chen Yanming had brought someone even more powerful to cause trouble.

Hearing Huang Zhengqian's words now, he was dumbstruck.

The distant Bai Gufeng, who didn't dare approach recklessly after sensing Huang Zhengqian's horrifying aura, also froze in place upon hearing those words.

As for the crowd below, after hearing this, the expressions on their faces became even more crazed. 

Some people even lost their footing and plopped down on the ground in a daze.


This...this immortal is telling a Spirit Severing cultivator to call him Old Brother?!

We didn't hear that wrong, did we?!

Everyone was shell-shocked, their minds reeling in disbelief.

Doubting if they were experiencing auditory and visual hallucinations.

Yet no matter how they looked at it, Huang Zhengqian in the sky still wore a smiling, amiable expression.

Mu Ronggong blinked his dazed eyes, finally coming to his senses.

At this point, he realized the whole situation. 

This immortal venerable must know about the Progenitor's existence, hence the respectful treatment!

Mu Ronggong found this scene very familiar.

Wasn't this just like Dragon Ao and the others, who had been asked to call the Progenitor "Old Pal"?

But he would never have imagined that even immortals would treat him so courteously one day.

He might burst into laughter in his sleep tonight. 

Bai Gufeng had also realized by now.

Chen Yanming didn't bring this person here for revenge, but to apologize!

He then saw Chen Yanming with a wry smile, head lowered like a child who had misbehaved.

This only further convinced him of his conjecture.

They must have found out about the Progenitor's existence!

Bai Gufeng blinked and flashed in front of Huang Zhengqian's trio.

Huang Zhengqian turned to Bai Gufeng again and asked, "May I have this fellow daoist's name?"

Since this person was also present, Huang Zhengqian had to be courteous.

If this person was also acquainted with that existence, this courtesy would be well worth it.

Bai Gufeng smiled, "I'm called Bai Gufeng, the hall master of the Jibao Hall in the mortal world. I was honored to have met that Progenitor." 

Bai Gufeng needed to establish a good relationship with this immortal venerable.

For businessmen like himself, not only money mattered.

Sometimes, connections were also crucial.

This was an immortal venerable!

If he could extend his network into the immortal realms,

Just imagine the limitless prospects once he ascended!

Upon hearing Bai Gufeng's identity, Huang Zhengqian maintained a polite smile. But after learning Bai Gufeng also knew that existence, he laughed heartily, "Hahaha, so it's Old Pal Bai, I've long admired you."

Hearing that "Old Pal Bai", Bai Gufeng almost leapt with joy.


An immortal venerable is being so courteous with me!

I can brag about this for years!

With a wide smile, Bai Gufeng asked, "May I have the honor of your full name, Old Immortal Sir?"

Huang Zhengqian smiled and introduced himself, "My surname is Huang, given name Zhengqian. I'm known as the Celestial Venerable Dugu in the immortal realms."

When Bai Gufeng heard the name, he didn't think much of it and merely memorized it. 

But upon hearing the title "Celestial Venerable Dugu", his heart skipped a beat.

His eyes doubled in size and his mouth fell open.

The Celestial Venerable Dugu!

One of the ten great celestial venerables of the immortal realms!

Heavens above!!

Bai Gufeng stared dumbly at Huang Zhengqian before him, his expression like someone who had just eaten a piece of chocolate only to accidentally learn it was actually horse dung.

Utterly horrifie

"So...it's Old Immortal Huang...long admired, long admired."

Bai Gufeng forced himself to remain composed.

Yet his first words still came out awkwardly.

Mu Ronggong wasn't very familiar with affairs of the immortal realms, only knowing that the strongest was the Celestial Emperor.

As for other celestial venerables and such, hearing the title now, he only felt it sounded formidable.

But seeing Bai Gufeng's sudden expression, he realized he had been too simplistic in his understanding of the title 'Celestial Venerable.'