
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · Eastern
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138 Chs

Taking You to Chop Firewood

 Everyone was shaken to the core by this formidable aura.

 Their blood surged turbulently.

 Some weaker cultivators' legs went soft, and they fell to their knees, trembling in fear.

 The celestial weapon finally felt that long-forgotten sensation, a slight thrill in its heart.

 It had no choice.

 In the courtyard, it could only cower in the corner, shivering.

 The torment was truly unbearable.

 Of course, it hadn't suffered any loss. In fact, it had gained a great deal.

 The injuries that would have taken seven or eight years to recover were now almost fully healed in just a few days.

 If word of this got out, no one would believe it.

 "You insignificant insects, do you have any idea how powerful I am? Such a trashy formation, even if there were ten thousand of them, I could destroy them all with a single stroke of my sword."

 The celestial weapon spoke in a deep, resounding voice.

 Its voice penetrated the hearts of the group, shaking their very souls.

 Long Aotian's face turned deathly pale.

 At this moment, he realized how foolish he had been.

 This celestial weapon was so powerful!

 They had spent a long time activating that Confining Celestial Formation.

 And now, with just one strike, this weapon had shattered the formation!

 It was far too strong!

 Feeling the immense pressure, beads of sweat formed on Long Aotian's forehead. At this moment, they could do nothing but await their fate.

 They could be certain that if this celestial weapon wanted to kill them, it would be effortless.


 In the next moment, the celestial weapon suddenly changed its tone: "I will not slay mere insects, and I'll even tell you this: the reason I descended to this mortal realm is to find a worthy master with whom I have a destiny." 

"One month from now, I will appear at the center of the continent. If there is one destined for me, I wouldn't mind helping them become the paramount figure in this mortal world. Even in the celestial realms, I could grant them a place of honor!"

 After confidently delivering its prepared speech, the celestial weapon couldn't be bothered to continue.

 It flew off in the opposite direction from Qingxuan Town, its speed like a bolt of lightning, reaching the horizon in an instant.

 As for Long Aotian and the others, they were still in a daze.

 They stared blankly in the direction the celestial weapon had flown off, which was precisely where the center of the continent lay.

 They had thought they were doomed, but now not only were they still alive, the celestial weapon had even shared this information with them. For a moment, they couldn't process what had happened.

 After a while.

 Once they could no longer sense the celestial weapon's aura, the group gradually came to their senses.

 Then, a clamor broke out, growing louder and louder.

 The sound echoed throughout the entire valley.

 "It was too powerful! I thought I was a goner!"

 "That aura was suffocating, my legs went weak, and I almost knelt down!"

 "I...I wet my pants..."

 The group lamented their harrowing experiences.

 Meanwhile, the elders like Long Aotian finally exhaled deeply.

 They had all thought they were doomed!

 After all, they had just tried to use that formation to subdue the celestial weapon and make it take a master.

 But not only did the weapon spare their lives, it even shared this incredible news, leaving them overjoyed.

 Of course, they still felt some regret.

 They never expected the formation to be so ineffective!

 No, it wasn't the formation's issue.

 That formation was truly powerful; they had expended so much spiritual energy just to barely activate it.

 Yet, despite all that, it had no effect on the celestial weapon whatsoever.

 This proved one thing.

 This celestial weapon was overwhelmingly, invincibly powerful!

 The group clamored for a long while before finally quieting down.

 Then they began to look at each other, and ultimately, they abandoned any thought of exploring Duan Mountain.

 In their eyes, the answer had been revealed.

 Now, all they cared about was who would gain the celestial weapon's recognition!

 "Let's go back and report this news to our sects! One month from now, our entire sect will head to the center of the continent!"

 "Exactly, if we're fortunate enough for this celestial weapon to choose us, our future prospects are boundless!"

 More and more people began to leave.

 In just a moment, only Long Aotian remained.

 The other Dacheng cultivators had all departed.

 Seeing no one else around, Long Aotian sat down on the ground, a deep sense of defeat enveloping him.

 He couldn't help but ponder his path forward.

 "The world is so vast, and I thought I was unmatched in the mortal realm, a source of pride. Now I see how laughable that was."

 Recalling how he was utterly helpless against the celestial weapon's mere aura, he realized that no matter how strong one became, an even mightier foe would still force them to kneel.

 He also noticed a small chip in the blade of the celestial weapon.

 This meant the weapon was likely not at its peak.

 Yet even in this state, it was still so overwhelmingly powerful.

 Long Aotian gazed in one direction.

 "It's been a few hundred years since I've been back home. I wonder if that little town is still there..."

 His eyes were full of world-weariness, as if he had aged greatly.

 He stood up and flew towards Qingxuan Town.

 Might as well go back and see.


 In Qingxuan Town, a courtyard's gate suddenly opened with a spatial rift. 

A golden longsword flew out and entered the courtyard. 

Upon entering, it noticed all the bigwigs in the courtyard staring at it. 

Having just regained its sense of existence, it could only cower and tremble once more. 

"G...Great Ones, I've accomplished the task. Those mortal cultivators shouldn't be coming anymore," the celestial weapon reported apprehensively. 

The Demon Slaying Knife spoke up: "You did a decent job, little trash. Your ability to handle matters is quite commendable. But one thing you need to watch out for: don't let the Master see your true form when entering or leaving the courtyard. Just disguise yourself as an ordinary weapon. Otherwise, your spiritual body may be obliterated." 

Upon hearing this, the celestial weapon shuddered violently. 

Spiritual obliteration?! 

That was tantamount to killing it! 

"G...Great One, I'll be...careful next time!" 

It was terrified. 

The Demon Slaying Knife said, "Mm, just remember that."

With that, the grand courtyard fell silent once more. 

Meanwhile, the celestial weapon remained cowering in the corner, trembling.

It pondered the Demon Slaying Knife's words. 

"Does this mean the Senior will obliterate me if he sees me using celestial power? No way. From now on, I must disguise myself as an ordinary weapon! This is too terrifying!" 

Not long after the celestial weapon returned, Chen Ping'an emerged, now dressed in plain clothes and holding a hemp rope. 

Cooking every day meant the firewood was running low, so he had to go chop some more. 

Chen Ping'an didn't call for Xiao Ling'er for this kind of menial labor. He'd let her watch the house while he went out for a bit. 

As soon as Chen Ping'an came out, the celestial weapon noticed that the aura of the Dao had vanished from him. 

Chen Ping'an walked over to the corner, intending to grab the axe he had bought from the town a few years ago. 

However, the axe had not been used in a long time. Not only was it rusted, but a small mushroom had even grown on the wooden handle... 

He was a bit speechless. 

Then he happened to notice the exceptionally sharp golden longsword. 

"This will work for chopping firewood." 

Picking up the golden longsword, Chen Ping'an headed toward the forest. 

At that moment. 

In the sky above Qingxuan Town. 

A figure suddenly appeared. 

It was none other than Long Aotian from before!

Gazing down at the small town, he smiled faintly.

It had been a few hundred years since he had been back home, yet Qingxuan Town was not only still there, but even more prosperous than before.

He remembered where his childhood home was located.

Just inside that forest over there.