
Brother's Secret (2)

"What if you got her pregnant that one time deed? Did you consider that possibility?" I asked taking into consideration that she might have been pregnant.

"That's what I needed to know, but she disappeared. What else could I have done?" JP said then sighed.

" Did you tell her your real identity?" I asked.

"No, I disguised myself as an ordinary laborer everytime. When we first met, I told her I was also applying abroad as a machine operator but was not able to pass the qualifications. I told her I am working at an auto shop." JP's narration sounded funny. I didn't know he can make up a story like this. Crazy!

"Tsk! So why did you need to do lie to her like that? It could be that she deserted you because she knows she will not have a good life with you!" I laughed.

"JP, what were you thinking back then?You foolish brat!" Grandma asked seriously.

"I didn't want her to like me for money and power. I was thinking if she can accept my ordinary self, then she accept the whole me." JP focused her eyes on grandma.

"I feel you bro. So what should we do? Did we involve ourselves to Law sisters? What a fate! Can you do something about this Grandpa?" I turned to grandpa pleading for some piece of wisdom.

"That leaves them no reason to shrug us off if that Ysabel is indeed a Law. But it's embarrassing for brothers to marry sisters like them! Anyway, we can't go wrong if we talk to the Laws first and know if they have a daughter named Ysabel. Otherwise, you JP deal with your own mess. You brought this upon yourself." Grandpa said.

"I tried to find her in Central City. I sent someone to get information from different hospitals but the hospital she worked before said she resigned. I was thinking she might have gone abroad and pursued her dream." JP's face was downcast.

"In that case, I can send some men to find things out. We will know by next week hopefully. But JP, what will you do if that Ysabel is already married?" Grandpa asked.

"As if I'm going to snatch her away from her husband. I just need to see her and know how she is before I can move on. Otherwise, I can marry her instantly no matter where and when." JP voice have some sense of determination.

"Okay. Mark, what will you do if they are sisters? Obviously, you still need to make up with Fem first, don't you?" Grandpa turned to me.

"I will cross the bridge when it is right before me. For now, I don't want to jump into the river yet." I replied.

"You guys are bunch of troublemakers! I should be playing with my great grandchildren by now and not having headache dealing with these mess! " Grandpa complained.

"Just for once grandpa. We are just making sure your grandchildren have very good genes." JP gave a grin.

"Okay, we need to go and vote tomorrow early. I'm going to make some call now.You guys go out." Grandpa shooed us out as he held his phone on one hand.


After we voted in the precinct, I called Jeff, Mel and Dan for jamming. My brother also joined us. His batchmates have thier own families to tend to.

We went to play basketball at the city's athletic bowl the whole afternoon. At six o'clock in the evening, We drove each one of them at home. We just needed to take shower and dinner as we agreed to have a drinking spree at eight o'clock.

We decided to visit our hang out at L Road.This place is most memorable to me. I couldn't forget the first time I saw Fem here. She introduced herself as Dina while I introduced my self as Dan. I twitched a smile as we entered Shane's Place. It was rather spacious since most people have gone home to vote.

"Mark, how was that girl you picked here? Are you guys still together?" Jeff asked as we all sat down.

"Yeah, we will be soonest.".

"Where is she now? I thought you tied her already. Didn't I hear that you'll settle after her graduation?" Mel followed up.

"Relax guys, we will get into that. Im still in the process of choosing my best man among you." I laughed arrogantly knowing that these three are having a hard time keeping girlfriends too. Like we are all loveless in different levels for whatever reason.

"So she graduated already? Good for her! I never heard of a waitress like that!" Jeff tilted his head to look at the waitress who was waiting to take our orders.

"She actually finished Architecture as flying magna cum laude! You will indeed find it hard to believe that! But she did. She's an Architect at her age. She's just turned 20 you know?" I beamed with pride.

"Miss, just give us a round of beer for now." JP said as she noticed the waitress standing at the side in between him and Jeff.

I turned my head to the counter to check the person behind there. I saw the same face more than two years ago. I stood and strode towards her.

"Good evening madam! How's business going so far?" I greeted her with a smile. There were no much people so I was a bit free to talk with causing disturbance.

"Hi boss! Have I seen you before? Was it here or some other place?" She raised her eyebrows.

"If you remember your waitress before named Fem, you will remember me." I laughed a bit silently.

"Fem, Fem, Fem. When was that? I had many waitresses. I couldn't recall everyone of them because they didn't stay long." She said.

"Well, it was already two years ago. She was here for summer job. She left for school from here. She has graduated already so I'm here to celebrate for her." I grinned.

"Ah, yeah yeah, I remember her now! She was recommended by my friend from the other side. That girl should really be going to school. Good for her. Congratulations!" the lady said.

"Yeah, thank you. I found her here. So I'm very thankful for this place. I always come here if I find time to reminisce how I met her. Ha ha!" I chatted lightly with this lady.

"You were scary then. I remember you tried to flip the table twice when you did not see her. One time, I was scared for her that I didn't want her to serve you. I saw her terrified by your voice." She said.

I laughed again. " What a way to catch a beauty! But it worked though." I said.

"So are you guys married now?" She asked.

"Nahhh, not yet. I have to clear first all my romantic rivals before I can marry her." I said laughing.

"Hahaha! She definitely has so many admirers. She's worth the fight, sir! " The lady said that I nodded in agreement.

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