
Okay, Calm Down.

11:47 PM


nothing. not even a text back. did I do this? no, I couldn't have. could I? was this all my fault. everyone seems to be acting the same way. the same way you used to. the way in which I never liked because it always reflected bad on me. it makes me uneasy, thinking about what everyone else thinks about me. I'm not the most self-confident person out there. I'm kind of always kept up inside my own little world of trying to find that one special person. everyone else is me. I don't own myself like everyone else owns their-selves. everyone else owns me so, when the people around me start acting all as the same person who I don't fancy, I become that person. it's the worst guy feeling you can get. its that stomach turning feeling of when you get called to the office and your mother is sitting in the conference room, looking very unpleased. not much else sticks in my mind when I start thinking about these kinds of things. my only other thought is of why- or even how, you haven't texted me back in a while. I've left unread texts and unanswered voicemail after voicemail for you and you haven't responded. I'm scared worried. I hope you haven't given up on me that easily or even that soon.