

"Eh, password?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side.

What password?

Is she asking for our Wi-Fi's password?

"ILoveYou." I answered absentmindedly.

I didn't think too much about it. After all, I'm already used to my younger sister's antics.

Meimei, my younger sister, would always change our Wi-Fi's password every other day.

I even have to hack into our own Wi-Fi to get access into it!

Just imagine the hassle I would have to go through every other day!


Pitiful me!

After lamenting over my misfortune, I turned to Xiao Xin to see her standing there in a daze.

"Xiao Xin?" I called out softly.

She would get angry at me for calling her that, right?

"Hmm?" was her absentminded reply.

Ahm... What happened?

Did I do or say something wrong earlier?

I only told her our Wi-Fi password right...?

Wait, what?!

I could feel my heart beating faster and harder against my chest.

Just what did I do?!

Seeing the blank look on her face, I racked my brain for excuses.

"Xin, let me explain." I grabbed her hand as I forced her to look at me. "You should know Meimei's unusual hobby, right? She would change the Wi-Fi's password when she felt like it. And this time, the password she chose was 'ILoveYou'. I'm a bit out of it today so I just blurted it out like that. You will not avoid me just because of that, right? Right, Xin?"

I stared at Xiao Xin nervously after explaining everything until my mouth ran dry.

I didn't dare think for the worse thing that might happen to our friendship.

She was the only friend that I have in our neighborhood. I could not even bear the thought of losing someone like her.


Xiao Xin freed her hand from my grip, turning her back towards me. I could not see the expression on her face.

'Damn! I really messed up big this time!'

Just as I was dreading for the worse, Xiao Xin turned her head and flashed a cheeky grin at me.

"I love you, okay. So what? I'm asking for the password of your WebNovel account. I'm going to add my new novel in your library."

Xiao Xin then grabbed her phone off the desk she was using earlier on before she tossed it to me. "Here. Use my phone to login."

I almost leapt out of my seat to catch her phone!

Good grief! She threw it almost out of my reach!

This girl really never ceases to make my heart skip a beat.

Turning on her phone, I entered her password '1113'. That nostalgic picture of when we were still young flashed through the screen.

Don't ask me how and why I know her password, okay?

Let me just say that I know her more than she knew herself.

I clicked that all too familiar WebNovel logo icon and waited for the login interface.

Email: ***********@gmail.com

Password: ***********

'Log-in Successfully!'

"Done!" I tossed Xiao Xin's phone on my bed. I did not even bother to look at the notifications and rewards.

"Yay! Thankie~" Xiao Xin giggled before jumping on my bed which I might say was extremely soft and fluffy.

Looking at her cheerfully playing with her phone, I could not help but feel that I've been worried for nothing!

Then I remembered...

Yes, I forgot that she only thinks of me as her best friend, as her older brother.

Xiao Xin rolled over the sheets, muttering words that I could not understand under her breath.

What's it again this time?

Collecting my thoughts, I went over to look at what she had been doing.

[ I really really really like this story! Hope the author will update more chapters! ]

[ I love this story! 😍 Thank you for the update, Author-sama! ]

[ I want mawr! Mawr! Mawr! ]

"..." I was speechless.

She was using my account to write reviews for her novels!

But seeing her happy, I did not have the heart to tell her off.

Well, what can I do?

I'm in love with this shameless author!