
Please Come Back for Me

My Man:[Sweetheart, I never heard from you the entire day! How did your day go? miss u."]

Fem replied:[ My Man, I'm going home tomorrow. Percy will come down to do the transactions with those scumbags. Shall I give him your number or give u his?]

Originally, she wanted to just go home and let her boss Percy do his own thing but the thought of helping Mark in pinning down the culprit struck her mind. Thus she decided to do some coordination. Maybe the problem will be solved and she will not be bothered by them when she comes back.

My Man:[ Tomorrow? Why didn't I know it's this soon?]

Mark was brushing his teeth while texting. He could not make an immediate call.

Fem:[ I plan to be at home by Christmas eve. I doubt there'll be public bus rides on Christmas day. See u till then. Merry Christmas my man!"

Mark didn't reply when he read her last text message. He hurriedly changed into a casual clothes, grabbed his keys then flung his apartment door closed. Within a span of fifteen minutes, an armored special service parked infront of the Wang's gate. He dialled his favorite set of numbers.

Within several minutes, Fem emerged from the gate peering with her loose pyjamas and bracing herself with a thin jacket. It was rather cool and breezy this season. Mark's lips curved as he got down to meet her. He just wanted to see her before she goes home.

"Get in quick!" He ordered her guiding her into the front passenger car.

"Are you not coming in? Why don't we go in instead?" She offered.

"No no, unless you want me to sleep over." Mark teased but with a tone of excitement.

Fem climbed into the car while Mark returned to his driver's seat.

"Fem, I missed you. Why didn't you message me during the day? " He touched her chin his eyes were searching for some reaction from her serious face.

"Do I need to say sorry for being busy all day? I fixed and organized my office for boss Percy in case he will have time to check my work when he comes. I'll be out for two weeks." Fem said thoughtfully.

"Two weeks." He nodded seeming to be thinking of something. Is he going to spill his encounter and request with Ysabel Law? How will her woman react if she will learn about the situation. Ysabel being his brother's woman and her being his. Would she not turn hysterical and withdraw from him. He was scared just thinking of it. He hopes that Ysabel will be able to convince her and at the same time, prays that Mr. Law will not go against Ysabel's decision. After all, she's already an adult.

"Fem sweetheart, when you go home, there maybe pressing circumstance that will distract your attention and might affect your decision regarding our relationship. I just wish I can go with you and stand up for our relationship but this is your family's matter. So I trust that your love for me is enough to make you stand on your decision for us. Can you assure me of this?" Mark was worried. He understands that the family's situation is a bit complicated. Knowing her woman, she is one who rather sacrifices her self for the sake of the common good. He loves this about her but this time, he cannot afford to see her sacrifice herself when her father could make a little bit of compromise.

"I hope your father remembers me well. Please help me say some good words about myself to remind him of my genuine intention to you sweetheart. You know I can't afford to lose you this time right, Fem?" Mark knitted his brows as if uncertain of her what he was seeing in her adorable face.

Fem looked at the man in front of her. The light outside the house illuminated his handsome face and she could see some glitters on his fore head. He was probably sweating.

"Mark, you worry too much! Are you worried I might change my mind about you? Why do you seem so nervous about my going home?"

Fem smiled curtly, feeling amused by his nervous look.

"Fem, how much do you love me?" He wanted to know his real score. This woman is so easy go lucky that it's almost difficult to tell the difference of how she treats her loved ones from her enemies.

"Mark, are you asking me that? Don't you trust me?" She whispered, her mellow voice sounded a bit hurt.

"Then can you promise me you'll come back for me Fem?" He held her hand.

"Why? Do I need to make a promise? Is there something bothering you that I don't know about?" Fem placed her other hand over his that was holding her other hand.

"Who knows, but I have a feeling. I really want to go with you but it's not the right time for me . So I'm asking, do you love me enough to fight for me?" He asked again.

She nodded and looked down on their hands piled together. She looked at his face which was seriously staring at her. "As long as this brain is working." She smiled.

"Fem, I'm not kidding! Please answer me sensibly!" He gripped her tiny hand which he was holding.

"You'll have to wait till I come back my man. It's not like I have the power to manipulate things for our own advantage. But I will bear in mind that my man is down here waiting. Is this enough to make you at peace?" She said shifting from her teasing smile to a more serious expression.

"My Fem, my woman! Come here! " He said but instead of pulling her into his embrace, she jumped from his seat and envaded hers. He held her by the waist and made her sit on his lap. He quickly pushed the car seat farher away from the front reclining it at the same time.

Fem was sitting on his lap facing the windshield while he hugged her from behind.

"Fem, my love. I'm thinking if we can get married immediately after you come back from home. I can't wait any longer, it's already too long a wait. I want to freely hold you as mine, not sneaking like this." He squeezed her soft body and buried his head over her neck. Her pleasant smell intoxicating him.

Fem felt her body heat up with the way he held her. She could feel his warm uneven breath from behind. Down where she is seated, she felt some hardness forming and it alarmed her. However they are feeling right now, they should not give-in. It's so shameful.

"Mark.. She patted his arm gently calling his attention.

"Hmmmm....?" He murmured not wanting to lift his head from the crook of her neck.

She knew he was just savoring their moment together. "Are you okay? Don't worry, we will have a lot of time doing this once everything is settled." She whispered to comfort him.

Mark didn't struggle to turn her to face him. In no time, she was sitted facing him. "Oh Fem, that's what I always wanted to hear from you. Prepare to marry me after you come back! "You'll be Mrs. Arevalo by Valentines Day!" He held both her shoulders lovingly eyeing at her lovely face.

"No, don't decide alone. If I am to be your bride, I should take part in the decision making. You cant dictate me like this Mark. I'm not saying yes to everything you say!"She frowned reminding him that he has become too ecstatic. Nevertheless, he was all ready whether it be by impulse or thorough decision. No much difference actually. He loves her and aches for her every second. That's the fact.

They kissed for a longer while before he reluctantly released her. Between kisses, he reminded her to come back for him and think about their future together. When he heard the door shut behind the gate, Mark started his car then turned back to the headquarters. His heart was full and the sweetness on his lips still lingered. He loves living like this! A thrilling job to do, a family for support, and a lovely woman to drive him insanely inlove! Talking about law of balance and proportion.

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