
When did I become invincible?

Deep in Mud Flat Alley. Inside a neatly cleaned large courtyard. A handsome young man lay sleeping in a chair. Ding! At this moment, an electronic sound rang in his ears. Chen Ping'an stretched lazily and opened his sleepy eyes. The peach tree bathed in the bright courtyard came into view. "Five years have passed in the blink of an eye, and you've kept me company the longest." This peach tree was the one he planted himself when he came to this world.

zuntian · Eastern
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138 Chs

Didn't Expect the Master to Be an Old Hand

Chen Ping'an stared at the physician's proud expression and composed smile, taking a long time to process what he had said.

No way!

Old Master, have you misunderstood something?

Kidney tonic?

Do I look like someone suffering from kidney deficiency?

Chen Ping'an was speechless, his mouth twitching slightly.

Seeing Chen Ping'an's embarrassment at being seen through and his helpless expression, the physician walked over and pulled him closer.

"Nowadays, young people really don't understand how to nurture their health," he said as they walked. "They think they can overindulge just because they're young, not realizing that once they get older, all sorts of ailments will surface."

"Just the other day, I met a cultivator who was so deficient that his legs were weak, and his eyes couldn't focus properly. He kept stumbling and falling to his knees."

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an was dumbfounded.

You're not talking about Luo Shaojie or Murong Gong, are you?

"I never expected even cultivators to be like that. But after some treatment from me, in just a few days, heh heh, they could perform in the bedroom and the kitchen, if you know what I mean. As a man yourself, you must understand, Mr. Chen?"

At this point, Chen Ping'an's mouth twitched again.

Old Master, you look so honest and upright, but I didn't expect you to be such an old hand!

Chen Ping'an allowed himself to be seated in a chair, and since the physician was so earnest, he decided to let him take his pulse.


If he really was deficient, he would need to replenish himself.

The physician carefully took Chen Ping'an's pulse, then began to frown.

Chen Ping'an's heart sank.

Oh no!

Could he really be deficient?

"No, that's not right. Mr. Chen, you're in excellent health! Although not quite as good as me, you're far better than ordinary people," the physician said seriously.

Chen Ping'an: "..."

Old Master, I told you I'm not deficient, but you wouldn't believe me.

And what did you mean by that earlier remark?

That I'm not as good as you?

The physician, realizing he had misspoken earlier, gave an embarrassed laugh.

Seeing Chen Ping'an's questioning look, he knew what he was thinking.

"Ahem, Mr. Chen, don't doubt me. I really am stronger than you. Let me be honest with you - I've never been with a woman! My vital essence is intact, making me extremely vigorous!"

The physician said this with a smug smile.

Chen Ping'an: "..."

He was speechless again.

Old Master, are you seriously bragging about that??

Chen Ping'an coughed and decided to get to the point for his visit.

"Old Master, I came here to ask about one thing. Do many critically injured people come to your clinic seeking treatment?"

The physician's brow furrowed as he considered this.

What did he mean by that?

"To be honest with you, Mr. Chen, although I don't understand why you're asking, the people in our Qingxuan Town have been extremely healthy for years now. We even frequently see people over a hundred years old who can still work in the fields."

"As you can see, my clinic is quite quiet. It's fortunate that I have strong medical skills and can make a living gathering herbs."

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an blinked in confusion.

Did this mean there was no hope of finding critically injured people to save here?

And what was going on?

No one had gotten sick for years?

People over a hundred could still work in the fields?

That was incredible!

Even for cultivators, that would be considered extraordinary, let alone for ordinary people.

"Well then, if you ever encounter someone beyond saving, Old Master, you can come find me. I have some things that can save lives - after all, saving a life is more meritorious than building a seven-level monastery."

Chen Ping'an lied a little.

His main goal was to ensure the physician would seek him out immediately if such a situation arose.

The physician's eyes lit up. "What are these life-saving things you speak of, Mr. Chen?"

Chen Ping'an smiled wryly and shook his head. "Old Master, that's my secret, I can't say."

The physician sighed and nodded. "Very well, if I encounter someone I cannot save, I will seek you out, Mr. Chen."

Chen Ping'an smiled and nodded, then quickly took out some silver scraps from his pocket and tried to hand them to the physician.

