
Wheel of chaos

World has been changed ever since a wheel had appeared in the sky .As the first time wheel rotates human gain mana while weapons became useless and animals became beasts , plant was the first to adapt to mana and evolve into plants that produce mana fruit or absorb nearby beasts as nourishment to produce mana fruit.The second time it opens portal into other worlds and many species such as Demi human,dwarves,elfs,and monsters into earth.The third time wheel rotates to produce dungeon inside earth or outside gate From another planet. The novel starts from 3250 which is after 1200 years where human adapted to changes and evolve after wheel of chaos had appeared meanwhile reasearch had predicted that next time Wheel of Chaos rotates in 18 years and it was confirmed by Demi human, dwarves, elfs that it will be arrival of vampire and demons The elf dwarves Demi human ran away from their own planet to earth because of vampire and demons so races United in protecting the planet but they realised it was too late since many spies and forces came into earth via gates .Our protagonist is a young boy who saw his own father dies in the hands of a vampire . Desiring revenge he wants to get stronger by joining the academy where human and other races train for the upcoming war in 18 years but they have no idea that vampire and demons are the last enemies are someone even stronger are waiting behind them NOTE: MC is a kid in novel so don't expect the kid to be powerful and smart from the start

Gamer_Reader · Fantasy
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27 Chs


The next day Karan woke up early at 5:00 AM and moved towards the basement of his house and his mother was waiting for him.

His mother told him to take a bath and return quickly,

After the bath his mother brought him Mana food as breakfast.

Kamala told him to eat and start chakra construction,

Nodding to his mother,he begam to eat and started chakra construction.


Under the basement of a house in human city -21,

Karan completed his chakra construction.

His mother said "Relax for an hour and we will begin

your training of Elemental power and skill application"

After relaxing for a while, Karan entered the training room which had a area of 2000 square feet.

After walking into the training room his mother who was waiting for him said "Let's begin, Come at me with everything you got"

Karan agreed and took a fighting stance,The robotic voice said

"3 ,2 , 1 START "

Karan used his skill to its full power create the domain , but it didn't even last for a single second

his mother breakfree from the domain power.

Then a notification appeared in front of him

[[SKILL : DOMAIN OF THE GUARDIAN BEAST was broken my the target]]

His mother said " Did you see the notification?"

Karan replied saw and asked " How did you do that mom?"

His mother said " It's called Mana Body "

" It helps you strengthen and enhance your body and resist physical attacks . I will teach you when you reach E in mana your attribute "

"Now that your domain is broken come at me with your elemental power and Combat arts"

Karan used his Energy fist art first form

([Energy fist art First form : Air fissure fist

A fist that uses the air and Increases the velocity of the air and launch a strong punch . This punch can reach upto 2 metres from the fist used .

At perfect rank it can reach upto 32 metres.])

The punch which came at Full force was stopped by Kamala 1 hand .

"The punch is good but next time use the same punch with Elemental power by increasing creasing the the gravity on your hand", said his mother.

Karan nodded and tried to use the Air fissure fist like his mother said, Moment the gravity of his fist increased his lost the Air fissure fist and gravity made his body move forward and he fell

Karan looked at his mother, Kamala understood that look and said" It takes 2-3 week to master "

The training continued for an entire day and he left the training room 2 hours before dinner.

Karan asked his mother, " Mom Anyone can create a Mana Body can break my domain right ?"

Kamala who understood what her son was thinking and said "Yes and it is a good thing for you"

Karan who did not understand the meaning of good for Skill being broken asked his mom "HOW?"

Kamala smiled and said "we will talk about it during dinner".