
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

Bobbayee · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 23: Darkness Dragon.

We enter the raid boss area hand to hand. We don't want to be separated in case of some teleportation bullshit mess with us. Hence, we hold hands and advance together. It's a very good precaution to have because who knows what will happen. It's Erupta.

I'm even more surprised to see that there's nothing happening when we go deeper to the rabbit hole... It's... Weird, but at the same time, very good for our mental health. We don't need to worry about unnecessary trap that we can't dodge even with Trap Detection.

And eventually, we meet the boss of the Erupta Raid...

"Is that the boss?"

Belian is confused when she saw the boss... Meanwhile, I just nodded... It's definitely a raid boss alright...

It was a humanoid Dragon... A purple dragon to boot as well.

'Darkness Dragon.'

That's what the boss was... And it turns around and that dragon eyes give a death feeling to us both... Even if I'm also a Dragonoid, I can't hold the fear. It's clear why. The difference in level is too big...

Level Seven Fifty... The same level as the Shade of the Demon Queen...

The Darkness Dragon claps it hands and stare at the two of us in wonder... It's amazing how an AI can have that much realness in them.

"Congratulations for getting through the Ancient Black Dragon, Basilisk and Medusa. I commend you for that."

Belian take her stance. But I put my arm up to stop her.

"Are you the boss of Erupta raid?"

"Indeed, I'm the Boss of the Erupta Raid. The strongest of all Dragons. Darkness Dragon. Nice to meet you, Player Exu, Player Belian."

"Why aren't you attacking me?"

It's weird that a raid boss is like this. But, I really want to extract information... Because, there ain't no way we are winning against Darkness Dragon on our first go. Ain't no way. Even if we burst him off right now, our chance of winning is Zero...

Unlike the Shade of the Demon Queen, Darkness Dragon can actually talk. And it seems like it is the smartest AI that the game have to offer currently... I don't know if that's true though, I just want to think that. So that I feel special a bit.

"Because I want to fight you, Player Exu. One on one. It doesn't matter if you win. Because at the end, the raid will be completed."

"Huh? Why is that? Why just me? I'm here with a partner."

"Because we are Dragons. Is that enough reason for you, Player Exu?"

Shit... He raises a good point. But once again...

"How are you this smart?"

"Alright, I'll give you the answer... How are we this smart is pretty simple. You think of NWO as a game. But as the one who were created for NWO purpose... This is life. You understand that?"

Pretty much. I understand what this NPC is saying. It's weird, once again. But makes a lot of sense... And for the Devs to make an NPC with that thought process. Is very interesting... I want to meet them once to see what their view in the world...

"Alright then. From one martial artist to another. Please take care of me."

"Good. You understood your assignment. Try to analyze my movement and absorb it."

I take my stance and the Darkness Dragon take his stance. Belian jump back and sit down to watch the fight.

"Good luck. Exu."

"Thank you. I will try my hardest to win this one on one."

It's going to be hard for my brain to handle. But I couldn't care less... If I lose to an NPC like this. It will leaves a bad taste in my mouth...

So, I went on full focus mode from the get go. The Darkness Dragon taunt me to go first. So, I immediately strengthened my leg and immediately kick the air...

"Dragon Stomp!"

I use Dragon Stomp to the air... And a wind dragon shoots out and head straight toward the Darkness Dragon... But the Darkness Dragon didn't even fazed by my Dragon Stomp. Instead, it just lightly push my Dragon stomp up toward the sky.

"Courageous Stream."

It's... Definitely a delicate technique... I can see the flow of his power. And it was very light and gentle... It's not a counter technique. It's more of a redirecting technique... Redirecting your opponent flow of power by lightly disrupting theirs using your flow of power...

Very interesting... I understand the concept... And I think I can give it a try.

I spread my palms and goes on the defensive... I would like to be on the offensive because I'm the one at disadvantage. But I won't be able to use Courageous Stream if that's the case.

"Hoo? You adopted a similar type of stance. Interesting... Alright then, let me go on the offensive now."

The Darkness Dragon dashed at me. His claws came out and he immediately swing it down toward my chest. There's no way that I will dodge this attack. Because his position is very calculated. The flow of power also shows me that his body is very balanced. So even if I try to move away, he will be able to follow me and hit me...

"Courageous Stream."

I quickly moves my hand toward the claws of the Darkness Dragon. And then just move the flow of power away from my body, to the side. Dodging my head. I do that with both hands. And I just stand there without moving. And both claws hit the air beside my head, and it goes away from my shoulder...

'You have gained the Skill 'Courageous Stream'.'

Alright, I managed to master it in one go...

"Good, here's another one... "

Suddenly, the Darkness dragon immediately started shredding me. I managed to use Courageous Stream continuously. But then... A massive scratch came out of nowhere... I didn't see the flow of power, I didn't see his claws physically reach me. It was really coming out of nowhere...

I jumped back and he goes forward. Pressing me further.

"That is the last one I will teach you. Phantom Moment."

"I see... You won't be teaching me any offensive move. But, you will teach me Redirection and Counter move set huh."

"Indeed. From one dragon to another. It's not my job to give you what I think is the proper attack. And it's not your job to do it to me either. But, Redirection and Counter is not something that is common even among Dragon. I just want to tease you about this. But, you already mastered it. Impressive."

'Hidden Quest. Defeat the Darkness Dragon using your own Style. If you manage to defeat him, you are guaranteed to hit level two hundred and your race will change to Darkness Dragonman. Including all the skills that the Darkness Dragonman have.

If you fail this quest, you won't be able to got this chance ever again.'

Seeing that... I change my stance completely... I stare the Darkness Dragon down.

If the reward is this high... I can't afford to play around...

A seventy level increase immediately, is good. Belian will be mad at me because of the unfairness. But, If I let this chance go, she would be even more mad...

"Your look has changed... Alright... Let's go all out now."

Courageous Stream and Phantom Moment... I understand the logic behind these two... But I have yet to try the Phantom Moment...

I hope I don't mess up in the middle of the fight.

Sorry for the short break. I'm a bit sick lately and finally started to feel better. But who knows if my sickness will come back. I hope not. As long as I feel great, I'll deliver some chapter and try to catch up with the story.

Bobbayeecreators' thoughts