
Chapter Eight

Maya stood in her room in front of the huge mirror staring at her reflection. The day has finally come. The day she has hoped to someday be the best for her has actually turned out to be her worst nightmare. She looked pretty alright especially because everyone including her mum kept telling her that and through her long veil, she could see tears in the corner of her mum's eyes which made her want to cry as well.

Maya was dressed in a long body fitted wedding dress. The lower part was almost like a fish tail and the veil was long especially the back side more than the front and it had a little embroidery at its tips. Her hair was picked into a long pony tail and the Jewelry she had in was only a beautiful golden stud earrings. The bunch of flowers in her hands were white.

" So... ready sis? " Anna asked her as she came and stood beside her. As she wanted she was her maid of honour then Betty and two of her friends were her bridesmaids. Anna was smiling but at the same time seemed teary. Maya took in a deep breath as she felt a sudden cold of fear wash over her as she turned to her sister and replied her "I'm ready".

" Maya" her dad called her from behind and he turned to him. He just stared at her with sympathy in his eyes. He looked sad and she just wanted to hug him and tell him that everything would be alright. "Marrying Logan Jack isn't the end of the world for me, I know that someday I will rise above this situation" she said to herself.

" Everyone... Could... Could you all please wait for me downstairs, pls give us a minute i want to talk with my dad" she told all of them in her room and within two minutes the room was left with only her dad and herself. She smiled to him even if her eyes were filled with tears ready to trickle down. Her dad smiled back as he came closer and took hold of her hand in his.

" I'm... I'm really sorry for doing this to you Maya, I... I don't want anything to happen to you.. I've thought about it and it's okay if you don't want to marry him, I will find another way to solve the company's problem."

"It's okay dad, the Logan Jack I know will make your life a living hell if we embarrass him and don't show up today and dad, that is what I cannot bear... I cannot bear seeing you suffer when I know there's something I can do. Don't worry about it, I'm a fighter and I will make sure I fight for our victory " she told him as she tried her best to give an assuring smile. He smiled back then drew her in for a warm hug.

" Its time to go sis!" Anna exclaimed as she suddenly opened the door and Maya and her dad finally stepped out of their little drama.


" No way Maya...he sent a Limo! " Betty exclaimed happily as they stood outside the house and stared at the Limousine that just drove into the compound and parked In front of them.

" Show off! " Maya mumbled to herself referring to Logan Jack. " He never forgets to spend his money and show that he is well off which probably makes him think he can buy people off " she continues to mumble to herself.

She dared him once to try and close down her small company and even after the talk they had in the car and then she went home, the next day she came to her workplace and it was locked down. She went to his office and he confirmed that he really did lock it down until she starts doing as he says, only then will he open it


" Am i really getting married today? am I really the one walking down the aisle? Is everyone really staring at me?" Her heart was beating faster as she approached Logan Jack even while her dad was standing beside her. As usual he was looking handsome in a royal blue suit, a white shirt and a black tie with black pair of shoes. The church was filled with prominent men and women, one wouldn't believe all that arrangement was made in three days. She could see her mum, sister and even her friends smiling at her.

" Everyone must think am the most luckiest woman in the world but, that's not so... In fact i'm the most unluckiest to be getting married to such a mean jerk" she thought in her mind.

As soon as they reached the altar she and her dad hugged for one last time as father and single daughter before he sadly handed her hand over to Logan. She could feel tears gather in her eyes as she watched her dad leave her side and went and stood beside her mum, her mum equally looked sad like her dad. This wasn't what she pictured for her wedding day she pictured her parents having the broadest smile in the whole world that at the end of the day, their cheek will hurt. It pained her so much to see the opposite of her dreams. Logan on the other hand still had on the same look.

" How does a person manage to keep the same expression every single day? Come what may... this is my wedding day and I have to at least smile even if I really don't want to," she said as they stood in front of the priest as he talked before saying the sermon, her mind wandered faraway. She kept thinking of what her life would be like after she says 'I do'. "Will I really later become happy or will i forever become unhappy? Will I eventually get over everything or would Logan one day miraculously win my heart? Are we ever going to live like husband and wife? ... nah I doubt it. I will just try my best and play my part in all these. If I really can't handle everything and Logan doesn't change, I might as well get a divorce. What is wrong with me? I've not even said 'I do' yet am already thinking and planning about a divorce, but seriously who wouldn't when you're marrying the devil himself that you might as well become a monster " she pondered about all these in her mind as the wedding procession was going on.