
When a Game got Real

New World Order, A VR MMORPG with a Gacha aspect. Matthias 'Exu' is a Gacha fanatic. When he heard about the game, he was interested in playing it. So he did play it. After completing a certain quest in the late game stage... He figures out the reason on why the Game was created. After that day, the life of he and his family and friends. Changes. It's, When a Game got Real...

Bobbayee · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 11: The End of the Raid.

The end of the raid is right in front of us... And I immediately take the first step to end the raid right now and right here...

I flickered straight on top of the Boss's head... With the Demon Blood Armor, My Critical Damage increased. And because the boss is stunned, I'm guaranteed to hit it on the weak spot...

The last attack that I will be giving to the raid boss is the strongest technique I have... The Star Extinction. It's just comes off cooldown. It's the perfect timing...

"Star Extinction!"

The beam of Star Extinction befall the boss... And it started shredding like no tomorrow... The damage I'm dishing out is super big... The boss health is going down like no tomorrow...

As the boss health is going down to its last tick... My Mana ran out... And I can't use anything to retreat... The stun is lasting for another second. But running out of Mana is bad... Because I can't use any speed buff.

"Oh crap, Oh crap!"

Of course, I panicked really bad... I turn around really fast and just started running... As I thought that my life is over when the Stun is gone...

"Good job! I replenished some of my mana to deal the last damage! Exu!"

Belian throw a massive fireball to end the raid. And the fireball burns the boss in agony... The two of us are very tired due to the focus... But, our face melts down when we see the boss turns into particles. Followed by the system message.

'Congratulation, you have finished the 'Black Iron Mountain Raid'.'

'You have leveled up!'

And I shower with the glory of the rewards and level up. Both Belian and I fall down to the ground. On our back to be exact...

"Are you okay, Exu?"

"Yeah... I barely hanging onto my brain... I want to check the reward and the level... But due to the focus... I want to rest up..."

"Same... Let's go back to the city first..."

We go back to the city using a teleportation stone... We go to the inn and immediately logged out...

"Fuhaaah~ That fight is incredible... I had so much fun. Although I'm tired from giving it my all..."

I open the capsule and leave the capsule... I sit down on the bed for a bit because my head hurts a lot... Calming down really help the pain to fade... So, I take a couple of deep breath and continue to calm myself down...

And then, as I'm calming myself down in the middle of the night... Alya comes into my room looking tired as well...

She didn't say anything. She just jumped toward the bed and lay there.

"Hoaaaam~ I'm tired Matt~ Help me out~"

"... Umm... What do you want me to do?"

I lay down next to her. But I keep my back toward her because I don't want to see her face when we're both laying down. It's a bit bad for my heart...

"Hmmm~ Let me hug you?"

"Then, please do so..."

She hug me without hesitation after I give her my consent. She honestly doesn't need my consent at all. Because I'm her lover after all.



"Can we sleep together tonight?"

"... I mean... If you want us to sleep together, I won't reject it..."

"Then, let's do it~ I honestly miss you a lot, you know?"

Hearing that tone and sentence... I turn around and stare at her face... Her face is smiling sweetly... And seeing that, my face mellowed out. And my cheeks started to reddened...

"Hmmm~ You're cute, you know?"

I put my face down on my pillow and hug her in an awkward position...

"Alright then, let's sleep.."

She hug me deep... She pulls me to her chest and her sweet scent goes through my nostrils...

Aaaah~ How I miss this smell and feeling... Her warmth is something I needed in my life...

"Hey hey, Alya..."

"Yes Matt?"

"I love you so much."

I said that to her face with slight embarrassment... She was taken aback by my sudden affection words... But of course, she just smiled sweetly and hug me tighter.

"I love you too~"

She squeezes me hard and that really makes me calm down... I never thought that I need this in my life... An After Raid Sleepover... It's not that bad...

And I fell asleep in her embrace...

Not too long after sleeping... Morning came... By I mean Morning it's Ten AM... We sleep at Two AM last night, so we have gotten the proper amount of sleep...

I wake up still in Alya's embrace... She has yet to wake up... That's what I thought... The moment I try to move, she wakes up and immediately greeted me.

"Good Morning, Matt..."

"Good Morning, Alya."

She hugs me deep again and then kiss my forehead... Being kissed on my forehead like that really puts me in a predicament. Guys already have a problem in the morning... Now you kiss me, that problem will rises and becomes even worse...

But fortunately, Alya has gotten used to this because in the past, Me, Ran and her used to sleep together. Anyway though, She let me go and immediately went to the bathroom...

I really need to go to one. So I went downstairs and use another bathroom... After that, I meet back up with Alya in the dining room... It seems like Ran is going to the hospital with her friends... So, it's just me and her in the house right now...

No breakfast yet...

"Alright... I guess it's my turn to cook."

Since Alya cooked lunch for me yesterday, I will be cooking breakfast today... I open the fridge and there's a lot of ingredients laid out ready to be used...

Me and Ran is not poor. Because I make quite a lot of money from playing games... The reason why I'm not a Pay to Win Person is because I have a lot of responsibility to bear. I pay for the house, I pay for my school, I pay for Ran's school, I send money back home when my parents need it, and of course, I spend money for stuff like necessary stuff as well...

I cook and of course, Alya comes out and watch me cook. I enjoy being watched by her because I feel like I have all of her attention. So I try to get all fancy... But at the end of the day, we ate breakfast and once again... Go back to NWO.