
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

Bobbayee · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 25: Quick Progress.

After going through two more raids that is a lot easier than the raids we have done so far... And of course, destroying the Tombs of Demon Lord... Belian finally reaches her second Race... Demon Queen...

I have told her about my hidden quest and the reward of my quest... And her reaction is different than what I was expecting. I was expecting something like 'That is unfair! I spend months to get to this level! And you just beat him and then immediately get to level two hundred?! Not to mention, immediately turn as well?! Where's the justice in this world?!'

But no... Her reaction is something like 'Oh! That's a very good news! Congratulation! Now we can stand side by side at the top of the rank and doesn't have to worry about leveling too much! We can now have pure fun just roaming around the world!'

"Eh? You're not mad at me? Who spend less than two weeks... To catch up to you?"

"No? I mean, why would I? It's not like I spend all of my time playing NWO. NWO is a fairly brand new game. And I spend a month playing seriously, but not too seriously because I don't have enough knowledge.

Then I spend two months focusing on my final. Even if I did play, all I did is farm Demon Blood to make our armor. And not to mention, min maxing this armor to perfection takes a lot of time... I don't really have that much time to leveling.

Also, I help you farm a lot. So, I know how fast your leveling should be. So, I'm not that mad."

Hearing her saying that, is really reassuring. She doesn't seem to be jealous of my new found record... But other people might though... People like Insaneman is going to appear more and more...

Anyway, with Belian now being the Demon Queen, and I am Dark Dragonman... The title of the top two are going to be for us and us alone.

I also want to hatch the Dragon Egg I have. But that can be done at a later time. We have no need of Dragon pet for now. The event in front of us is focused on PVP.

We are allowed to use whatever we have on us. But a pet dragon will be useful in PVE event later on. Because I'm pretty sure there's still world boss that's going to come out.

"Now that we're like this... What should we do? Belian?"

"Hmmm~ I think we should take another break, to be honest. Judging from the pace of other people leveling... We are able to take a very long break until they actually get close to us."

"The max level is five hundred right?"

"Yup! It's Five Hundred. Why is that?"

"I'm just wondering... At Two Fifty... We can change our Profession, no?"

Profession is a very important stuff in NWO. And it can be unlocked at level Two Fifty. Which is... Weird... I feel like it's too long to unlock one of the most important thing to the amount of power a player can have.

Race Change is unlocked at level a hundred. Which gives a player the first power gain. Then second change at two hundred. There's two race change before we can change our profession.

If I were to guess why the system is like that... It's to give people enough time to try out all the different stuff and style of play. That fits both their play style and race skill.

If the Profession is simple, then I would probably take Martial Artist. Or a Profession that focus more on support...

"What would you take as your profession, Belian?"

"Hmm... Maybe Flame Emperor? What's yours?"

"Martial Artist... Maybe..."

She just nodded like 'I see... That's your problem huh...' She started typing in game and then a message from her appear... It's a link to 'Profession in NWO' It was written officially by the Devs. But there's no sign of their team name or the company name on the articles. But I don't really give a damn.

I started reading it.

Profession is a way to player to get a boost in their power. Especially the way they fight. Profession offers even better scaling for their status just like Race Change. The way the player fight is what's the profession are going to be given to then. For example, A magic user will specifically get a magic profession. And if there's an even specific magic that they used, they will be given an even specific magic profession.

Same goes to physical user. Whatever they are, Tank, Support... All of them will have a specific profession.

Here is the list of the Profession for each category...

For Magic User, there's Magic Emperor, Ice Emperor, Water Emperor, Wind Emperor, Flame Emperor...

The list goes on... And I moved on toward the Support Category and the Physical Category. I ignore the Tank Category because I don't think I will get the benefit from my style.

The one thing that's caught my eyes is definitely something from the Support Category. But after reading and reading... I didn't see anything that particularly hybrid of Tank, Support and Damage dealer like me. So, I can't say for sure what I'm going to get...

"So, you know what's the Profession you're going to get?"

"Nope... Unfortunately no... But it does makes me very excited to reach level two fifty..."

Although I'm excited, I felt a bit burned out already. Because, there's nothing to do other than raid and shit... And continuing to do raid is boring... Even after three raid I'm already bored...

So... I will be focusing more on my real life situation before jumping back into NWO...

"Alright then... Shall we log out?"

"We shall..."

The two of us logged out of the game due to the complete boredom. It's not like we're out of content. But the content that's waiting for us is just more raid.

We can do Arena, but due to the event in the future, people are preparing themselves...

Until then, I won't be finding much enjoyment other than the daily gacha...

I leave my room and meet up with Alya... The two of us are fully dressed and decided...

"Let's cook some food."

It's midnight and it's cold... And I want to have another room date with her...