The physician looked at the silver and said self-righteously, "Mr. Chen, are you treating me like an ordinary person? Forcing this on me is an insult!"

Chen Ping'an understood human nature well, and he had noticed the holes in the physician's clothing, indicating financial difficulties.

In fact, the sleeping apprentice was even smacking his lips, his stomach growling audibly, seeming to have not eaten a full meal in some time.

Chen Ping'an had intended the gift to ensure the physician would keep a closer eye out and let him know if anyone needed help. Hearing the physician's words, he felt a bit uncultured.

"You're right, I was uncouth. In that case, Old Master, I will just..."

However, before he could finish, the physician continued self-righteously, "I cannot take it from your hand, but you could place it on the table instead."

As he said the last part, a hint of slyness crept into his righteous expression.

Hearing this, Chen Ping'an was dumbfounded.

Old Master, you really are a...principled person!


Chen Ping'an left the clinic and headed towards the river.

It was now the hot afternoon hours, with the sun beating down directly overhead.

But thanks to his special clothing, Chen Ping'an did not feel hot at all.

In fact, his whole body felt refreshingly cool and comfortable.

He reached the riverbank.

The water was clear, with the bottom visible.

It did not appear polluted like rivers on Earth after industrialization, nor was it overgrown with invasive aquatic plants.

The river flowed gently, with only occasional ripples and currents.

A few children were playing and swimming in the shallows, bobbing on the surface like little fish, happily frolicking in the water.

Watching their joyful expressions and impressive swimming abilities, Chen Ping'an couldn't help but laugh self-mockingly.

The thought of attempting to rescue them if they drowned now seemed utterly absurd to him.

That would be like wishing misfortune upon the children!

Chen Ping'an exhaled and called out to them, "Kids, don't overexert yourselves. Be careful!"

The children noticed him and their faces bloomed with bright smiles as they called out, "Mr. Chen! Mr. Chen!"

Their smiles were as beautiful as the finest paintings.

Chen Ping'an smiled back, recognizing many of the children here.

He had made toys for some of them before, and others had attended his private school.

After cautioning them about safety, Chen Ping'an decided not to linger.

This mission would depend on the clinic after all.

He couldn't be so absurdly reckless.

As Chen Ping'an turned to leave, the group of children waved and smiled at him.

"Goodbye, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Ping'an smiled and headed back towards the town.

But at that moment, a young boy named Xiao Chi suddenly felt his foot go numb for an instant.

The feeling passed quickly, so he didn't think much of it.

As Chen Ping'an walked away, pondering if there were any other places he could save lives besides the clinic, the children's cries for help suddenly rang out behind him.

"Xiao Chi! Save Xiao Chi!"

Chen Ping'an was startled by their shouts.

He quickly ran back towards where they had been.

However, he had already walked over 200 meters away, and not being a cultivator himself, he would likely not make it in time even at top speed.

But he still ran with all his might.

Just as he was getting close, the cries for help abruptly stopped.

Chen Ping'an's heart sank.

The sudden silence suggested something terrible had occurred!

He finally reached the riverbank and frantically looked towards the group of children gathered on one side.


At that moment, an unassuming but kind-looking young man was holding a child in his arms.

"Big brother, thank you!" the child cried, looking at the young man.

He had nearly drowned, but this big brother had suddenly pulled him out of the water.

However, the other children's expressions were quite different.

Their eyes were sparkling with amazement.

"Big brother, are you an immortal?!" one child after another excitedly asked.

They had clearly witnessed the whole scene unfold. 

This big brother had flown down from the sky and into the water to rescue their friend.

The unassuming young man was none other than Chen Zhonghua.

He laughed, "Not quite an immortal yet."

But the children didn't believe him, gazing at the kind-faced youth as if he was a celebrity idol.

Chen Ping'an let out a relieved breath seeing that no one was hurt.

He also studied the unassuming young man, hearing the children call him an immortal. He must be a cultivator then.

The young man also sensed Chen Ping'an's gaze and looked over at him.

But the moment he saw Chen Ping'an, he was utterly dumbstruck.

As if struck by lightning.


In his eyes, Chen Ping'an appeared as magnificent as a divine being standing there.